• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Honestlly, I’m ambivalent on the navigation bar change. It is quite tall but sometimes helpful.

    As for the url bar, thank GOD they put the full URL back. I think this all “better against phishing” is BS and most users aren’t looking anyhow. If you need to at all differentiate it, but the domain in bold and let the rest of the url be in normal font. But for the love of cake don’t have ONLY the domain. I can’t even explain how frustrating that is. Please keep the full URL mozilla.

  • Thanks for the synopsis.

    In regards to a few of your points:

    • There is a reason “generic democrat” polls better in general. It’s because they’re an unknown quantity. People assume they’ll be better. Most people are not tuned in and do not know who Whitmer, Newsom, etc. are. Give it like two weeks of negative ads on them calling them socialists, etc. and boom, the polls drop. I would fully expect the polls to shift for a new candidate but LOWER, not higher. It’s much easier to inspire fear in unknown candidates rather than known ones.
    • Biden is a known quantity. He cannot be decried as a “socialist” or any other thing. People know him for better or worse and that’s that.
    • Elderly? The most reliable voting block in the country? Ignore them at your own peril for an unknown.

    AOC makes solid points and so I take a few things differently from you and say she is precisely right in her analysis. I think if the Dems switch then we get a Humphrey/Mondale mashup where the Democrats are absolutely trounced in the general.

    The time for this crap was 2 years ago, not the past month. Democrats need to find a stiff upper lip and back Biden with all their might.