Mentioned in advance. Then they pulled it out of the hat at the last minute. That is absolutely gross. If they weren’t OK with it, they should have said so earlier - much earlier.
By the way, you can apply to have minor offence charges struck off your record after a period of clean living. Not sure what the period is for shoplifting. Something about the Statute of Limitations. Might be worth enquiring about this at Legal Aid or other community legal service.
!!! This is unbelievable. Do they do public service contracts, is that why they’re so anal? Regardless, how could they tell you one thing and then do another? Aside from being horrific for you it’s a waste of their own time and resources too.
I am so, so sorry. Be gentle with yourself today and try your best to focus on the good that you have brought and will continue to bring to your life and the world. This has got to be a matter of messed up communication or legal requirements. If not, then they’re not good people… It’s not a black mark on your character even if a part of your brain wants you to think it is. We believe in you!
They cancelled my offer. I have 3 charges for shoplifting against me from 9 years ago which I mentioned in advance and it was fine.
In fucked now. Completely and utterly fucked.
Mentioned in advance. Then they pulled it out of the hat at the last minute. That is absolutely gross. If they weren’t OK with it, they should have said so earlier - much earlier.
By the way, you can apply to have minor offence charges struck off your record after a period of clean living. Not sure what the period is for shoplifting. Something about the Statute of Limitations. Might be worth enquiring about this at Legal Aid or other community legal service.
Yeah, smells like failing somebody on a drug screen for prescriptions they pre declared. Not cool.
!!! This is unbelievable. Do they do public service contracts, is that why they’re so anal? Regardless, how could they tell you one thing and then do another? Aside from being horrific for you it’s a waste of their own time and resources too.
I am so, so sorry. Be gentle with yourself today and try your best to focus on the good that you have brought and will continue to bring to your life and the world. This has got to be a matter of messed up communication or legal requirements. If not, then they’re not good people… It’s not a black mark on your character even if a part of your brain wants you to think it is. We believe in you!
I really, really needed to hear that.
Thank you ❤️
Name and shame. We’ll all give them a crank call. Arseholes.
Wtf!! That’s so fucked!! At the same time, that’s a red flag for them to say they’re cool with it and then use it as an excuse. Fuck them!
What the fuck?! That’s unbelievably shithouse. I’m so sorry. Nine years - that’s a lifetime ago.
Oh no. I’m so sorry, for what it’s worth.
get your past record cleared then start applying again
and hugs , this sucks,
😭 Sorry to hear. You don’t deserve this at all.
Oh shit. Much sympathy!
Wtf? That’s shithouse on their part, fkn wot. I’m so sorry!
Damn they’re shit to do that.
So sorry to hear this :(
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That’s shitty of them, and I’m sorry you’ve been put through that.
Unbelievable. Screw ‘em, not worth working for if they do that.