They recovered four, three of them AT the crash sites! How. The black boxes didn’t even survive. cat-confused

    • imogen_underscore [it/its, she/her]
      11 months ago

      lol i would say the passports thing is a minor detail that doesn’t prove anything on its own but dismissing 9/11 truth out of hand is LIB shit. the commission was a massive coverup and the public deserves to know the truth, acting like it shouldn’t be a valid topic of discussion on here is doing state Dept work for them.

      literally conflating 9/11 truth with aliens lol. at least try to uninternalise the yankee propaganda in your brain about this before speaking on it, I know it’s a topic where that’s been fed to you in a particularly intense fashion but if you think critically that makes it all the more important to question official narratives.

      • MattsAlt [comrade/them]
        11 months ago

        It seems like some wrap up 9/11 truth conspiracies into a bundle and throw them all away based on the most absurd ones, like the planes actually being taken away to some black site with all the passengers still alive.

        In reality, if you view some of the details like the entire scenario surrounding the striking of the Pentagon, the very odd timing of air defense training/drills drawing fighter jets away from the region, and all the warnings from other intelligence agencies paired with Rumsfeld and friends’ actions that day, it seems just as absurd to say those were a ton of wacky coincidences

      • RyanGosling [none/use name]
        11 months ago

        What truth do you want exactly? We already know that 9/11 was blowback, Bush had dealings with the bin Laden family, the feds were already surveilling the terrorists, and multiple intelligence agencies including the Taliban warned the US of a major attack. Most other things don’t matter at all. Hell none of these truths even matter because the country is brain dead and no one gives a shit.

        What difference does it make if it was revealed that the Air Force shot down a plane and lied about the circumstances to make the victims heroes? We move on. We consume product. Then they argue about who becomes president and close down Guantanamo. Then we don’t do it. Feel free to prove me wrong. My proof is look around you. What happened after Snowden? What happened after Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib? What happened after MKULTRA? Kent State? All the mass shootings? FBI grooming mentally ill Muslims?

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          11 months ago

          Right? I am so tired of this. there’s no exciting grand conspiracy, it’s just the normal bs the US does every day. It’s not a conspiracy because it’s all legal and they admitted to it. What “truth” to people expect to find? The US does a bunch of evil intelligence bullshit? That the US alphabet soup is a bizarre combination of frightening cold blooded competence and laughable keystone kops?

          Like even putting aside that kinds of random shit survives fires, floods, plane crashes, nuclear bombings, what are we even talking about? How did they recover the passports? They picked them off the ground, just like they did huge amounts of other debris. This isn’t even a debunking, there’s nothing to debunk, stuff survives airline crashes and building collapses and every other kind of disaster. It’s completely banal, a leading question that leads nowhere.

          Like, every event in the US is full of this. People are talking about the true-anon series about 9/11, and yeah, it’s full of weird shit because it’s America and we’re up to our eyeballs in spies, cops, foreign influence operations, terrorists, gusanos, Banderites, the scum of every coup and color revolution. This is a nation of assassins, thieves, spies, crooks, and criminals. You can find evidence of conspiracies everywhere because there are conspiracies everywhere. except, most of the time, it’s not a conspiracy because it’s legal and they admit to it. But it’s just boring shit; killing protest leaders, cops framing political enemies, insider trading, regulatory capture, intelligence failures, FBI entrapment bs. None of this is obscure or hidden or suppressed, it’s been front page news for decades. PREDATOR and ECHELON were conspiracy theories right up until Snowden spilled the tea, but after that the NSA wiretap scheme was blown wide open, all over the news. That UN investigator who locked himself inside a bag from inside the bag in the woods then died was screaming that Iraq had no WMDs, and people knew it at the time or shortly after. They didn’t care, they wanted blood and didn’t care whose blood it was, but it was in the news. Is it a conspiracy that he was killed for trying to fuck up the grift? Dude was found locked inside a duffle bag and they called it a suicide. That’s not a conspiracy, that’s a government that knows it’s untouchable and doesn’t care enough to cover its tracks. When the regime didn’t find WMDs they just moved the goal posts, right out in the open, where everyone could see it, and they got away with it. The Iraq war protest movement was one of the largest in history up to that time. Why doesn’t anyone remember it? It’s not a conspiracy, the US Media just deliberately didn’t cover it. No coverage, no impact on public awareness. Its’ not a conspiracy because it was legal and they did it in full view of the public.

      • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
        11 months ago

        literally conflating 9/11 truth with aliens lol. at least try to uninternalise the yankee propaganda in your brain about this before speaking on it, I know it’s a topic where that’s been fed to you in a particularly intense fashion but if you think critically that makes it all the more important to question official narratives.

        Quit fronting. Nobody except for Burgerlanders give two shits about 9/11. “Why do Americans care so much about the 9th of November” is the extend most non-Burgerlanders acknowledge 9/11.

        • imogen_underscore [it/its, she/her]
          11 months ago

          my friend when it literally affects the whole world people care about it lol. I have to take my shoes off at the airport because of these mfs. I’m not saying we should all shed tears but it’s something worth analysing

    • aaro [they/them, she/her]
      11 months ago

      ^this. The furthest extent that there is some kind of 9/11 conspiracy is that the Bush admin might have been expecting some type of domestic event or other to happen that they could use as just cause for an invasion. They did not expect - let alone orchestrate - 9/11.

      Humans have pattern matching brains. It’s easy to find stuff like the building owner having a dermatologist appointment that day. And then you completely fail to analyze it in the context that he probably also had a dentist’s appointment the last week too. Same goes for every other thing.

      • imogen_underscore [it/its, she/her]
        11 months ago


        9/11 truth isn’t just “Bush did 9/11”. it’s undeniable that there is more to the story than the commission (coverup) told people. people deserve to know the truth. acting dismissive of this is your yankee lib brain at work.

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          11 months ago

          Who even cares what the commission said? I never read it, I don’t care. al-Qaeda came up with a novel attack strategy and pulled it off because no one expected anything like that to ever happen because it had never been done before. It was blowback for US foreign policy fuckery. “people deserve to know the truth”? I wish them all luck. I hope they find whatever they’re looking for. But in 2024? It’s not relevant to contemporary politics.

        • RyanGosling [none/use name]
          11 months ago

          What people? Americans? You can show them Jesus and they’ll ignore you. The rest of the world? None of them cares because who gives a shit that 3000 Americans were killed? How many of their countrymen were killed by Americans? What’s lib shit is obsessing over a handful of Americans dying. The psyche of America won’t be change unless similar events happen again. The truth won’t matter.

      • TrashGoblin [he/him, they/them]
        11 months ago

        They were expecting something, and deprioritized/ignored investigations that might have prevented it. I think they were only surprised by the scale of it.

        The bigger and more obvious conspiracy was the package of actions they had pre-planned to take advantage of whatever happened (the Patriot Act, the Iraq War).

    • Torenico [he/him]
      11 months ago

      Come up with something cool with aliens or something.

      Someone on this site (a couple of months ago) came up with a clever theory: Both the US Govt and Al Qaeda planned the attack, but both did it separately and not knowing each other’s plans. The date was a pure coincidence as well, both parties attacked on the same day but on different towers.

      Tower 7 and the Pentagon are your imagination fooling you. They never happened.

    • SirKlingoftheDrains [he/him]
      11 months ago

      This is your take? I mean, the insider trading stuff is pretty heavy evidence that people knew ahead of time. People with money and resources to act on this foreknowledge. And the case that we are presented with by the commission is, well, a story of people close to important state actors conspiring to commit the crime. The state dept story is a conspiracy theory, even if truncated, obfuscated, covered-up, that is still what they presented us with. Oh yeah, and that many in the intelligence community knew of the attackers presence in the US, others knowing of an impending attack, and the attackers being closely related to Saudi intelligence, ya know, the intelligence service buttresses with US technology and training in close partnership. But yeah, just like “UFO’s”.

