I think it’s a nice gesture to give the full-sized Russet rather than the fun size new potato.
With sour cream, chives and bacon bits, a russet potato is a meal all by itself.
Just gobs of butter, salt, and pepper are all I need.
They don’t have enough flavour for me that way.
Are you taking off the skin? The skin has lots of good flavor. I still like sour cream, cheddar cheese, and green onions, but S+P and butter are still great to me.
Y’all all putting more than just salt on your potatoes? (Feel free to judge me I also eat them raw, I’m from Idaho)
Rosemary, sometimes. Other times, a mix of spices out of a jar.
(Feel free to judge me I also eat them raw, I’m from Idaho)
What. 😟 My mother always told me you can die eating potatoes raw.
No you can’t die from it (save from maybe bacteria if you don’t wash it correctly which isn’t a potato specific problem that’s just produce). The green part of potatoes can make you sick if you eat too much but that’s more of a ratio thing and it is present in roughly the same levels cooked or raw.
Imo, the best way to eat them raw is to slice them relatively thin (not so thin as for them to be floppy), sprinkle a little salt on top. They have texture like a water chestnut. Eat as you slice or rinse the slices or else the starches leak and give them a weird mouth feel…
It could make your tummy upset, but it’s unlikely to cause any issues at all unless the potato is turning green or starting to sprout. It’d taste pretty awful at that point, but I’m not sure I’d trust someone who eats raw potatoes to notice that…
You should know why Idaho is famous for it’s potatoes and fun hint, it wasn’t because they better than any other just cheaper for a kinda shitty reason.
Is it the prison slave labor or is it a whole new fun and exciting reason? Because Idaho spuds are a lot of prison slave labor.
I keep the skin on. I’ve heard that a lot of good nutrition is just under the skin.
The same is true of humans
Try a yellow tatter instead. Russets are a hearty base to add flavors to but aren’t all that flavorful inandofthemselves.
Or chop it up, douse it with a mix of cayenne, garlic, and salt, spray it with a bit of olive oil, and toss it in the air fryer
Quick and easy steak fries
Or slice it thin and serve it with a thick cheese sauce for easy potatoes au gratin
Kids just think they’re neat!
Great name
Ironically, the spud is absurdly more expensive than giving candy.
It is like a dollar each, but the smiles on kids faces as they walk home with the beginnings of a stew are priceless
A dollar each? It’s $3.50 for a 10lb bag here
What could a potato cost, 10 dollars?
Yeah, same here, and even that’s high. I know you can get deals where you can get 2 of those bags for like $5. It’s one of the cheapest vegetables you can get. Definitely a great food to buy if you’re not doing too well financially. Cheap, nutritious, filling, and tons of recipes.
For comparison I got my Halloween bag of candy at Costco for $20 bucks… candy is ridiculously expensive.
I just pulled up the [Department Store] app I have on my phone and looked at the individual prices, it says $0.82 each
I’m gonna be honest, I could not possibly tell you how much a potato weighs, so I have no idea how many potatoes come in the $3.27 5 lbs bag
A standard russet potato is 148g(according to the nutritional information on a sack o’ potatoes) , 5 lbs=2270g. 2270÷148=15.3. $3.27÷15.3 potatoes is 21 cents per tater.
I think I estimated about three for a dollar so that more or less tracks. Who’s paying a dollar each?
That’s if you buy individually wrapped, gotta buy them by the bag.
This, priced at $0.375 per potato, puts a potato at 213 grams
You can spend $1.45 a potato where I’m at
Yeah well we can’t all live in San Francisco
It is like a dollar each
What the absolute fuck
I’m just sayin what I’m seein, $0.82 is like a dollar ish
What the fuck is going on over there? Are you ok? Do you need us to send you potatoes? You need us to send potatoes right?
Yes pls. A large fry at Penn Station costs $6.50.
Dunno what a large fry is, not sure where penn station is or what this cryptic $-symbol means, BUT I WILL COME AND SAVE YOU
Pls sir, I want some more.
Wait until you see the grocery stores that put individual bananas in a plastic wrapper.
