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They should do an anti documentary. Show Reagan as the blood hungry man that actively sought to gut government spending for mental health institutions, show him in backrooms smoking cigars to cut taxes, and talk to the CIA director to funnel crack in neighborhood.
Bonus points for downplaying aids specifically to target the gay community.
So… an actual documentary with facts instead of a conservative puff piece?
And the war on drugs stuff, and the Iran-Contra stuff, the DoH grant rigging, Ill Wind, loans crisis, Wedtech scandal and so many more classics!
After all, he’s number one in the hall of fame for convictions/indictions of Administration officials. A whooping 138 record, making him the Babe Ruth of corrupt US government leaders.
Don’t forget the press secretary literally laughing as gay people die, until Reagan’s friend Rock Hudson got HIV.
Yes, just like Trump and COVID, Reagan’s some policy on HIV was “do nothing and hope people don’t care”.
the Iran-Contra stuff
and throwing one of his underlings under the bus for it. He was a role model for Trump.
Adam McKay was in the early steps of doing a Will Farrell comedy about Reagan’s time with Alzheimer’s dementia, the concept being he was too far gone so his advisers told him he was playing the President as a role… the outrage machine got summoned and it got binned, but CANCEL CULTURE only applies to other things I guess.
Most Will Ferrell movies would have been much better without Will Ferrell.
He was alright in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
I’m not the biggest Farrell fan but Old School or Step Brothers wouldn’t have been the same without him, just perfect roles. I also liked him in the latest season of The Boys, as a
Hollywood stooge chasing an Oscar in a BS white saviour narrative
If you put it like that I would prefer production, casting and direction like Narcos (Mexico / Griselda etc). Sublime in picturing another era and pure nitty gritty of real life back then. Without fake glorification.
Meanwhile Hillary is straight Satan.
I would watch the shit out of that
SNL already did that long ago.
I miss Terry Sweeny’s hilarious impression of Nancy Regan.
One of histories greatest monsters. He ratted out fellow actors during the red scare. Real POS.
This is comically hyperbolic. Ronald Reagan isn’t even the greatest monster in the history of US presidents. Frankly I’m not even sure he was the greatest monster to serve as president in the second half of the twentieth century.
One of
Jeez, have you never been on internet forums where people say things they don’t mean in the most literal sense possible?
Cow pies. There was nothing in your original comment indicating you are being facetious or intentionally hyperbolic.
Because I’m not. I’m just not saying literally he’s a worse monster than tons of other monsters. But I do blame him for a lot of the terrible shit in USA society. And Tatcher for doing the same. They’re both awful. They are two of history’s greatest monsters.
If there are a multitude of other monsters, then he is not one of history’s greatest monsters. You could probably name half a dozen more evil world leaders from the twentieth century alone. I was initially thinking of Hitler/Stalin, but honestly even people like Saddam are objectively worse people than Reagan and Thatcher.
That’s just one century out of recorded history. It’s just an absolutely absurd statement.
You’re not very good at interpreting internet comments. I already said it isn’t meant exactly literally. You know who else are some of history’s greatest monsters? Five hundred people who aren’t literally history’s greatest monsters. I’m done going back and forth with you. You either come at it in bad faith or don’t understand what I’m trying to convey.
Dude fuck off. You 100 percent had a stupid hot take, and are choosing to double down instead of just own it.
He was Bush’s puppet. Had no spine of his own
He was a pile of shit but not Bush’s puppet. They hated each other.
He was Nancy’s psychic’s puppet.
Now thats a bit more acurate.
Damn I miss 1980’s Spitting Image…
I’m starting to remember that they hated each other. I’m inclined to think it was because he knew Bush Sr held the reigns (having been CIA stooge for Nixon) and had no grasp of play-acting for the people (not an actor like magistrate Reagan)
The damage done under Reagan was vaster than Reagan had brains or connections to make.
I agree with this. Reagan was culpable because he was the damn boss. H.W., Olly North, and a bunch of others were doing all kinds of fucked up shit while he smiled for the camera.
I think the same thing about Bush Jr.'s time in office. He “aww shucked” his way through shit while Cheney and the crew did irreparable damage. I don’t think either of them felt strongly about anything that didn’t personally affect them and they allowed the road to the 2016 shitshow.
H.W. was the only conservative who held the reigns while he was president in the last 4 decades and he wasn’t likable enough by the base to get a second term. That’s why they put up “aww shucks” and a crazy demagogue that they could manipulate. Don’t get me wrong, Trump is evil. He just doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together to do the damage that the federalist society and project 2025 wanted/wants all by himself.
