Sony needs to stop with these live service games. Nobody is interested in a new one. Everyone who wants to play one, already has their game chosen and do not move from it.
It’s the same thing we had 10+ years ago with MMO’s. Everyone wanted to unseat WoW,
MMOs to MOBAs to BR… On and on and on. Publishers being 2 years too late to a trend and trying to jump on the train after it left the station fucking over their existing fanbase in the process. The MBAs in charge of these decisions should be fired… Out of a cannon into the sun.
The problem is “live service” went from vast paid expansions that added cool shit without any bullshit dark patterns, to milking people dry and trick them to stay in game until they’re just a husk of a human being.
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Maybe Guerilla can pull a Naughty Dog and convince Sony this isn’t the right direction for their studio.
What if we still lived in the era where games could have single player and multiplayer modes without worrying about constantly updating the multiplayer mode and monetizing it in perpetuity?
Seriously, the Last of Us had a really fun multiplayer mode. They didn’t have to make it some shitty treadmill of garbage for people to engage with it.
The press release sure read as though it was an inconceivable notion that they could build a multiplayer game that wasn’t going to get updated forever. It made me so angry.
It only took them roughly 3 years, buying out Bungie and still failing to pull anything off to do that
And then, they will blame the studio when the game fails :/. There is no point to force a studio specialized in single-player games to develop a multiplayer one. And using an existing IP for that is not very effective imo (it reminds me a lot when, during PS360 era, all single player games had an uninteresting multiplayer mode solely to justify the online membership, like Fable 2 or Mass Effect 3). It’s exactly like the last Crash game no one cared about.
It feels like they are buying lottery tickets, hoping a winning ticket will cover all their expenses.
Yep, happened to Arcane Austin. Redfall was a disaster because Bethesda couldn’t wrap their heads around the fact that Arcane made (awesome) single player games and not MMOs. Hopefully history won’t repeat itself.
If memory serves, they prototyped the first Horizon as a multiplayer game, which makes sense given the Monster Hunter inspiration; and the Killzone games had multiplayer. Horizon would make a great multiplayer game, but I want to play mulitplayer Horizon, not live service Horizon.
Ok, a horizon in the style of moster hunter could be great. Every time I hear live service that’s not what I picture though. If its just another multi-player shooter then fuck that.
Fair point. I am not interested at all, but I can understand ;).
I feel like the Fable 2 multiplayer was more justified than the God of War multiplayer lol.
Their next game is going to be a live service scam.
If it takes Guerrilla’s head on the chopping block for greedy publishers to finally stop making these scam service games. That’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.
Looks like Sony hasn’t learnt any lesson from the failure of Concord.
Obviously the problem was that it wasn’t live service enough!
SquareEnix agrees
Or the failure of TLOU live service game that was cancelled
That is truly a bummer, I guess Sony doesn’t want any of my money any time soon.
Fuck Sony.
Also fuck Nintendo.
We already know of this. It’s an MMO.
I really wish I liked Horizon Zero Dawn but the story was incredibly boring and the voice acting was atrocious. The gameplay was really fun but I could not stand being locked in with an NPC just to listen to some awful voice acting and cringe animations. I really tried playing this 3 times, each time getting further than the last.
Odd, I thought the gameplay was bland and somewhat repetitive, while the world, voice acting, and story kept me coming back.
Odd, I thought every aspect of it was amazing!