As a Chinese person who loves the CPC–every fucking time I go onto baidu forums my feed gets clogged with a few interesting articles and all of this wonky shit.

Apparently if you express any opinions remotely pro-west, you get called a “bootlicker”, and of course there’s the classic “kneeling so long you no longer know how to stand” and that kind of super cringy shit. in addition, they seem to want Xi replaced with Chinese Hitler, as they genuinely think Chinese are the masterrace. There’s constantly shit about how black people are inferior, and one article even suggested a “final solution” for “dealing with the black problem”. They also seem to want the blood of white people & japanese, including several overenthusiastic posters who wanted to murder japanese women and children and feed their dead bodies to dogs.

Uh yeah totally sane just normal-ass patriotism, nothing to see here.

On the other end of the spectrum you have these guys who always criticize the government for no fucking reason. CCTV praises beauty of fields? They don’t understand the pain of the farmers. CCTV praise hard work? They don’t understand the pain of the workers. They seem to hold the belief that all government officials are evil and corrupt, city management exists to brutalize old people. They probably hold a higher view of the Gestapo than their own police. The source they’re probably getting this shit from? A TV show.

Yes, a fucking TV show. And not just any TV show but Kuang Biao, the Chinese Breaking Bad (in terms of cultural status, it’s not about meth). Yes, these people watch this show and apply it to reality. It’s kind of sad.

rant over.

    1 year ago

    Yeah a lot of shitty people popped out of no where in recent years, conspiracy theory, someone is funding right wingers in China to troll post online.

    1 year ago

    Can you post links to these posts? I’ve never seen anything like this and I want to learn more

  • Alunya𝕏ers (she/her)
    1 year ago

    disappointing. i expected things to be better under socialism. won’t understand the hateboner people around the world have for black people. i guess galaxy-brained people to this day still believe the darker your skin is, the viler you are.

    though what’s wrong with pro-western people getting pushbacks? is there anything from the western world even worth praising about?

    and lastly, reich-wingers and libs should see this post since they believe chinese social media is le authoritarian redfash 1984 orwell where you can’t say shit; despite usonian-esque posts being prevalent and going unpunished in chinese platforms.

      1 year ago

      and lastly, reich-wingers and libs should see this post since they believe chinese social media is le authoritarian redfash 1984 orwell where you can’t say shit; despite usonian-esque posts being prevalent and going unpunished in chinese platforms.

      Yeah this part will spin the heads of libcons as Chinese social media is all over the place lol.

      Places like Weibo and Zhihu (Twitter and Quora equivalents) are filled with pro-western liberals who won’t hesitate to lick Japanese and Western boots. You don’t even have to say anything pro-Russian, just being anti-NATO and anti-US will cause these bots/trolls to call you a “yellow skinned Russian” or even a “pinko commie”. There are also fascist (many calling themselves German enthusiasts) admirers spreading western propaganda about Azov and raising funds to support them.

      There are also typical Reddit types whose reactions to any global or regional dispute with “nuke them already”. Even on the topic of Cuba/DPRK/USSR, you’d expect it to be 100% “1984 redfash support redfash” but again there’s plenty spreading the Western or nationalist versions of things lol.

      One of the funniest comments I’ve seen was “a certain subset of Chinese love/worship the United States more than the Americans themselves” lol.

      • Alunya𝕏ers (she/her)
        1 year ago

        Places like Weibo and Zhihu (Twitter and Quora equivalents) are filled with pro-western liberals who won’t hesitate to lick Japanese and Western boots. You don’t even have to say anything pro-Russian, just being anti-NATO and anti-US will cause these bots/trolls to call you a “yellow skinned Russian” or even a “pinko commie”. There are also fascist (many calling themselves German enthusiasts) admirers spreading western propaganda about Azov and raising funds to support them.

        To me this feels like the CIA has already infected the Chinese Webspace.

        Also, what’s a “Pinko Commie”?

        One of the funniest comments I’ve seen was “a certain subset of Chinese love/worship the United States more than the Americans themselves” lol.

        Goddamn. Wish the CPC would trade them for Pro-PRC peoples.

          1 year ago

          To me this feels like the CIA has already infected the Chinese Webspace.

          Also, what’s a “Pinko Commie”?

          Completely infested, the web and social media is a shitshow including the domestic version of Tiktok which has a healthy amount of pro-US content lol.

          Pinko is an old American term to label those who are sympathetic to ‘lefty’ ideals, so these users calling others ‘little pinks’ (literal translation, but meaning is essentially ‘commie’) pretty much tells us that they’re anti-CPC overtly while they’ll use more vague terms to cover for the fact that they’re the typical pro-west lib with a superiority complex.

    1 year ago

    Unfortunately, they’re here to stay. On the other hand, they serve as a reminder to keep us on the right track.