      Some folks are presented with facts which should cause alarm and suspicion but instead reel and dismiss, and I can only point to a lack of intellectual curiosity, ideology, or a motivated viewpoint based on a perceived in-group’s general opinion which steers then into taking the state department position, and that of the Atlantic Monthly. “Actually it’s all chaos and accident, and our pattern seeking brains project meaning onto events which are random.” I’m nit saying that’s your position, but it is a common refrain to dismiss real conspiracies, and reminds me of Parenti’s take on historians who talk about “the reluctant US empire who rose to the occasion at a critical juncture to bumble its way into global dominance”. Like, no calculation or conspiring required.

      As if these shit hole leaders are braying at every opportunity to make money dropping bombs. Just god smiling on them I guess. Nothing to see here.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        11 months ago

        Ey bro I’ve been around the whole time. I know all this shit. I’m not impressed. “Take your lack of intellectual curiosity” somewhere else. 9/11 was blowback for America’s adventures in the Middle East and Afghanistan. Bunch of guys flew planes in to buildings. No one in the alphabet soup put it together because 1.) al-Qaeda was trying to blow up the WTC all the time. 9/11 was, what, their second? Third attempt? 2.) the US Intelligence agencies aren’t magical all knowing wizards and no one group had all the pieces needed to figure all of this out and 3.) There’s like 500 conspiracies related to 9/11, but “9/11 was a false flag” or “9/11 was an inside job” or “Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams” is just silly bullshit. US intelligence letting Saudi intelligence play games with them? Sure. USAPATRIOT being pre-written and just waiting for the inevitable excuse because there was always going to be some excuse, because the US pisses off so many people? Sure. The US intel agencies had all the information they needed but didn’t put the pieces together? Sure. US Intel being too arrogant to understand what their catspaws are up to? Sure.

        There were all kinds of conspiracies going on. Boring, banal conspiracies that the US gets up to all the time. Not cool guy stuff like the US, idk what the contemporary bs even is, remote controlling the planes? the planes were holograms? The pentagon wasn’t actually hit? I have no idea, because I stopped caring literally a decade ago.

        • SirKlingoftheDrains [he/him]
          11 months ago

          Ok, dismiss everything. My point is that there is a ton of data points which should raise eyebrows of researchers, and to dismiss with such certitude in the face of unanswered/unanswerable questions is just as unreasonable as being credulous with every conspiracy theory posited. Your conflation of people troubled by these data points and questions with the fringest of conspiracy theorists reeks of unmerited condescension. A more reasonable position would be to state your personal feeling on the matter but acknowledge that there are unknowns and unknowables and certain evidence that make any sort of confidence one way or another impossible at this point in time. Instead it’s “this is just UFO shit” and I was surprised this is your take.

          • Frank [he/him, he/him]
            11 months ago

            Dismiss what, exactly? OP is alleging that there’s something unusual about recovering documents from the crash sites. There isn’t. There’s no question to ask here because there’s no reason to think that recovered passports are evidence of something unusual.

            What am I dismissing? The US had all the evidence and didn’t put it together because of inter-service rivalries, compartmentalization, and it being the 90s when we were still banging rocks together to make fire? Bush was in tight with the Saudi’s and the bin Ladens? al-Qaeda was mostly an invention of the US intelligence services, the US’s perception of a clandestine military organization that formed during the Soviet-Afghan war with CIA assistance? al-Qaeda tried to blow up the WTC all the time, it was like their favorite hobby. Where is the new information? What’s the truth that’s being hidden? The US did it? it was a false flag? What is there to investigate or reveal?

            • SirKlingoftheDrains [he/him]
              11 months ago

              Can we dial this back a little, because I respect the posting I’ve seen from you over the years and internet debating stresses me out. I think I may have used a couple loaded phrases to poke a little, and I would like to clarify where I have contributed to a misunderstanding.

              I appreciated the first part of your response where you linked to information about the things that were found at crash sites. I found this as cogent reasoning and respectful practice, as I am not swayed by the passports, not to mention jet fuel etc.

