Western media have finally change course. They are now admitting that the much promoted Ukrainian counter-offensive has failed. In fact, the acknowledge that it never had a chance to win in the first place.

The Hill, the Washington Post and CNN now agree that the Ukrainian army will never achieve its aims.

western MSM has a rare encounter with reality!

That makes it difficult for the Biden administration to get Congress approval for $24 billion in additional ‘aid’ to Ukraine. It does not make sense to pay for a cause that is evidently lost.

b seems overly hopeful regarding the rationality of US congress, but i think hes right- why would we throw more money at them, US politicians have made it clear they do not support bringing Ukraine into NATO if they do not win this conflict. of course, US politicians are prone to lying and misleading

Nothing has come from the ‘peace conference’ which Saudi Arabia arranged on Ukraine’s behalf

lol. lmao even. props to big dog MBS for trying

Despite the onslaught of bad news the Ukrainian army is still trying to take Russian positions in the south and east of Ukraine. But it simply does not have enough in men and material to break through the lines.

Even if they would manage to get a local breakthrough there are not enough reserves to push for the necessary follow up. Just one of the NATO trained brigades has still been held back. All others have been mauled in their various deployment zones.

nothing has changed it seems

In the northeast around Kupyansk the Russians have started their own offensive which has the Ukrainians on the run. Ukraine has ordered the evacuation of the area

But Kupyansk is a Russian city and people refuse to leave.

show this to the libs claiming Russians are committing genocide in the regions they capture. curious that these civilians are content with Russian occupation when you believe what western media claims

The Russian campaign is slowly speeding up. As the Ukrainian Strana.news reports (machine translation):

Also in Ukraine, it is recorded that from Kupyansk to Bakhmut, Russia has increased the number of attacks.

"Over the past month, the total number of attacks in the Kupyansk, Limansky and Bakhmut directions has grown significantly. In July, during the week there were 6-6.5 thousand attacks, during the last week-9 thousand attacks, " - said the representative of the National Guard Ruslan Muzychuk.

According to him, the Russian Federation does not experience “shell hunger”.

Aviation is also actively used, and over the past few weeks, more than 50 air attacks have been taking place every day, and sometimes more than 80.

That is bad news for the Ukrainian side which lacks the reserves to counter the Russian onslaught. There are also less weapons coming in from the West. F-16 fighter jets will be delayed for another nine months due to training issues. Tanks and other material are in short supply.

these supply issues sure bode well for the west’s performance in WW3 sicko-hyper

Strana also report of an interview with a knowledgeable Ukrainian soldier (machine translation):

Continuing the topic of the situation at the front, an interesting interview was given by a Ukrainian sniper fighting near Bakhmut with the call sign “Grandfather”. On the air of political scientist Yuri Romanenko, he was introduced as Konstantin Proshinsky (this is a pseudonym).

The fighter spoke in detail about his vision of the situation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Russian army.

  1. Mobilization. In his opinion, it is conducted incorrectly. Recruits are sent to the front who have never been trained, and they are often over 50 years old and with a whole bunch of diseases.
  1. No rotation. The soldier says that “the same brigades” are fighting at the front, and people are not taken out of the front line for six months or more. Whereas by Western standards, they can be kept in a war zone for no more than three months.
  1. Behavior of mid-and high-level commanders. According to Proshinsky, many of them are trying to arrange a “mini-Stalingrad” on the positions, forcing them to go into frontal assaults on well-fortified Russian positions.
  1. The Russian Army began to fight better.
  1. Proshinsky believes that Russia has not yet used much of what it has against Ukraine.

The soldier thinks that the Russians will not move from their positions and that a stalemate peace like in Korea would be the end result.

UAF in real dire times— recruiting the elderly, poor logistics, engaging the enemy at inopportune times, and Russia has yet to waver

I believe that to be wrong. Russia’s aim is to liberate at least the four regions that it has claimed for itself. For political reasons it can not stop before that is done.

Should the Ukraine continue to fight after that, Russia is likely to set new aims and take more land.

more editorializing, but it doesnt seem unreasonable. i thought Russia would stick to its original goal of Donetsk and Luhansk, but if Zaporizhzhia and Kherson are receptive to Russian governance, it would be foolish for Russia to give them up

  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]@hexbear.netM
    1 year ago

    Mod reports so far:



    Reason: Go away tankies with your editorialized commentary


    Nate Cox@programming.dev

    Reason: propaganda

    Hey @jemikwa@lemmy.blahaj.zone and @natecox@programming.dev Why don’t you show up and defend your beliefs in the free marketplace of democracy instead of crying for the authoritarian Stalinist mods to silence everyone you don’t like.

