How often do you shave? How long does it take you? How do you do it?

Just curious as it feels like a chore for me. I usually do a with the grain shave with a safety razor and no product since I don’t have a lot of time and that gives the least irritation, but it’s not a close shave. I see guys that get stupid close shaves and I often wonder how much time they spend on it.

  • KingJalopy
    5 months ago

    It’s a chore for me. I use a beard trimmer and leave a constant 5 o’clock shadow because I’m 42 but look like a child when I’m smooth faced.

    5 months ago

    Every other or every third day depending on how I feel. Shaving cream in the shower, no mirror.

    5 months ago

    Once or twice a week, more is not possible without damaging my skin too much.

    Tried every variation of razors and shaving cream/soap, but yeah.

    5 months ago

    I stopped shaving my face, and grew a beard. Trying to shave is always bad because I end up with bad razor burn. But I did find that removing those stupid glide strips helped reduce some razor burn.

    For my head, I use a Freebird head shaver (the one with 5 heads). I should shave it every day, as it would make life easier. But, I end up doing it every few weeks. Instead of only using my head shaver for 5-minutes, I have to first use my Wahl clippers to get the “long” hair cut short enough for the shaver. This takes up to 30-45 minutes, and I still get razor burn. 😔 FML

    5 months ago

    I shave every day or every other day, I shave clean with a safety razor and I use a tallow based shaving soap applied with a boar’s bristle brush. I’ll skip a few days if I know I’m not going out and I’m laaaazy

    I can get a shave that looks decent in like 7 minutes, but I often spend about 15 getting quite close as my boyfriend absolutely adores when my face is super smooth and I love hearing his appreciation. I’ll skip the detailed shave if I know I won’t be seeing him much that day or if I know I won’t be meeting anyone who I need to impress at work.

    I shave right out of the shower so my face is warmed. I heat the soap, brush and razor for a minute or so by setting the tap so it’s steaming hot, making a small pool of water in the sink and plugging it up. I’ll usually do two applications of soap, one to go with the grain and one against (if I’m going super smooth). There’s a couple of places on my face where my hair grows in funny directions that I gotta do in a special way, but I’m 33 and I’ve been shaving since I was 16, and in this fashion since I was 20, so I’m well aware where they are and how to do it by now.

    I used to apply a scented aftershave, but I didn’t find it was doing anything useful for my skin, so I took it out of the routine. Now I just rinse with warm water, pat dry, and apply a lil sunblocking moisturizer. I’ll put on a cologne depending on where I’m going and the time of day once I’m dry.

    It’s kinda relevant so I’ll mention it since I’ve gotten great results outta it, I started using a foaming facial cleanser every morning and evening and applying a moisturizer after I shave and it’s done wonders for my skin. I really recommend it. The cleanser is some cheapo one from CVS, I think it’s the Cere Ve brand or something like that, and it works great. The moisturizer was a gift, lil more money, from Kiel’s, and it seems to contain every oil known to human and beast. And it kicks ass.

    I’ve been considering getting an electric razor since I’ve seen some coworkers who get hella close shaves with em and they say it’s sub 5 min to do it, but I kinda like my ritual and I enjoy trying new scents of shaving soap. The shaving soap scent is fairly fleeting, so it’s really just a treat for me. I gotta put on a cologne if I want anything that lingers.

    5 months ago

    I didn’t use to shave - also seeing it as a chore - but as I aged, I found that the upper edge of my beard was creeping up my cheeks to the point where I was beginning to see the upper edge at the bottom of my vision, which I found weird and disconcerting, so ended up trimming the top edge. That looked weird, and so I progressed and eventually settled on a goatee kinda thing, which I have been told by several people suits me - so I stick with it.

    I use a wet shave: soapy water, then a shave gel and then shave with the grain. I have never timed it but it takes around the same length of time overall as cleaning my teeth, I suppose. It is reasonably smooth - but not mega-smooth by any means. I do it each morning.

    5 months ago

    I also shave with a safety razor/shavette and spend about twice as long for a close shave as only the first pass. Also being the type worried for time, I’ve clocked myself and typically end up at just under 4 minutes including warm-up, post-shave creams, brushing, and oiling.

    You go once with the grain, once across it (90 degrees) and then once against it but with a lower angle than the others (so you don’t cut/irritate unnecessarily). Lather before each pass as per usual. The time to get everything set up and work up the first lather is longer than going another two passes.

    Edit to add: I shave like this about every other day, but let it go over weekends, or other times I resent my worksona. I have chosen shaving gear to make it fun though, with a nice brush & bowl, a nice smelling shaving soap, etc. My best trick was to find a better suited razor blade, Dorco Platinum, makes it easy, fun and lasts me two weeks before having to change. I’m sure other brands are great too, that’s just the best one I have available.

    I’m trying to grow out a beard, so I don’t trim it down, but shape it once a week with some scissors and a comb.

    Back when I couldn’t be bothered, I mostly grew it wild, brushed and shaped it 1-2 times/week, and trimmed it down in length every few months. Nowadays we have barbershops around and I can have a professional style it while I get a haircut.

    5 months ago

    I use a Braun series 9 on my head, at most every other day but often leave it for 3 or 4 days. I also use a safety razor with just hot water to cut a straight line at the top of my sideburns.

    I’ve used a safety razor on both my head and face. I found the best way to get a really close shave was to tense the skin to get it as flat as possible in patches then shave that. Do a first pass with shaving butter and then go over it again with just hot water in slow long strokes until you feel your skin smoothen.

    I have sensitive skin and the second pass would cause some irritation but using a good moisturiser (I use CeraVe) after helped a lot.

    5 months ago

    I shave my neck and my checks around my beard. I do it in the shower with a shaving cream and a safety razor. It takes less than a minute.

      5 months ago

      I worked with a complete asshole who would go out of his way to be a huge dick to me. If there was a weakness, he’d exploit it.

      One day, he privately pulled me aside and touched my neck and cheek area, said, “You should shave here and here. Tighten it up. Makes you look more presentable.”

      No joke. No mockery. Just a heads up from the biggest asshole I ever met. And he was right. That was twenty years ago, and I think about that every time I shave there.

    5 months ago

    I stopped shaving, geeze… 15 years ago?

    I decided that dragging a sharp piece of metal across my face before I even had caffeine was a bad idea. :)

    But when I DID shave… man, I ignored ALL the advice. Daily shave, no shaving cream, hot water only. I couldn’t see what I was doing with shaving cream and cut myself all the time, so I stopped.

    Last time I shaved was for surgery, they knocked it down from my nose to my knees. I thought my wife was going to cry!

    5 months ago

    I shave about every third day and it takes me about 2 minutes. Mostly trying to pull the skin taut on my neck and get the annoying ones that stick in there and poke me.

  • beeng
    5 months ago

    Every Friday or Saturday.

    Wahl Lithium close clippers first, then Braun Series 7 electric foil and cutter shaver.

    Maybe 5-10mins tops, ok for once a week.

    Foil leaves a very smooth finish, even dry, but can be used wet if needed.