This is the US. If they expect a 30% tip, they better be prepared for the occasional finger snap.
No, this is a reasonable reaction.
Any balanced person would feel this way.This. No one should be called like this.
My step-dad would raise his hand and say “Teacher!” when they were in ear-shot.
Never got why my mom hated it. She’s more of an “Excuse Me!! Let me tell you my life story while you refill my water! No ice please!”-lady.
In Brasil, if you don’t call your waiter/waitress they are not coming to your table.
Same in all of Europe
I think it’s just the USA that’s… different
I was told explicitly not to yell “Fraulein, ich möchte mehr wasser bitte!” across the restaurant during my german class’ essen section.
You never ever say Fräulein. It is disrespectful. 100 years ago it was a normal term to refer to an unmarried woman, but today it is rude, almost insulting. Please don’t use that word, ever. It’s Frau Müller for a woman and Herr Müller for a man, regardless of age and marital status.
If you want the waiter’s attention, make eye contact, and give a nod or a subtle hand gesture. If they are obviously busy then wait.
Here we treat waiters mostly as equals. Imagine it as if an acquaintance or a neighbour was serving you - that’s much closer to how you should treat them.
Frau Müller
And Herr Müller
Got it!
(Images provided by The Society For Hogan’s Heroes Was A Good Show, or the SFHHWAGS for short, copyright Bing Crosby Productions)
Same over here, but if you snap your fingers at me they’re getting broken off till you learn to use them properly
Do you snap your fingers tho?
I don’t think so, but you may say “garçom” to get their attention.
Only when making a sassy comeback.
imo that’s how it should be
Meanwhile my autistic ass just sits for a long time until they look my way and I wave awkwardly hoping I didn’t do anything wrong
You snap your fingers, I snap your neck
I snap my fingers, I do my step. You can do it all by yoself.