Solid. Trump is Putin’s prime puppet. Dumbing & diminishing the (self proclaimed) land of democracy & Union. He (Putin) put some shiny social bombs at play in his extension of the cold war. And he’s happy to watch us set them off on ourselves. Even won Elon over to dip in to the charade front.
Trump is the Cockwomble mascot of robbing his (real & imagined) tenants of time, attention and truth. That’s his (previous) mental limit.
These days, Russians are praised and bowed to by Conservatives. Weird shit…
fawning celebration of its subject
That’s all I needed to hear to know that it’s bad.
Funny, all I needed was the title.
That’s saying something since Borderlands was also dropped this year.
And The Crow
Apparently,The Crow has stolen Bordelands’ crown as biggest flop. That’s impressive.
In my opinion they made a huge mistake in trying to refresh The Crow with a modern Gen Z lens. I think a lot of modern retakes have been done well, but this character is so deeply rooted in that 90s grungy alt rock metal culture that trying to remove him from it just makes him a really bland emo antihero. I personally think they should have leaned hard into the nostalgia factor and cranked the crunchy guitar up to 11 with just a bit of modern freshness. I don’t know what musicians would have been appropriate to tackle that in the 2020s.
At least borderlands isn’t about a person who’s helped lead the world to ruin
Let Kevin Hart cook
Okay I take it back they tie
Have a Lemmitinum award🏅
I haven’t seen the movie or read anything about it.
But the writer also wrote a sequel to God’s Not Dead, if that gives any indication of where this sits on the reality/lunatic spectrum of right wing shithousery.
It’s like Christian rock in that with regular rock and roll, artists express themselves through music, but when evangelists produce music, it’s still just regular people making music.
lol I’ve seen clips of the first one and holy shit it’s so obvious they only read Wikipedia and Spark’s Notes for anything longer than Green Ham and Eggs.
And Reagan was the worst president of all time.
I’d say Buchanan still wins. Saw the Civil War coming and basically stood back and let it happen. Was even sympathetic with slaveholders and the South in general even though he was from Pennsylvania.
But I hope to see the day sentiment finally changes and Reagan joins the worst Presidents list.
andrew jackson is worst for me. trail of tears/genocide is pretty fucking unforgivable
American presidents didn’t stop or start genociding natives with Jackson.
Fun Fact: Grant assigned Sherman to figuring out how to genocide Indians in the most efficient way possible, leading to the buffalo extermination campaigns.
oh geez
i guess now its a competition to who genocided american indians the worst…or best? or would it be most? however its supposed to be worded
When I 1st read your comment
My mind said Pat Buchanan :D
Nixon. Trump. Bush Jr. Plenty of awful ones to choose from. Seems like it just gets worse with every Republican.
At least Nixon stepped down
I know there’s the argument that “Reagan lead to Trump”, but I don’t think that’s particularly applicable. Also, Reagan’s “legacy” as it where has had 40 some years to really seep in. Trump has only had 8, and even in just those 8 he’s at the very least giving Reagan a run for his money.
Nixon not being jailed led to the Orange Menace
Good point
Worse than the guy who grabs women by the pussy because he thinks he deserves that right as an entitled manchild?
I’m not really looking forward to the inevitably Obama hagiography, but releasing a movie like that right now would at least be timely. Reaganism might still rule our world, but Reagan - as a personality - hasn’t been relevant in decades.
Left out of this scene is Reagan’s “Make America Great Again” remark, no doubt to avoid drawing parallels between its protagonist and Donald Trump, and it’s the first of innumerable instances in which McNamara and screenwriter Howard Klausner warp history for one-note lionization.
Which is a shame, because Trump really is the modern incarnation of The Gipper. He cribbed from Ronnie’s playbook extensively and won with similar constituencies in a comparable upset campaign. Where Trump really failed was in his lack of an Evil Empire motivate the country against. Instead, he got a killer virus, which his own brand of cynical bumbling fascism was ill-disposed to confront. If Reagan had been held to Trump-esque standards for the AIDS epidemic, I wonder if he’d have suffered the same fate to Mondale in 1984. But AIDS was a disease for minorities, rather than rich old white men. So Reagan got to be the hero standing at the end of Cold War history, rather than the plague bringer that decimated the domestic economy.
Nonsensicality abounds, never more so than in Petrovich’s explanation for Reagan’s success: “People will not give their lives for power or a state or even ideology. People give their lives for one another, for the freedom to live those lives as they choose, and for God. We took that away. The Crusader gave it back to them.”
A bit of a shock to hear this, given the steady slide church attendance takes with the Gen X, Millennial, and Zoomer cohorts.