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    Its just so much fucking blood spilled.

    I can’t get over how many people are throwing their lives away over some dipshits in their respective capitals putting new lines on a map. Nightmarish to see Ukrainians and Russians alike march to their deaths over this shit.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      Probably hundreds of thousands of people dead for the ambitions of a handful of gerontocrat crooks and their cronies.

      If you want a really bad thought imagine what the Red Army soldiers from WWII would think finding out that Ukraine and Russia were at war and Banderites had taken control of the government and were leading the charge?

    • some Ukrainians are being coerced into serving. libs will call me a Russian bot for this, but i dont think the same can be said for Russia. they have enough active military personnel to avoid drafting; they havent even deployed them all

      but yeah, war is depressing. hopefully before we go extinct we will achieve communism and end war

      • Aabbcc@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        libs will call me a Russian bot

        Everyone who disagrees with me is a lib is great defense. Chuds will disagree with me though

        • JuneFall [none/use name]@hexbear.net
          1 year ago

          Quite a leap you do there. Ignoring political science and social science of more than 100 years, ignoring how social democratic liberals in the Weimar Republic did ally with conservatives and the military against party member who weren’t in favour of the war with talk of traitors and propaganda of being the voice of the enemy (which is the back then equivalent of “Russian Bots”) is certainly something.

          You also ignore the difference i.e. from USA liberal’s who favour property rights over people’s lives and often espouse values only as long as it doesn’t cost a thing and how they do support the US empire and often its wars.

          You also leap since OP didn’t say “all are against me!”, but was precise. That you don’t understand slang is kinda a You problem. You also deny the experience of others, maybe that is something that you also do in your regular life and social interactions? If so you can utilize a change of perspective and behavior to get more from the world. People here - even ones who are far from Russian propaganda - are often called Russian bots by people on many instances, often by people labeling themselves as liberals. I have different views than many on this site and yet I can differentiate what people say.

          Finally do you think your argument is in any way new or interesting? Like, what was your motivation to post it?

          • Aabbcc@lemm.ee
            1 year ago

            I don’t consider myself a lib. Housing should not be an asset for profit. Workers pay should increase based on the value they create. Housing first policy for the homeless. Food prices should not be rising based on corporate profit seeking

            I think I’m still pro market economy, but not in a capitalist sense. A market economy can incentivize progress, but workers shouldn’t be forced to participate at minimum wage through the threat of hunger and homelessness.

            corporate power lobbying has ruined public infrastructure and that’s bad.

            But I’m not backing Russia fully on this invasion thing, so I’m definitely a liberal!

            • JuneFall [none/use name]@hexbear.net
              1 year ago

              Workers pay should increase based on the value they create

              Who do you think should get shares from the worker’s fruits of labours, too? Who do you think ought to distribute them on the level of a company and on the level of societies?

              Housing should not be an asset for profit

              What changes in laws and legislation as well as enforcement of power are needed for that? To de-commodify what Neoliberalism and Colonialism as well as Imperialism did privatize over the last centuries will be a hard fight.

              How do you think power can be generated to achieve those goals? Which in itself are idealist or utopist. The question is how to change the world after all.

              pro market economy, but not in a capitalist sense

              So “Markets Not Capitalism: Individualist Anarchism Against” type?

      • BeamBrain [he/him]@hexbear.net
        1 year ago

        Does Ukraine really need to coerce people into serving? I was under the impression that the country had huge numbers of bloodthirsty fascists salivating at the thought of killing “RuZZian orcs.”

        • forcequit [she/her]@hexbear.net
          1 year ago

          The Ukrainian leader said all officials responsible for military conscription in each region of the country were dismissed.

          Mr Zelenskyy said a probe into military recruitment centres across the nation exposed illegal dealings including bribery.

          The investigations also unveiled reports of officials helping men dodge conscription by fleeing across borders.

          There is currently a wartime ban on travel for draft-eligible men.

          “This system should be run by people who know exactly what war is and why cynicism and bribery during war is treason,” Mr Zelenskyy said on Friday.

