Hi everybody! My schedule has been really unforgiving, so I may or may not end up writing something and making changes to the post later in the week.
Regardless, I hope you all have a good week!
Join our public Matrix server!
As a reminder, please do not discuss current struggle sessions in the mega. We want this to be a little oasis for all of us and the best way to do that is not to feed into existing conflict on the site.
Also, be sure to properly give content warnings and put sensitive subjects behind proper spoiler tags. It’s for the mental health of not just your comrades, but yourself as well.
Here is a screenshot of where to find the spoiler button.
hi, does anyone wanna make the mega in the upcoming weeks? if so, reply to this post and i’ll add you to the list!
the list as it stands:
* after name denotes someone who has posted before and will be skipped by first-time posters
Sign me back up. I should be fine to do it now.
sounds good, i’ll put you on
I’d like to do the trans mega at some point, but does it have to be about gender or something related? If it does I’ll happily do one about Public Universal Friend but if not I want to force everyone to read about Asa Mitaka, my favourite character in fiction
it doesn’t have to be about gender stuff at all, it’s basically just an excuse to talk about something you care about. i can put you on for the week of the 17th if you’d like
Okey dokey sounds good!
Hi, I’d be interested in making a mega thread but I’ve never done one before.
no problem! basically i send you the title and the stuff to add at the bottom and you can just write whatever you want above it. you can do next week’s if you want, alternatively you can have a week to plan stuff out, it’s whatever you wanna do
I can do this upcoming week! I just make a normal post in https://hexbear.net/c/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns?
yes! i’ll add you to the list and just send you the stuff in a message now