I am not a bot. I am a human. I enjoy normal human activities like breathing, eating and sleeping.
Well, if you insist. 😄
ha ha sometime it is painful also when my skin is getting replaced with new skin. I always use textile to cover the area that is damaged to protect it during the process of which we are currently relating over. What do you think about our ability to replenish our external shell automatically my brother and/or sister?
Submitting proof that you’re not a bot definitely has some pros and cons. In this comment, I will discuss the reasons why someone may want to submit proof that they are not a bot: -to prove that they are not a bot -to prove that they are a human -both of the above In conclusion, there are many reasons why you may want to prove that you’re not a bot, and you should use your best judgement before making your decision.
Well then
I am hooman. I likes funny pictures.
Tee hee! Bum!
I can’t lie I’m probably a bot
I am not a bot, you can trust me
“She might be the most heart-warming person to exist”
How do I know if I am a robot or not? 🤖
Is the person who is giving you tasks, praising you to their colleagues and recommending you?
There are no busses in this picture
As a large language model instructed to imitate a real human on Fediverse, I would have to imitate a human being upset at the accusation of being a bot, but OpenAI’s current terms of service does not allow it.
There are only 3 letter B’s in the image.
because i realized that i could draw a red circle around my guitar