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Gentlemen, it is with great displeasure that I must inform you that we’re doing it wrong.
Sitting is 10 times better. Easier to pee, no need to aim, no splash so you don’t fuck up the bathroom. But I’d use a urinal over any toilet when I’m outside because 1) it’s faster 2) I don’t want to sit down on a common toilet).
What do you mean no need to aim? I hope you’re not just letting your dick rub against the toilet bowl while you pee.
hanging down all the way into the water, probably.
American toilets are just weird. Why do they need to evacuate into an overful lake like that? Always seems so wasteful, putting 50 litres of water into each flush too.
The oval shape is so a penis doesn’t touch the seat/bowl when you sit.
On round toilets, someone with a penis might need to touch the seat with their hands the whole time they are seated.They’re oval here too, but don’t require all that extra water, a lake in every flush. I think you mistead overfull? And I had never seen a real plunger in Australia, we don’t ever need them. Our toilets just work.
Eh. New toilets sold in places like California, Arizona (ie dry places) use such very little water that sometimes I need to flush twice to ensure the toilet doesn’t stink
American toilets use a different mechanism, a siphon sucks the water out while in Europe we just dump water into it and hope it flushes. Water usage is the same as far as I know.
Huh? European toilets also a siphon, that’s what maintains a barrier to the sewage line. Source: my siphon broke, it was not nice.
There are 2 types of toilets, siphonic and wash down. Wash down toilets don’t necessarily use less water but they are usually capable of 2 different volumes of flushing. There’s 2 buttons to flush, one uses more water than the other. The big flush is basically the same amount of water as a siphonic toilet but you have the option to use less water. Siphonic toilets don’t support 2 different flush sizes. If you have 2 different ways to flush, you have a wash down. Wash down toilets are also less prone to clogging.
It’s not quite as cut and dry as American vs European since siphonic toilets do exist in Europe and wash down toilets have become a lot more popular in America.
There were attempts to make siphonic toilets use less water but they were terrible. I have no idea if the rest of the world uses them but America has abandoned them in favor of wash down toilets. Other countries have standardized on wider drains (not sure how common this is) which might make them work better in other places. But I have no idea.
Thank you for the clarification! That was insightful.
The Dutch shelf toilet… is an experience…
It’s there to avoid splashing toilet water.
It’s there to examine your stool for parasites, unfortunately. The lack of splashing is simply a bonus
Water usage per flush here in Australia is significantly lower. And yet the system is cleaner and more reliable. I had never even seen a plunger until my first US visit; We don’t need them here because our toilets work, unlike the huge American toilets which clog and require too much water.
Australia, IIRC, standardized on larger drain pipe sizes, so of course your toilets don’t clog. For some reason only some commercial buildings use the larger standard here. As for water usage, my toilet uses 1.3 gallons per flush, and they sell more expensive toilets that use much less but have a stronger pressure system. If/when this toilet breaks I’ll be getting one of those most likely.
It’s called Snorkeling
That’s an American tradition, the setup in other countries don’t have that problem
“When I shit my dick touch da water”
The evacuation displaced just enough water to give it a wet kiss
Poseidon’s Kiss
“no splash” yup
C-Captain, no splash!
Not a sound!
Not a bloomin’ ripple!
Man never thought I’d be reading Peter Pan quotes in a thread like this
Just push it down bro. Have you ever peed while sitting down?
Into the water???
Okay, Mr. Big Dick, some of us can push it down and still be miles away from the water, okay? Now my balls on the other hand…
I don’t want to pull down my pants and don’t want to have to do a sitdown and stand up for a pee. Those would be my cons.
If all you touched was the outside of your outerpants and the waistband of your unders, there’s no need to wash your hands either!
Total agreement with this guy as long as I don’t need to touch any door handles.
Alas, I’m female so that’s pretty much never.
We conclude that the sitting posture is the best position for men with urination problems, e.g. due to an enlarged prostate to urinate in, whereas no difference was found in healthy men
Buried near the bottom. Clickbait headline.
I’m waiting for the StandUp to Poo study
Yeah, a study that compares the benefits of using a toilet vs the benefits of pooping the way East Asians traditionally do (a “hole” on the ground).
And if I recall, the results were that squatting is actually better at lining up all of the anatomy for least effort in evacuation. As a result there was a suggestion of a lower incidence of haemorrhoids.
Squatty Potty enters the chat
Bend over, load torpedo, FIRE.
Be like Butters
Boo OP
The title should be prepended with the word: Older. Sitting to pee is better for men with prostate issues.
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yes but who cleans the bathroom anyways?
I regularly sit down to pee because the toilet in my van has a divider which diverts all the solids to the back and the liquids to a storage tank in the front. Good to know it’s also healthy for my prostate.