          ‘recruitment’ lmao

    • SimulatedLiberalism [none/use name]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      This is simply the overture of what will turn out to be the ultimate fight between US and China - the showdown between finance capitalism and industrial capitalism. All the geopolitical events revolve around this fundamental contradiction of capitalism, which is now approaching its zenith.

      What is happening in Ukraine today is likely a cakewalk compared to what is to come. Biden truly scares me, being so casually ending European prosperity (it won’t recover for the next half a century) and using monetary and economic policies to engineer famines and poverty across the developing world just to slow the decline of the empire. The interest rates hikes, and the sanctions against Russian agricultural products, are literally impoverishing and killing people in the global south.

      He will make sure that America will be the last to go down, even if it means total annihilation in a war against China. The real question is, how will the rest of the world respond to this?

      • daisy@hexbear.net
        1 year ago

        Biden truly scares me, being so casually ending European prosperity

        Biden’s a senile puppet. He didn’t do anything aside from sign whatever was put on his desk by staffers and read whatever was on his teleprompter. Europe was ultimately screwed by its own slavish obedience to deindustrialization, a process decades in the making and orchestrated by the forces of finance. This was enhanced by their millennia-old tangled web of bigotries that made it easy for finance to divide and conquer them. They’d have been fucked over in the exact same way regardless of who sat in the oval office or what colour of lawn sign that person had.

        • SimulatedLiberalism [none/use name]@hexbear.net
          1 year ago

          I think many people are seriously underestimating the ghoulishness of Biden.

          The Biden administration is significantly a step up when it comes to aggressive foreign policy. There was a clip of Trump telling the Europeans that they have to spend 2% of their GDP into defense and the people in the room were just laughing at him. Biden actually made Europe do it for real.

          Trump was also very keen on pushing Merkel’s Germany to build this massive LNG terminal to pivot away from Russian gas - the project eventually went nowhere. Biden actually made Europe depends on American gas and spending billions to build those terminals for real.

          Trump started a petty trade war with China in 2018, and was reciprocated upon by the Chinese. Biden started a technological sanction against China that has no proportional response. To understand how seriously China sees this issue, you need to read the science fiction novel Three Body Problem, which is extremely popular among the elite and academic circles in China.

          Trump likes to talk big and pretends like he is this genius businessman who can make his adversaries yield, but his “achievements” were literally nothing compared to what Biden had accomplished in just 2 years in office.

          I don’t think even Obama would dare to cross this line, and Obama was the one who deleted half of the generational wealth of black community overnight, which as Michael Hudson repeatedly reminded us, made him quite possibly the most racist president in the history of the United States.

          My point is that even Obama didn’t dare to step this far, while Biden is picking fight with the entire world. If you look at his entire career, Biden is unequivocally a true believer in neoliberalism, a fanatical ideologue (and in my opinion, a lot more so than Obama).

          • Frank [he/him, he/him]@hexbear.net
            1 year ago

            Agreed. My strongest evidence that Biden is just immensely cruel and an absolute true believer is that he worked as a mountpiece for the Credit Card industry for literal decades and was still, relatively speaking, poor when he became VP. I think his assets with his wife might have been like 2 million, or maybe even 1 million, and I think a lot of that was from Jill’s career. Biden somehow, working for one of the most corrupt sectors of the economy, never managed to make any money off of it in decades of doing their bidding. Only a profoundly weird man or a profoundly stupid man could achieve that.

          • BeamBrain [he/him]@hexbear.net
            1 year ago

            I don’t think even Obama would dare to cross this line, and Obama was the one who deleted half of the generational wealth of black community overnight, which as Michael Hudson repeatedly reminded us, made him quite possibly the most racist president in the history of the United States.

            I don’t think Obama is anywhere close to the most racist president in US history, but that speaks more to the quality of his competition than any lack of racism on his part.

            • SimulatedLiberalism [none/use name]@hexbear.net
              1 year ago

              I guess the difference is between someone who actively petitions for segregation to prevent black people from renting/buying houses in your neighborhood, and someone who makes the black community so poor that they can never afford to move into your neighborhood.

              Obama has probably done more to prevent the future generations of black families from ever becoming homeowners than the racist Republicans could only dream of. He’s the choice candidate for the “smart” racists.

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    They’ll just drum up some other backwards ass excuse to throw more money at neo-nazis in Ukraine. This war is never going to end anytime soon and frankly your average burger is literally a world away and views it as team sports.

