And no, posting a picture of me next to Hillary does not count as an argument
New site tagline?
That’s a pretty good one too
he’ll yeah
It’s like it was written specifically to be.
major climate bill
Didn’t these ghouls put massive tariffs on Chinese EV’s and solar panels? How the fuck is that helping?
Well you see, Yellow Man Bad
China Red Fascism Uyghur Genocide 1989 :smuglord:
1989?! That’s five more years than 1984!
the next five year plan of george orwell
Libs always fucking do this when comparing their ‘achievements’ to anyone who isn’t in a position of power.
We made this symptom of the problem 10% better while continuing and exacerbating the root cause! You activists and complainers haven’t done anything!
Perhaps not making the root cause worse is preferable.
Didn’t these ghouls put massive tariffs on Chinese EV’s and solar panels? How the fuck is that helping?
Oh, okay tankie, I guess you just don’t understand how protectionist measures work, but that’s unsurprising as communists never even understand Economics 101. They boost US industry by encouraging domestic prod–
Will these protectionist measures work? While the previous tariff measures did reduce the number of Chinese solar panels coming to the US (with an 86% drop over the 2012-2020 period), the billions in subsidies, from first Obama and then Biden, did not revitalise the US solar industry. On the contrary, the American global market share of the solar industry has considerably decreased since the original tariffs were placed — from 9% in 2010 to 2% today. Meanwhile, China’s share of the industry rose from 59% to 78%. There’s no reason to believe that the recent tariff increase will reverse this trend. There’s even less hope that they will help spur a domestic EV industry.
It is thus no surprise that while the US government tries to block Chinese EV imports with tariffs, US firms are trying to recapture the EV market by licensing the superior technology of lead Chinese firms! Ford (in Michigan) and Tesla (in Nevada) are partnering with China’s CATL to make batteries. CATL says that it has structured its licensing deal with Ford so that it is compliant with “foreign entity of concern” rules. For its part, Tesla already uses Chinese BYD cells in Germany; Ford and GM use BYD batteries. Even Trump doesn’t like the idea of a ‘great wall’ against Chinese FDI in America. Speaking at an Ohio rally in March, he signalled an openness to Chinese firms building plants “in Michigan, in Ohio, in South Carolina”—so long as they were prepared to employ American workers.
US manufacturing hasn’t seen productivity growth in 17 years. That makes it increasingly impossible for the US to compete in key areas, and Biden’s ‘industrial policy’ will fail to deliver unless it can end that stagnation. China’s manufacturing sector is now the dominant force in world production and trade. Its production exceeds that of the nine next largest manufacturers combined.
okay, well, look. it’s actually very unfair to draw upon the history of uh, 14 years ago. what really matters here is that china is 1984 orwell 429,024,902 dead in tinyman square mao killed 1000 billion ughyurs.
another post, another 72trillion banger
Nothing shows true commitment to stopping climate change like blocking EVs and solar panels.
A lot of words from someone who makes thousands of dollars making 1 video essay a year and hanging out with war criminals.
hey it’s not an easy job to set up purple rim lighting and drink a glass of wine while saying “hello my pets” and then delivering a bland take over the course of 45 minutes
idk maybe she changed her game since i last watched a video five years ago
It’s actually gotten worse. Her old videos actually had some substance, now it’s just drinking wine in, honestly impressive, costumes.
Drinking wine in impressive costumes is some late Bourbon dynasty shit if I ever heard it
God, I miss the days when they were only 45 minutes.
45 minutes Bruh her average runtime recently has been like 2 hours
hanging out with war criminals
She said posting a pic of her with
is NOT an argument!
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Why haven’t the people without any power done anything as significant as the people with all the power?
Also the people with all the power aren’t actually doing shit. They say they are, then in ten years we will learn that oops that money got gobbled up in corrupt nepotism and naive initiatives that has zero chance of working.
Their climate plan will not work, the student debt is a farce that they seem to hand out piecemeal to slowly remind us that they’re trying! But not very hard it seems.
They lost abortion rights and have given up immigration policy. Conservatives are coming for trans rights next and gay rights are right behind that and the Dems have shown they won’t fight for anything.
You have to be bloody delusional or connected to the money to think otherwise.
(paraphrasing) the far left will say to firebomb a Walmart but not actually do it
We burnt down a motherfucking police station
A major climate bill
If it does nothing to change the trajectory of climate change than how is it major?
(Paraphasing) What have the anti-electoralist left done in comparison to the democrats?
Why the fuck are you comparing the least powerful people in the country to some of the most powerful? Are you even a leftist, Contra?
Not to mention the absolute stupidity of saying the anti-electoralist left is ineffective, when I’m pretty sure both Marx and Lenin both pointed out the pointlessness of bourgeoisie elections (maybe theory nerds can correct me if I’m wrong?)
I haven’t watched Contrapoints for a loooong time, but she was always my least favourite Breadtuber. She had this sort of “Trans people should try to pass if we want to be accepted” video if I recall correctly and that’s when I noped the fuck away from her videos.
Skull boy is okay, the rest of breadtube can suck my enby ass. Half of them give me fed vibes anyway.
Are you even a leftist, Contra?
do you even need to ask lol
a picture of me next to Hillary does not count
if you’re not allowed to show everything lib she’s ever done, and you squint hard, there may be a case for the moderate wing of fascism at best
contra need the “pro” first for its existance … it is the `reaction´ one could say…
I haven’t watched Contrapoints for a loooong time, but she was always my least favourite Breadtuber. She had this sort of “Trans people should try to pass if we want to be accepted” video if I recall correctly and that’s when I noped the fuck away from her videos.
Oh yeah she has done that and more. She has the most libbed up trajectory. She did the voting video if I remember, where she opines how revolution is bad and leads to “China tiananmen square 1989 mao great leap forward 1000 billion dead”. And blames tankies for trump winning prior.