Lmao what is wrong with the US
Unchecked capitalism, to put it simply.
Is that a single, wrapped, potato?
oh god
‘It’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10?’
What potatoes you buying are they gold encrusted?
Where I am you can basically get them by the crate load. I have no idea what one individual potato cost because I’ve never bought one individual potato. But my estimate would be about three for a dollar. Big ones like in the photo not little tiny ones.
Also don’t get no ones in plastic wrapping they’re more expensive and they’re not any better. Just wash your vegetables. The mud and flavour admittedly it’s mud flavour.
Why are wrapped in plastic? Don’t they usually come in some sort of netting and or loose and you can get as many as you like in a cloth bag?
Usually the ones individually wrapped in plastic are being sold as microwaveable.
I guess we’ll just ignore the fact that you don’t need to wrap a potato in plastic to microwave it successfully.
In fact, you really shouldn’t wrap your potato in plastic to microwave it. That’s an awful idea.
That said, all potatoes are microwaveable anyway.
I think the idea is to show that it’s already been cleaned and is ready to be microwaved without having to clean it.
It’s still stupid and I would never buy one when I can get 5 lb bag for not that much more, but I don’t think the idea is to microwave it in the plastic.
Bro, you hand me finger foods I’m gunna eat it on the way back, just ask for a little salt at each house you stop by.
No way that can be true, how much for a kg of potatoes where you live
In the Philippines they’re around 4$/kg where I live, and they’re not even really nice potatoes.
I need to check my potato privilege. They’re less than 1€/kg here
Vegetables are oddly over priced there, in general.
Even most fruit. Mangos though… Mangos, rice, beer and rum. Everything you need!
It’s really stupid. At one point fucking onions were at 10$/kg.
The amount of food shipped in from China is too high.
In Lithuania, they are 0.35€/kg right now. Candy is at least 20 times that amount.
This trick only works so long as only one house in the neighborhood does it.
Obligatory: Po-tay-toes! Boil ’em, mash ’em, stick ’em in a stew…
I have confirmed the results of this experiment. Some kids asked “what is this?” then took it once I told them it was a potato.
My folks have a sign on the door saying, “potato available upon request” and they run out of them every year.
Makes sense, potatoes are basically the candy of the vegetable world. Just a giant ball of starchy carbs.
“I got a rock.”
That was my first thought too! Somehow, a potato is even better in this case.
With the wrong crowd that potato goes through a neighbor’s window and this experiment is over going forward.
Anyone who can’t be trusted with a potato is going to cause issues regardless
That’s 100% true. But the neighbors would be mad enough to make this person stop.
They might try, but then they’ll learn who holds all the potatoes! /s
As if that’d just stop any kid picking up any random rock off the ground.
They should have IOU as an option, they use this IOU to claim more chocolate next holloween. Teaching kids finance while there at it.
That’s great until a few years down the line some kid shows up with a fat stack of them and cleans you of all the candy.
deleted by creator
Is this Russian halloween?
Is dream. Potato is rock.
Yeah but the kid question also apparently got a Snickers bar. So their taste is somewhat debatable.
I’d choose the potato as well but that’s because I’m an adult and really don’t care about candy
But Snickers is the manliest chocolate bar because it has nuts.
“Am I a joke to you?!”
Sorry but I don’t get that reference
Payday is a candy bar covered in peanuts.
Just to ruin the joke I will be the one to point out peanuts are legumes, not nuts.
Just to ruin the joke I will be the one to point out peanuts are legumes, not nuts.
I mean… testicles aren’t nuts either, they’re just called nuts.
I’ve never seen them in my country.
We didn’t get these in Canada but I recall this was my father’s favorite and I felt it tasted liked it looked: https://candyfunhouse.ca/products/eat-more-candy-bar
Can’t forget the dick vein.
Is that a snickers in your knickers or are you just happy to see me??
You prefer a potato over chocolate caramel and peanuts, and you question the kid’s taste?
The caption doesn’t mention the other choice.
“Potato or death?”
My house is the Pickle House!