  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    Using a combined arms NATO style attack tactic for the counter offensive when Ukraine basically has no air force was certainly a very smart and good idea with no potential problems. Especially when attacking entrenched and mined Russian positions. Great idea from the NATO military commander failsons

    • ButtBidet [he/him]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      I can only imagine the number of dead and wounded Ukrainian soldiers. This didn’t need to happen.

      My friend’s Ukrainian husband just got out, but he’s still in some sort of family visa limbo. He’s story from the last two years is just trauma laden with trauma.

  • Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    Disgusting waste of lives.

    All of this should have fucking ended but Boris Johnson fucked it all. Fuck him and fuck all the liberals that have been spewing bloodthirsty vile shit calling for tens of thousands of lives to be wasted in a fucking meatgrinder for some lines on a map. I do not give a fuck about the Ukrainian state, I do not give a fuck about the Russian state. Lines on a map are not people.

    These people deserved better than bloodthirsty assholes.

  • Nightcastle [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    My american internet friends got so mad at me when I said at the beginning of all this that there should be an immediate ceasefire and surrender to stop the fighting and I was called an apologist for Putin and that this was an unprovoked invasion and you have to protect yourself. These people never experienced military action near their homes.

  • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    According to Proshinsky, many of them are trying to arrange a “mini-Stalingrad” on the positions, forcing them to go into frontal assaults on well-fortified Russian positions.

    Its not that I’m surprised at this point when anticommunist propaganda turns out to be projection, it’s more that im still surprised at how often it pops up

  • btbt [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    Don’t worry guys, I hear they’re bringing in some dude called Steiner to start another counter-offensive, everything’s still good 👍

    • Bnova [he/him]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      And if we can harness that light to light up a high school gymnasium, to light up a Starbucks, to light up a Walmart, than perhaps we can light up the world. pete nuke

  • some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 year ago

    Two other bits on the main page, for context of who it writing at this domain:

    The judicial case against Hunter Biden will stay alive.

    That increases the possibility that Joe Biden will have to answer questions about his own corrupt dealings related to Hunter Biden’s businesses.

    ^^ That’s currently in the top article.

    And then another has this headline:

    World Bank Group Goes Woke

    • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      Hunter Biden is a corrupt sex pest that would be in jail a long time ago if he wasn’t the son of the president.

      The World Bank is a monoplistic financial institution of the imperial core/triad, also known as “the western nations”. It’s primary purpose, along with the IMF, is financial imperialism of the third world.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      Please. PLEASE. I don’t give a shit about Joe and Hunter’s grift in Ukraine, good on them, get that bread, It would just be so so so fucking satisfying to watch the Libs tie themselves in knots trying to avoid the cognitive dissonance of admitting that their guy was up to his ears in corruption.

    • oh no! the biden family corruption is being investigated! that was supposed to stay hidden and unpunished! trump is a criminal and so is biden, both are detestable crooks.

      and yeah, the world bank article looks bad if you only read the title. but if you actually read the content, the title is a joke to point at the hypocrisy in the blatant discriminatory lending practices of the world bank

    • Redcat [he/him]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      yeah, we know. the current american warchief is a liberal. so the reactionaries hate him too. we hate all american warchiefs. obama, bush, biden. doesn’t matter really.

      we know better than any of you that if Trump were president people like the MoA guy would stand a good chance of actually supporting the ukraine war. why? because liberals were bloodthirsty towards syrians and libyans just because obama was in charge of those wars. it’s a feature of american culture that americans are more concerned about the personality of the warlord than wether there is a war. cnn, msnbc, npr, and all liberal capitalist media would have continued to talk about ukraine’s nazi problem if it was Trump who was supporting them.

      that said, lmao at anyone who wants to protect their favorite oligarch’s failson. wearing party hackery on their sleeve like that is quite revealing.

      • some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
        1 year ago

        I dunno what you’re even arguing. I commented that he’s a failson a few days back, saying that at least he fucks and does drugs, living it up. I don’t care about these people.

        • Redcat [he/him]@hexbear.net
          1 year ago

          I don’t care about these people.

          you could have stopped at MoA’s cringe anti-woke posting, yet you have to wear the truth on your sleeve as well:

          I’ll have you know this is an improper source, for they commemorate federal investigation of liberal oligarchs.

          comments are cheap. some comments are more revealing than others.

          • some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
            1 year ago

            I’ll have you know this is an improper source

            comments are cheap. some comments are more revealing than others.

