With anarchists like that, who needs the FBI?
Give em ten years and they’ll be lizwarrenites who talk abt how they grew out of their “communist” phase
So love them, love them, love them, they’re liberals
that’ll be in 3 years; 10 years and they’ll be grifting on twitter going “I left the left because the tankies were mean to me, that’s why I’m a neocon now”
They’re now trawling through commenters’ profiles to find an epic logic own which proves they’re tankies. This is the above comment which is very tankie:
EVs also really play to China’s strengths in that they have a much lower barrier to entry than internal combustion cars which require significantly more R&D. Instead anyone can slap a battery and electric motors onto a chassis, so now Chinese EVs can compete on price and features. Given the extremely efficient supply chain and manufacturing industry China has, this means they can outcompete on both high end luxury EVs and extremely cheap workhorse EVs.
I completely agree that they’re going to have a hard right pivot to some kind of nationalist right-wing ideology. Ten years is too optimistic. Five at most. They’re already halfway there and just need that final push of other anarchists saying “you’re weird”. This thread could even be that moment for them since most of the replies are calling out how nonsensical they are.
anyone can slap a battery and electric motors onto a chassis
damn man tell me you don’t know anything about EVs without telling me
In the past decade, EV makers have had to invent new chemistry and they still haven’t fully cracked the nut of putting enough power into a lightweight enough battery to compete with a tank of gas. I’m fully on board with EVs as they exist now (but of course mass transit would be even better), but for the average consumer in America they’re still just not good enough, which was why the extremely low price on some Chinese cars was such an exciting development.
That’s sort of how it started though, I remember as a kid seeing electric 3 wheel minivans and minitrucks and mopeds chugging along in the bike lanes carrying families and produce. Those really were just batteries, motor, chassis, and sheet metal/plastic shell, they had shitty motors and a range of like 80km at the time, which was fine if you just needed to make a trip in the city (and more importantly, they were cheap). The rapid advances in battery chemistry came about almost 2 decades later.
Chinese ICE engines have also gotten a lot better, but it took much longer considering how long companies like BYD were in the game making licensed versions of Toyotas but becoming EV powerhouses in the span of a decade.
You never know, in 10 years they could be tankies themselves. I say this as a Marxist-Leninist former radlib who just needed some time to purge the last of his brainworms.
I think its possible, since I took a similar path, but I never had that tier of brainworms, it was radlibbery to syndicalism to ML. This person seems a little too deep in the propaganda, but everyone grows as a person differently so its hard to speculate.
That person legitimately needs help.
Hasn’t posted for more than three months. Makes maybe one or two angry, crying, yelling meme posts in Anarchist subreddits every couple of months. Suddenly posting multiple Anarchist and non Anarchist subs about us, which is mostly incoherent screeching about tankies and indiscriminate insults to the very very very few people who have responded. Actually unhinged.
Literally this guy.
Whoever called him a radlib and told him to put the money toward mutual aid is my favorite
So funny, dude is getting so mad.
Must’ve been someone we’ve banned
Praying they tell us their username so we can see what they were banned for
they posted in raddle so it may be an old wrecker
Must not be very active if they didn’t recognize comradecmdrpig.
ziq [they/them]
pronouns won’t exist post civilization, so we don’t need pronoun tags on raddle, unlike this tankie circle jerk.
Didn’t even need to go to the next page to find some hot takes
That’s not ziq fyi, ziq complained to the admins about impersonation / misgendering and got that account banned.
yep i saw in the modlogs
wow what a loser rofl. this post also gives the impression that they’re just constantly checking this site for shit to get mad at and when they saw it was down they thought somehow it was an opportunity to get back at us for being “tankies”
i dont see anyone here trying to buy “showeringisfascist.com” so the anarkiddies are left without a community
bro needs to 1. get their priorities straight and 2. stop thinking “i hate my mom” is a legitimate political philosophy
NATO-leftists continue to be the gift that keeps on giving. Who needs SNL when they provide comedy gold like this?
Good use of their time and money. They’ll definitely look back on doing that with pride.
The worst thing is they probably would because to them leftist ideologies are basically rival school yard cliques
What does that even mean in this context?
I think they’re asserting that the more considered comments (unlike their screeching contentless insults) aren’t ‘real Anarchists’ and don’t usually post in those subreddits.
Which is pretty rich considering that they’e made maybe a dozen posts across Reddit total in a year until this little crusade and most of them are also screeching, insulting meme posts.
They’re also constructing a narrative that they’re being brigaded by an army of tankies on a post with maybe three other commentators total, who are basically asking why they’re being weird.
Honestly, that person desperately needs to get offline and find a way to help themselves.
How are you able to see images here?
If you update your hosts file they would probably work. https://chapo.chat/comment/5913357
Non-rooted android
Lol, I almost just copy/pasted the url to the comment telling YOU how to do it. lmao.🤦♂️
The DNS caching gods have blessed me somewhere along the line
hell yeah take the tanky’s website away
tanky: make new website
Is that the owner of raddle?
Just had the association of this name with “baby throws toys out of crib and cries”, and I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.
They do seem very childlike.
They are talking about the domain lapsing:
Is raddle the terf one?
They’re actually mostly trans, but they’re primmies, nihilists, thieves and other useless lifestylists.
Thought it was just one person with a bunch of sock puppet accounts
There are 12 posts in the reddit thread and thinking that one’s being brigaded by us is some
If we were brigading it there’d be at least a dozen ppbs in there
The average Hexbear is probably worried that the site lost its USAID funding and they’ll be left shouting their posts in the town square, so I’d be shocked if there were enough people with chapo.chat on speed dial to even form a brigade.
LMAO. Let the eanarchists and libs have their bid war (seriously man, how can you blow money on this shit as a leftist of any kind?), they can drain one or the others pockets.
probably some Opp. Worst case scenario, really
We’ve placed a weakness within Hexbear. One so small and powerful, they will never find it.
Kinda wish I knew what thread they were talking about, sounds interesting
Cybernetics is cool, especially cybersyn-related forms.