I had a based as fuck history teacher and when I told her “This guy sure seemed to kill a lot of people in the new world” she was like “Well, it’s complex, but if you were to google it you’d find a lot of historians agreeing”. Which obviously I did to feel like a smart boy back then and going off that probably sparked a life long personality trait of going “This official version is probably wrong as fuck” as a baseline
AIways crazy how quickly learning accurate history eliminates patriotism.
Like when I was 15 and came back from a mission trip to Nicaragua (I know, white colonizers but i was a dewey eyed 15 year old literal boy scout and the mission had open health clinics for the community it was in and repeatedly told people not to take a bunch of selfies with random locals to talk about all the good work you were doing). Got back and was like “why the hell is Nicaragua in such a shitty place politically” and then 40 minutes of reading later I arrived at “death to america” and never looked back.
I feel like in the fight of “I have a bachelors degree in this”. vs “I read maybe 3 wikipedia articles about this” the latter shouldn’t have a fighting chance, but alas
Yea chuds are right that college can very much be indoctrinating they just don’t realize it’s indoctrinating people to be part of the PMC and teach people that chuds should be respected.
One of the non hard sciene classes I took was some nebulous bmshit like “science, technology and culture” that was taught by a stereotypical reddit atheist. Our final was to turn in our weekly journal we’d been keeping all semester. I didn’t so this and 4 days before it was due just went through all the class power points and rephrased them to just be saying the professors opinions back to him.
He called me into his office and told me he was super impressed and I had the outline of a textbook here lmao.
The whole idea of any educational facility not be indoctrinating is honestly just fucking stupid from the start. You can, maybe, sort of, look at STEM objectively and even then whenever it hits “doing anything in real life” it gets political, everything else is just that from the start.
Counterexample to your bad thing here, I once had an english teacher who I proposed the wildest theories about a book we were reading to and she was like “…well, neither me nor the “scientific” community agrees, but I don’t think any of your arguments are realistically refutable, A+” and that was when I was like “Oh damn I can interpret things” instead of “this whole thing is a waste of time unless I submit to whatever authority”
Shout out Mrs. S, I don’t think you know what you were doing in that specific scenario but you fell ass-backwards into the coolest possible response
I had the polar opposite teacher who was an awesome sweet hippy lady who wore birks and a sundress everyday even when it was -20 and snowing and the two classes I took with her were about engineering disasters like bhopal and how the most vulnerable ultimately pay the price for engineering laziness or oversight and another class where we did a “model UN but for the paris accord” that ended up with *every other country telling America to fuck off and stop being so hypocritical and siding with China.
Right? It’s always BS. there have always been people who recognized that hurting and enslaving others was fucked up. There’s no point in recorded history where there weren’t people who would have agreed that some of the shit their neighbors were doing is fucked up.
Two gauls in chains being marched south to a life of Roman slavery. The first one says “man, fuck Caesar.” The second one says “wait, hold on there, buddy. Who are we to judge?”
The whole mythos that nobody knew what was over there is bullshit but it would be pretty hard to lionize a guy who had the bright idea to get to Mexico by leaving Arizona travelling north.
Even better, in that same conversation the guy from Italy is like, “you know, people in the south don’t like Columbus. They don’t like the north. The north punishes the south. Fuck the north.”
Typical Italians; Demanding to be represented by a murderous slaver who was dragged back to Europe in chains because he was too violent and cruel for even European proto-colonizers to stomach.
Also fuck Christopher Columbus. He was a genocidal, racist piece of shit even for his time.
I had a based as fuck history teacher and when I told her “This guy sure seemed to kill a lot of people in the new world” she was like “Well, it’s complex, but if you were to google it you’d find a lot of historians agreeing”. Which obviously I did to feel like a smart boy back then and going off that probably sparked a life long personality trait of going “This official version is probably wrong as fuck” as a baseline
Shout out Mrs. B, you knew what you were doing
AIways crazy how quickly learning accurate history eliminates patriotism.
Like when I was 15 and came back from a mission trip to Nicaragua (I know, white colonizers but i was a dewey eyed 15 year old literal boy scout and the mission had open health clinics for the community it was in and repeatedly told people not to take a bunch of selfies with random locals to talk about all the good work you were doing). Got back and was like “why the hell is Nicaragua in such a shitty place politically” and then 40 minutes of reading later I arrived at “death to america” and never looked back.
I feel like in the fight of “I have a bachelors degree in this”. vs “I read maybe 3 wikipedia articles about this” the latter shouldn’t have a fighting chance, but alas
Yea chuds are right that college can very much be indoctrinating they just don’t realize it’s indoctrinating people to be part of the PMC and teach people that chuds should be respected.
One of the non hard sciene classes I took was some nebulous bmshit like “science, technology and culture” that was taught by a stereotypical reddit atheist. Our final was to turn in our weekly journal we’d been keeping all semester. I didn’t so this and 4 days before it was due just went through all the class power points and rephrased them to just be saying the professors opinions back to him.
He called me into his office and told me he was super impressed and I had the outline of a textbook here lmao.
The whole idea of any educational facility not be indoctrinating is honestly just fucking stupid from the start. You can, maybe, sort of, look at STEM objectively and even then whenever it hits “doing anything in real life” it gets political, everything else is just that from the start.
Counterexample to your bad thing here, I once had an english teacher who I proposed the wildest theories about a book we were reading to and she was like “…well, neither me nor the “scientific” community agrees, but I don’t think any of your arguments are realistically refutable, A+” and that was when I was like “Oh damn I can interpret things” instead of “this whole thing is a waste of time unless I submit to whatever authority”
Shout out Mrs. S, I don’t think you know what you were doing in that specific scenario but you fell ass-backwards into the coolest possible response
Yea that was an outlier for me too.
I had the polar opposite teacher who was an awesome sweet hippy lady who wore birks and a sundress everyday even when it was -20 and snowing and the two classes I took with her were about engineering disasters like bhopal and how the most vulnerable ultimately pay the price for engineering laziness or oversight and another class where we did a “model UN but for the paris accord” that ended up with *every other country telling America to fuck off and stop being so hypocritical and siding with China.
I beg you rephrase this on account it got sremovedhorpe filtered and I wish to know what it said
I think he misspelled “country” lol
Every other “country”
I legitimately don’t know what could have gotten removed but it’s probablly good I’m not familiar with some of the more nebulous slurs.
I have a very similar story about Guatemala
Uh, how about the priest the Spanish court sent to see what he was up to who listed all of the monstrous shit he did?
Right? It’s always BS. there have always been people who recognized that hurting and enslaving others was fucked up. There’s no point in recorded history where there weren’t people who would have agreed that some of the shit their neighbors were doing is fucked up.
Two gauls in chains being marched south to a life of Roman slavery. The first one says “man, fuck Caesar.” The second one says “wait, hold on there, buddy. Who are we to judge?”
You can’t judge The Founding Fathers by contemporary morality! Everyone was okay with it then!
What about fucking Thomas Paine??
And a huge fucking dumbass.
The whole mythos that nobody knew what was over there is bullshit but it would be pretty hard to lionize a guy who had the bright idea to get to Mexico by leaving Arizona travelling north.
Even better, in that same conversation the guy from Italy is like, “you know, people in the south don’t like Columbus. They don’t like the north. The north punishes the south. Fuck the north.”
Typical Italians; Demanding to be represented by a murderous slaver who was dragged back to Europe in chains because he was too violent and cruel for even European proto-colonizers to stomach.