            You included a quote that wasn’t me. What the fuck are you on? I just woke up (PST), so sorry if I’m not following a thread.

            you have to wear the truth on your sleeve as well:

            And fuck your sleeves. I thought about joining hexbear when I learned that it was a chapo refuge, but I went with my instance because I’m a computer nerd. I dunno your in-jokes and bullshit, so I’m prolly missing something. I’m a Leftist who isn’t phased by you’re being a fucktard. I’m gonna go get breakfast. Eat my ass.

            • Redcat [he/him]@hexbear.net
              1 year ago

              You included a quote that wasn’t me

              let me help you find your own comment

              i don’t really care if you think hunter biden is ‘at least cool’ for ‘doing drugs’. drug prohibition is for the poors. every rich oligarch in america is on various types of cocaine. the bidens earned money by putting themselves at the head of companies seized by their political influence as american oligarchs. they are now using the american war machine to defend that cashline. that you think criticizing the bidens is somehow a bad thing in itself is quite revealing.

              the fact is that since the ukraine war is being led by the american liberals, the reactionaries have had a good record of their ineptitude. and inept they have been. that’s all we use these sources for: understanding the front. I hate people like alexander mercouris and MoA because they are reactionaries. you think they are untrustworthy because they hate the american oligarchs you favor.

              And fuck your sleeves.

              the sleeves are yours. you’re the one wearing them. and the word ‘liberal’ are written all over them.

              • some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
                1 year ago

                that you think criticizing the bidens is somehow a bad thing in itself is quite revealing.

                I never suggested such. I don’t give a fuck about them.

                the sleeves are yours. you’re the one wearing them. and the word ‘liberal’ are written all over them.

                Fuck liberals and fuck you for calling me one. I may not be as steeped in Leftist culture as you (I freely admit to not recognizing some of your references), but I’m far from a center-right, center-left, centrist dem lib bullshitter. I want the same things you do (more or less), which is a reasonable system where we take care of people and it’s not possible to exploit others. I may not be able to articulate some ideas that you can, but I found myself on this side only during the pan when previously I was a lib. Fuck you if you fault me for still finding my way.

                • Redcat [he/him]@hexbear.net
                  1 year ago

                  Fuck you if you fault me for still finding my way.

                  People here are already aware of what places like MoA are. We’ve discussed, litigated, and straight up joked about their brainworms. We’ve used them in limited capacity nonetheless, because there’s a tendency in American wars for the political affiliation of the president to warp coverage entirely. The Iraq and Afghanistan Wars were lauded by conservative and denounced by liberal media. The Syria and Libya Wars were, likewise, lauded by liberals and denounced by conservatives. This sort of partisan hackery means that, sometimes, the other side of the aisle has a vested interest in covering failures of American foreign policy in ways that are closer to the truth. Yet the word closer is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. The right has it’s institutional spinsters and is also full of grifters. The same incentives are there for them to add in their editorializing of the facts, to push their agenda. Moreover, the American right wing is truly enamoured with Russia as some sort of conservative meccah, with which they can make common cause against liberals, the jews, the globalists, and, ultimately, China.

                  These are all things we are perfectly aware of. To a more intimate degree than you do. We are the ones reading these battlefront reports and rolling our eyes when someone says ‘actually Germany is deindustrializing because they are extreme left environmentalists’. Which is why you’ve come across as a asshole liberal who is only interested in bashing leftists. And also because you’ve cited MoA’s post about the Bidens being corrupt something to be shocked at. Of course they are corrupt. Biden is the Reagan of financialization, he’s the architect of Delaware as a fiscal paradise. He didn’t get where he did for nothing.

  • Lerios [hy/hym]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    i don’t understand, its been going bad the entire time, why admit it now? its been 18 months and thousands of lives, wtf

    • Lovely_sombrero [he/him]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      I think that some very pro-Ukraine voices (especially in the media and Dem establishment) are angry that this counteroffensive is not going well… but they aren’t willing to admit that NATO forced Ukraine into it, so they have to just bemoan how bad it is going. Ukraine made a deal with Russia very early into the war, but as soon as NATO found out about it, Boris Johnson arrived in Ukraine for a completely unscheduled visit and told Ukrainian officials that we will fuck them up (their positions in the government and their future employment prospects) if they don’t cancel the deal. The same with this counteroffensive, we told them to do it.