Could you also post the [bed_mesh] section of printer.cfg?
Neat! I’ve known that Regional Prompter is powerful, but it’s too much of a pain for me to bother using. Hopefully this makes it easier.
If you know your deviation, I assume you have a bed probe, right? Are you using your bed mesh? Can you share your start GCode?
These aren’t exactly exploration games, but they’re simple games that my toddler likes too:
I guess this is neat, but I don’t understand what the point is. Here’s what it says this program offers:
The program provides a digital studio environment, access to advanced AI tools and technologies, partnership with experts in the field, and opportunities for collaboration within our established artist community. It also includes a $1000 grant and promotion to our community of millions.
$1000 is nothing nowadays; I’m not sure what that would even do. Buy most of a 4090?
I already have a “digital studio environment” set up on my computer. I like it the way it is.
Partnership with experts and community collaboration are already pretty easy with social media. The generative AI community is generally helpful.
I guess this program might help people who aren’t already using generative AI get into it?
I wasn’t trying to imply that Typst is a replacement for LaTeX. I’m more trying to say that I’m hoping Typst (and any other typesetting alternatives that might be out there) mature enough over the next year or two to become full replacements. It just doesn’t seem to be gaining much attention because of how dominant LaTeX is.
The main part that’s not open source is their web client, which I’m fine with. There’s a number of people on GitHub that aren’t happy about it though.
I’ve been using Typst. Its (mostly) open source and much simpler than LaTeX. It’s still very new though, so it doesn’t have all of LaTeX’s features, but it’s making very steady progress.
I mean more that LaTeX’s syntax and compilation methods are outdated. I’ve tried to grok LaTeX many times, but the most I’ve ever been able to do is make small modifications to existing templates. I’ve never been able to make a brand new project work. I’m really hoping that modern alternatives like Typst become more common. There just don’t seem to be many out there because of how dominant LaTeX is.
I thought I knew everything about Excel, but just last week I learned that it now has TypeScript integration for macros. I nearly wept tears of joy. Finally I can leave behind VBA.
Please forget LaTeX. Please let us adopt a more modern alternative that isn’t absolutely painful to use.
I’m all for blocking intrusive ads, but so far CivitAI’s are pretty normal. Why not support one of the biggest sites that’s helping this community thrive?
Rounded corners like this makes me think that you have Klipper’s Resonance Compensation feature overtuned, but you’d have to really be trying to get it this bad. What printer and firmware are you using?
Looks great! I use a similar system in my Obsidian notebook for my campaign. You might consider connecting it to the Stable Horde for text and image generation instead of ChatGPT. It’s a bit more complicated, but totally free.
As a GM, basically any artificer / inventor. They only fit into very specific settings, so they’re very out of place in most games. If the system has light rules for inventions, the player thinks they can create anything, and I have to constantly fight them to stop trying to one-up the other characters. If the system has robust invention rules, these characters don’t generally get to invent anything since so much downtime and resources are required.
Saint Oniisan is about as Christian as you can get.
This looks like the opposite of friendly to me. Is it supposed to be targeted towards cloud computing or web apps? I don’t really understand what its ideal use case is.
Every job will have some sort of crunch time. Even just staying in a programming position, the definition of “crunch time” will vary wildly. I’m lucky enough that “crunch time” just means that I set aside all my other tasks until I fix whatever is on fire, but I still get to go home on time unless I really want the overtime pay.
I don’t envy positions with forced 80-hour workweek crunch times. That’s a sign of bad management.
The greatest thing about episodes like Takeaway and Sticky Gecko is that they show how chaotic kids are in real time. I could keep up if they would space out all these little crises, but kids will easily throw ten different problems at you in the span of minutes.
The chat history is the big one for me. It’s not even that it’s not persistent; I’d be fine if it just purged all messages after a set period. The problem is that it seems to selectively purge some messages but keep others. Makes me feel like I’m crazy when I go back and try to find something that I know I sent a while ago, but there’s just a gap.