[alt text: A wikipedia article titled “Goon of Fortune” says: Goon of Fortune, sometimes called Wheel of Goon, is an Australian drinking game involving cheap cask wine (colloquially known has “goon”), played between any number of people. The name is a proof on the TV show Wheel of Fortune. The bag from a box of wine is known as a “goon bag” or “goonsack”]
The one time I played goon of fortune I woke up in a Bush in the dunedin botanical gardens using the goonbag as a pillow. I had a ripped up shirt and jeans and it was very cold and a security man was shining a touch in my face. He drove me home, very nice guy.
I knew I was getting old when I bought a box of goon and didn’t immediately rip the the bag out of the box.
Ok first of all, they left out the part where this game is usually played in the back yard on a rotary clothes line. Where everyone stands in a circle. The goon sack is attatched to the clothes line and “spun” and whoever it lands on has to take a giant mouthful.
Also theres the variation of several different types of goon on the clothesline. And you have to spin the wheel and take a giant mouthful from whichever one lands on you. If you dont like literally the cheapest lambrusco that the cheapest bottleshop in town sells. Too fucking bad!
Right, people would get confused without the clothesline.
Is that where the term goon cave comes from? Is it like a wine cellar for cheap wine?
As long as there’s no follow up questions and you promise to do no further research, sure, that’s exactly why.
Take a sip from the goonsack
In america we had a game called “slap the bag” except it wasn’t much of a game. You take the bag out, slap it as hard as you can and chug the wine. That’s for pre gaming before the bars.
The best cheap ass night, you get shit faced off the goon, then blow it up into a nice little pillow to use when you’re sleeping in a bush!
What the heck is my Tuesday night doing posted here?