Anyway she also did hillary girlboss docu and gleefully bantered with hilldawg and Chelsea. Awesome.
Apparently gaza is mega complicated for her to decide which side is bad .
Ok now I get why people say she’s dismissive of nonbinary people. Trans people are supposed to pass? Like I’m nonbinary and agender. What am I supposed to pass as? A rock?
What am I supposed to pass as? A rock?
You rock. 🤘
thank you, you’re kind!
Don’t tell me that if you could pass as a rock you wouldn’t leap at the chance
is it like in Kirby where I can metamorph into a rock and roll down inclines
It works even better if you can fly or float so you can do the classic super smash Kirby move of flying up high before turning into a rock
white liberal trans always become fuckin bigoted against nonbinaries, fucking just as bad as the fucking transphobes at that point
and you are a cute and amazing person axont, you pass by existing, like any other trans person
i’m really glad everyone is so sweet and considerate. I often don’t even feel trans enough or that I’m not doing anything, since most people don’t even know I’m nonbinary unless I tell them. I’m not on HRT or anything and don’t have discrimination from my immediate family (extended family is a different story). All I’ve really faced is that coworkers and random people don’t understand or believe me, they say I’m just making stuff up. But I know who I am and so do my comrades, so I’m really grateful for that. At most I sometimes feel like I’m “supposed” to present androgynous, but why? I’d rather just be comfortable and present how I feel like. I mostly dress as a mid-90s lesbian, like with skinny jeans and boots lol.
My biggest enby victory so far is a time when I went to jury duty. I’m registered in the county with my gender as “Other” and so the judge had literally no idea how to address me. Kept going back and forth between “Mister” and “Miss” and that kind of ruled.
Seems like my gut was right then, yikes
Sean skullman and hbomberguy stay winning
Once again reminding people that
was an unrelated apartment building under construction that burned down in Minneapolis and not the police station.
Well we need a picture on that police station then
The Brianna Wu arc for contra is something. And no, posting a picture of me next to an astronaut holding a gun does not count as an argument
What does Brianna Wu arc mean? do I want to know?
If you don’t know who Brianna Wu is I implore you to keep it that way.
Gaining some online following as a left adjacent figure because they were attacked be right wing trolls. Turning out to be a spoiled lib, getting criticism for dogshit takes and soft-bigotry, and so pivoting to a post-left grifter (and in the case of Brianna Wu, linking up with Nazis).
Wu also worked for Trent Lott before transitioning
, unconfirmed if Natalie worked with any racist senators besides
Brianna Wu is trans? I thought she was cis
She is trans, she just has shit politics due to being rich. Also worth noting her ‘why I left the left’ grift is pretty much because of October 7.
anti electoralist left
I’m not anti elections, I’m anti bourgeois “democracy.” It’s a farce.
I don’t trust white trans liberals any more than I trust white cis liberals…
Trans liberalism is such a fucking aberration, they should be accosted by the whole community
I just don’t fully trust whites in general lmao. The second you show that you take anti racism seriously, and specifically antiblackness, they always show their true, white supremacist colors
liberalism is a plague, and the white settler class’s main ideology
Its hilldawg’s turn
Yeah because fucking Japan or isntrael is so good for trans people 😑
Rhodesia or colonia dignidad
natalie on a flight into “Israel” with like 6 other people on the whole plane. lands and sees thousands in the airport trying to get out of the “country”. hopefully hezbollah has forcibly decolonized half of occupied palestine by then
Wherever with the best brunchs
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“willing to vote for the Palestinian genocide because trump scares me” is cowardly enough even before “fleeing the country”
She’ll 100% not be in danger when Trump gets reelected. Despite being trans, she’s a privileged white woman with plenty of money.
Enough privilege to move to another country with no issue plus the “fuck you, got mine” mindset.
Who cares about community or using your privilege to help others?
There’s video essays to make
She’s gonna move to Occupied Ireland and pal around with Keffals
To be fair I don’t know what they are supposed to do instead, if they like any of us have no way of changing anything but happen to have the means to ensure their own safety
Not just trans liberals, just liberals in general are being like oh its 1939 here and I’m leaving to a safe place
What countries do Palestinians get to flee to, Contra?
Apparently she said telling settlers to go back to new york or europe is antisemitic.
can you reassure me that there’s a plausible direct action/non-electoralist means of stopping him?
Same thought. “One motivated marine and his rifle…” etc etc
I planted some trees in my yard which will probably have a greater positive impact on the environment than the totality of Democrat climate bills.
can you assure me there’s a plausible direct action way of stopping him?
I don’t fully agree with her thread but this here is absolutely us larping
Liberals are larping when they pretend they think that democracy is ending and fascism is happening if Trump gets in. If they sincerely thought it was so apocalyptically imminent they would be fine with bombs.
Telling them to use do it calls them out on this. If their kneejerk reaction is “We can’t do that!” then they sincerely do not believe their own bullshit.
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This is all I have left don’t you dare take this away from me
Alright have a great time
Absolutely true, yet consider it’s not a good idea to organize violent things over the internet.
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The weekend, sick leave, maternity leave, OSHA, no child labour, civil rights, holidays, etc. all came by as a result of strikes and other direct action
If Biden drone strikes Clarence Thomas as an official act to save OSHA and protect lives I still won’t vote for him, but that’s a good start.
why would he drone strike one of his own court appointments?
All those will be gone if biden loses ackshually, vote blue and push left.
Only if there’s a set of stairs to his left
Or a cliff edge
Looking at him a small curb might do the trick tbh
Oh yeah. Just a little push.
You’re a rich white trans woman living in a solid blue state, shut up!
white trans liberals always have that ‘got mine’ mentality