              I shouldn’t have said “dismiss everything” and I should have made clear that I took umbrage with what I interpreted as equivocation between legitimate paths of inquiry and irresponsible and wild conspiratorial speculation (UFO shit, as I put it). To me, you were saying all 9/11 questioning contra the official narrative is conspiracy theory. This irked me ngl.

              When I said dismiss everythin in the fillowing response, I was alluding to you presenting a cohesive narrative with facts which didn’t really address some if the points my first response, in particular the point about insider trading. None of the facts I pointed out and none of the facts you pointed out are immiscible, and could be explained away under the paradigm of “the official narrative”. Like who knows what networks could’ve tipped off investors. I can accept that.

              But I thank you for pointing out long standing relationships between Saudi’s and the Bush family, both in official state operations and myriad business ventures. Poppy and a select group of his closest pals in US intelligence and otherwise were absolutely instrumental and intimately involved in modernizing Saudi intelligence, and he was personally involved in seeing Saudi funds reintegrated into US investments. All of the networks that surround these people and their activities are characterized by subterfuge, lies, in dealing, fucking holes in the ground for energy, fraudulent investment schemes, and pursuing war for profit. Even if all evidence pointed to the straight forward narrative, one should be chilled with how much these folks directly benefitted from the expansion of the military budget and intensification of secrecy and surveillance at scale in the aftermath. We saw a 2 trillion dollar transfer of public wealth to the defense industry in as many decades, to give a sense of the incentive structure their cohort had to pursue such an open ended war in such a geopolitically important region. This does not include the private wealth pursued by like, every single general and JCoS asshole after their “service” to use soviet maps to strip mine the regions that had decimated and conquered for empire.

              We could go on trading details toward this or that end, but to me the previous paragraph is sorta my reasoning as to why the official narrative should be critically evaluated, and where it is weak or points to troubling and unanswered lines of inquiry, well all the more reason to press. It is strange that these calculating and conspiring fucks were able to use their networks and conspiring to personally enrich themselves and pals over decades in adjacent and directly related industries, but this 2 trillion dollar gift from god required none of that. Maybe I am naive or somehow uncritical for this still being unsettling to me, and enough for me to keep an open mind to counter narratives.

              It is pretty uncontroversial to say that people in a position to take advantage of this event for personal, political, and imperial aims did so the umpth degree. I think where we might disagree is whether it is necessary to pursue the question of “were these actors, who may have been in a position to tip the scales in favor of this event, act to or fail to act so as to contribute to this eventuality” as a legitimate line of inquiry, or if the facts as presented obviate the need to do so.

              You’re cool and funny and I respect your posting. I don’t post much, and I lack the wherewithal to engage most the time. I hope this made any sense and that my good faith and lack of malice come through in the tone of this message.

              *edited for clarity (i hope)

          • LaughingLion [any, any]
            11 months ago

            I’ll take your reasonable position.

            There is a lot of unknown and unknowable stuff but it all seems like bullshit to me. Like you said, that position is reasonable. I’m being the reasonable person here.

            • SirKlingoftheDrains [he/him]
              11 months ago

              Word. That’s fair. I was just put off by what I interpreted as an unfair equivocation between attempting to apply material analysis to major historical events and undisciplined conspiratorial waxing. Having spent ungodly hours attempting to form a cohesive thought on the matter, even the most conservative interpretation of evidence leaves me with nothing like the confidence on display in advocating on behalf of “the official narrative”. “I think it’s bullshit but there is merit in pursuing questions with a critical disposition” seems way more honest and comradely a response than “even if there is a ton of contravening evidence problemetizing the official narrative, it is all bullshit and I am correct”. So thank you for your generosity.

      • imogen_underscore [it/its, she/her]
        11 months ago

        just don’t bother arguing with the Yankees about this, their brains can’t really process the arguments. the materialism part of their mind turns off when it comes to 9/11, it’s a unique case.

    • nilclass
      10 months ago

      What about magnets? I think a good theory should involve some suspiciously strong magnets