Can you use it on colored clothes? Borax acts as bleach so I’m a bit skeptical.
Can you use it on colored clothes? Borax acts as bleach so I’m a bit skeptical.
Looks great, thanks!
I think this level of derailing in a post about trains is irresponsible.
Tut mir leid, Japan-Fanboys und -Girls.
Tabi (jap. 足袋) sind eine Art von knöchelhohen japanischen Socken mit abgeteiltem großem Zeh.
Sie werden üblicherweise zu Zōri oder Geta (beides Sandalen) getragen.
Quelle: Wikipedia
Tabi (Socken) 足袋 Traditionelle Socken bestehen meist aus weißem, festem Baumwollstoff mit abgeteiltem großen Zeh.
Zôri 草履 (Sandalen) Zôri-Sandalen gehören zum Kimono
Quelle: Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft München
Es SIND Socken in Sandalen.
Hersteller sprechen von Temposchwelle.
I personally try to avoid deeply nested if/else. Or else in general, because I think it makes code more readable. Especially when one of the branches is just an exit condition.
if exitCondition {
return false
// long ass code execution
is way more readable than
if !exitCondition {
// long ass code execution
} else {
return false
In a loop, you can just return the value instead of passing it to a “retVal” variable.
With those in mind, you could refactor HasPermissions to
func (r *RBAC) HasPermission(assignedRoles []string, requiredPermission string, visited map[string]bool) bool {
for _, assigned := range assignedRoles {
if visited[assigned] {
role, ok := r.Roles[assigned]
if !ok {
//role does not exist, so skip it
for _, permission := range role.Permissions {
if permission.String() == requiredPermission {
//Permission has been found! Set permitted to true and bust out of the loop
return true
//check inherited roles
if permitted := r.HasPermission(role.Inherits, requiredPermission, visited); permitted {
return true
return false
The same could be applied to LoadJSONFile and I think that really would approve the readability and maintainability of your code.
edit: This refactor is not tested
Your “statistics” are fantasy numbers, not statistics. And statistics or probabilities, no matter how low or high, are not proof.
Habe von AfD nichts weiter erwartet.
I like the question.
I had to think of two songs immediately:
Coldplay - Magic. I really feel the lyrics but the “of course I do” at the end always leaves me in tears.
Daft Punk - Touch. I always interpret the song as a robot struggling to become sentient, but it also reminds me of my process of leaving behind my angry and frustrated teen and early twenties self because I realized that it made me unhappy.
The firmware update did it :)
That wouldn’t exclude Cyberpunk for example.
Oh, updating firmware sounds reasonable. Thanks!
They usually were not pointy and heavier than regular swords which made it easier to chop off body parts.
Mein Bruder hat sich ein Bett aus Konstruktionsholz gebaut (bzw von einem Freund bauen lassen und mitgeholfen). Das Teil ist ziemlich stabil und nix knarzt. Die Anleitung war aus dem Internet. Kann man dann den eigenen Bedürfnissen anpassen ob mit Füßen oder lieber geschlossener Kasten, in der Höhe etc.
Just get a Bakfiets.
If you ever need help with language concepts, just ask ChatGPT. It has some good definitions and examples for you. This will help you in a language based environment like Lemmy. 👍
Papers please should be playable with one hand only and is great at burning time