• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I leave the whole thing set up in the guest room so I don’t have to mess with it, and I’m a woman, so most of my dressier tops are less complicated than a men’s button-down. I plug it in, wash my face, and it’s ready to go, and it really is only about 2 minutes to actually iron. Maybe twice that if it’s a particularly finicky fabric (which I’m slowly eliminating from my wardrobe).

  • frickineh@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldThe Art of the Deal
    3 days ago

    It’s definitely way less work. If you get hired for an hour, you’re pretty much expected to be fully engaged in, if not sex, then at least being entertaining in some way. With the type of sex work she did, she was never getting paid for time spent sleeping or eating (and definitely not hanging out and shopping), unless that was someone’s kink, I guess. I had a series of sugar daddies in my early 20s, and don’t let anyone tell you that’s not sex work, and I definitely made less per hour than a more traditional prostitute, but I also put in a lot less energy. Plus, it came with a lot more perks.

  • Did you read the rest of the thread? I already acknowledged that I was wrong about that part, but they’re saying they can’t get work because of him while still refusing to condemn him. The GoFundMe says he was “involved in a tragic shooting incident,” which is a pretty weasely way to say he killed people.

    I also question that it really has anything to do with him. He’s certainly not having any issues making money, and there are a concerning number of people who consider him a hero, or at the very least aren’t bothered by what he did (see the comments on this post for a whole lot of evidence). Surely some of them are hiring.

  • Ok then I retract the part about driving. But I have a hard time feeling sympathy for her being unable to get a job. She’s repeatedly defended him and said she stands by him, and she allowed her 17 year old to buy a gun he couldn’t legally have and to drive without a license. Being associated with him is her doing. I have a family member who was a teenage white supremacist piece of shit (who was thankfully stopped by the FBI before he killed anyone), and you can bet nobody thinks I’m associated with him because I make it very clear where I stand. If I said he was a good person and I’ll always support him, I wouldn’t be shocked if employers said nah.