Considering its ceaseless hero worship, it’s unsurprising that Reagan concludes with an Alzheimer’s-afflicted Reagan riding off into the sunset. Yet for all the effort it expends trying to sell the late president as the embodiment of American virtue, McNamara’s film is so ungainly and transparent that it plays like embarrassing propaganda.
I can’t think of a more perfect ending to a movie about one of America’s premiere propagandists. But it feels like a message totally out of time with the modern audience. A “Hopey Changey” conservative throwback to a period of political optimism and a utopian vision of a single all-encompassing (fascist) movement that could sweep the nation.
If the movie falls to deliver, perhaps that’s less the fault of the producer and the director than the man they sought to embody in their work.
I can’t think of a more perfect ending to Kevin Sorbo’s career
Wait, is Sorbo in this?
Yes, but, hilariously, not in the trailer
Sorbo is always involved in shit like this. He plays a pastor or some shit
Don’t have strokes.
I just went to the movies and saw the poster for it, first time I had heard about it. I thought to myself, okay, whatever. Then in the trailers I saw not just a tease, but an ad for some theme park thing connected to the movie you can visit? And I thought, WTF?
No doubt this will play well for the idiots who buy extra tickets for shit like Sound of Fury and The Chosen.
The crow: get in line!
Borderlands: Amateurs!
Seriously though… What the fuck, 2024?
One of Deadpool’s box office superpowers: all others (made or released same year) will fail
Twisters: Forgotten me already, huh?
We tried to watch that a few nights ago. We couldn’t figure out how a group of middle schoolers all got their driver’s license and doctorate jobs. Seriously, WTF? The original cast were all in their 30’s, which was believable. The stars of the new movie look like they’re teenagers.
So did I, which is why it’s extra creepy when Glen Powell, the most generic white guy imaginable, tries to bang one of them.
I’d almost completely forget the whole movie by the next day, but my wife continued to think about it and then sent me this about the ending. Which makes it even worse than the ending you’d guess at about ten seconds into the film.
spoiler for ending, like it matters
So, they were going to test their tornado killing chemicals on the big tornado, until they realised it was heading for a town, so instead of killing the tornado before it hit the town they drove to the town to shout at running people to run, until it had destroyed half the town and killed several people, at which point they used the tornado killing chemicals to kill the tornado…
Brilliant. Just brilliant writing all around.
I’ll give them credit, I’d have never guessed that the ending would be… That…
Obligatory, FUCK REAGAN.
Ronald Wilson Reagan
6 6 6
I HAAAATE biopics about recent history. It’s not entertainment. Doesn’t matter if red or blue tinged it’s still trash because the story needs to be “interesting” instead of the horrifying truth:
There is only power. And those who desire power above anything else.
And people who want other things. The rest is just window dressing.If Aaron Sorkin wrote it, I’ll let it be.
This ain’t that though.
I’m sort of fine with fictional shows like The White House which are basically fantasy. I also like cop shows even though I know they are basically cop propaganda, it’s just the justice fantasy and solving crimes is fun. As long as they don’t muddle the water with recent real events.
For cop shows
Play a drinking game
When ever a DA or leo talk about or actually violate someone’s rights
When probable cause & warrants, give way to exigent circumstances
Drink Cops are lazy & or overworked
Bonus round are people within the episode seeking rehabilitation, justice or retribution
Jimmy Carter: insatiable autocrat.
I wonder if they include the conversation between Reagan and Nixon where Reagan called black people “monkeys.”
Or the Lee Atwater quote where he talks about his strategic use of dog whistles and starts it off by saying the N-word three times.
Man, Reagan sucked.
Well, to be fair, Reagan was one of the worst humans of all time.
They kept the war on drugs going and started smuggling drugs into black neighborhoods to fund anti democratic despots overseas
But is it worse than the Johnny Lingo reboot from the Mormon church?
“Mahana, you ugly. Come down from that tree now.”
How can any movie compete with that truly epic line?
Is that the one with the child corpsicle nobody cares about?
No. The corpsicle is like in all the ones about the
pioneerscolonizers, who, like their Puritanical ancestors, were such bad neighbors, they were forced to move away from everyone else.I checked God Awful Movies, I was thinking of Cipher In The Snow. Which was about divorce… somehow.
they were forced to move away from everyone else.
Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?
Minecraft movie: So far…
I saw the trailers for this and was like “Wait, is this a ‘real’ movie? It looks like one of those religiously funded ‘Fathom Events’.”
Even the gags are real movies now. Somehow we went from ads that are trailers for fake films, to actual movie films for theaters being glorified $30M ads, which you pay to watch.