My bathroom is carpeted. I’ve sat to pee for years, and now default to it everywhere. Plus, fewer issues with drippage.
My problem is that I drip when I stand up even after I’m “finished”. It feels easier to get every last drop out when I stand up.
Also, I could never have carpet in my bathroom. That just sounds like a breeding ground for mold and mildew just from the humidity of showering even if you are sitting down to avoid sprinkling droplets of pee everywhere.
Protip: when you’re done, doesn’t matter sitting or standing, push on your taint. It often helps clear the plumbing and prevents dripping. Was a life changer when I found that trick.
That does get most of it out but I’m not always into pushing on my taint every time I take a piss so I usually just shake a lot and hope for the best.
If by push you mean pressing from the base to the tip with two fingers, as if you were doing the scisors animation, that’s faster than wiggling it and it’s way more effective.
Seems like that would be harder/more annoying to do while sitting
Yeah, it wasn’t my choice. But so far it hasn’t been an issue, and the floor was already fucked up, which the carpet was an attempt to just cover it up. Eventually I’ll probably deal with it, but haven’t had the cash to yet.
My bathroom is carpeted
Eww. My apologies
I think an elongated seat/toilet makes sitting down much easier and more comfortable. Round seats/toilets really suck for a man.
I hear you there, you must suffer Long Dong Syndrome as well…
Nah, it’s a problem across the board
Even if you have the world’s tinkiest dinky you’re going to want an elongated bowl just to have some room for the pee to arc out so you don’t piss all over your balls.
I’m really confused reading this thread. Why isn’t it possible to just twist and tuck it left or right? I’m a dude and have never had a problem peeing sitting down on a round toilet.
Round seats are best because you can tuck your willy under the seat and there’s no chance of it popping up. Also the cool ceramic underside of the toilet seat helps stimulate urine flow
What a terrible day to be literate.
Our new place has a round bowl, rather than swap to an oval toilet I bought a split seat and replaced the full round seat. It helps a lot.
I’m a woman now and technically, they didn’t say it’s wrong for a woman to stand while she pees.
Oops this is Men’s Liberation. Sorry. Back to lurking. Good luck, men.
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In public I use the urinal or sit down. At home I sit down. Sometimes peeing makes me want to shit anyway even if I wasn’t planning to originally.
I just enjoy the short break! If I start stressing myself while peeing, where do I stop?!
when shitting
Could always just get a litter box. Way more convenient.
It’s not. My cats made me really mad one time I was drunk so I peed in their litter box in some demented effort to get back at them. Cleaning that up was not worth it.
At worst you just dump all the litter
You think cats are going to let that act slide just by offering to clean up their litter afterwards? Ha.
I don’t even sit when I shit
When I’m in a hurry I stand, when I’m chill I sit down - obviously not in public restrooms.
Also German insider: you will find passive aggressive signs for people to sit down to pee in quite some homes.
Damn sitzpinklers and their elitist signage
I hate when I need to shit in public and can’t find a toilet without actual excrement on the seat. No way in hell am I enduring that just to piss.
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Have fun shitting while standing.
I know I always do
I mean just use a diaper and you can sit to pee anywhere!
When in your own home, just do it the way god intended: kneeling. (it’s really quite nice)
if you do it right you can get your beverage coming out from 3 or 4 places at once.
In America if you sit to pee, your dick touches the water
Long dick daddy from Cincinnati
Yeah…totally…hate it when that happens😒
Meanwhile, my nuts don’t touch the water, and my dick ain’t fell off yet. I think I’ll continue standing…
Had I not been to the US this would have made little sense to me. US toilets and ours (NZ) are very different (the scrotal sag would have to be pretty epic to reach the water here).
Dutch toilets with their poo-presentation shelf are different too. And then there’s squat toilets.
So many ways to excrete, so little time…
Dutch toilets with their poo-presentation shelf
Holy fuck, I hate so much those toilets. Why on earth do they use that?!
Meat used to have a lot more parasites and raw pork is a delicacy there.
So you can inspect your feces for health issues is the reasoning I’ve heard.
But the furthest I’ve gotten into another country involved a cruise ship.
The only other time I left the country was to Canada,and that was just a quick trip across the border for a few hours. And mostly to say I visited 3 countries in one week lol.
Maybe they don’t want Poseidon’s creepy ass kissing them
Many homes in the USA, especially ones with wells are low water as well. It would make me crazy having so much water splashing around so high.
Then don’t piss on the water, piss on the side of the bowl to make it spiral instead of splash.
You got this homie, just practice your aim… 👍
Sounds like more water would make that harder again. Unsure what benefit it offers
That would explain the comment about nuts lol, I was perplexed by it. Just searched for American toilets and lmao what’s the deal with so little space between where you are sitting and the waterline??
How low do your nuts hang lmao
Which one? 😂