This coexist sticker/Subaru stereotype is so annoying. Not all of us have that sticker. Some of us have them as plastic emblems replacing the car’s name. Sheesh.
Prove it.
*licks you very badly
Hmm… I’m still unsure. Go again.
Uh… I only own two flannel shirts and didn’t even go see Brandi last time she was in town.
I had a Subaru for about 2 weeks when my wife put a local farmers market magnet on my car as a joke. That fucking thing melted to my car and I never got it off. 12 years later, i sold it with that damn farmers market magnet stuck to it.
The Subaru assimilated the sticker. Resistance was futile.
Magnets are amazing.
…but how do they work?
Nobody knows
Give me a glass of water.
Do you live on the surface of the sun?
As the formerly-smug owner of TWO Crosstreks, believe me when I say the smugness dissipates quickly after a few stealership visits…
tl;dr - buy the beige camry
The rotten truth is that Subarus aren’t really any more reliable than other vehicles, but uave much more expensive repair costs than comparable Hondas or Toyotas.
also the suspension and steering and acceleration and interior padding is all rough.
Yeah, my crosstrek has some of the stiffest suspension i have ever felt. And their symetrical AWD has always seemed like just a gimmick.
Subaru’s AWD system is legitimately better at putting down power to the wheels and getting traction than the vast majority of other AWD systems on the market. There are plenty of third party tests showing as much.
That said, it’s a question of whether you actually need that. The truth is the vast majority of people don’t need AWD at all for the kind of driving they’ll actually do.
I have an STi which has an active center differential beyond even the typical Subaru system and I absolutely love it. It’s magic feeling it at work. But my “likes to take the car on dirt and go sideways at 50MPH” use case isn’t needed for a commuter either.
Also important to note, Subaru’s AWD system is picky as hell and a tread depth difference across the axle is actually pretty likely to damage your diffs or transmission.
Meaning, if you need to replace a tire, you replace all four tires or else run the risk of catastrophic damage to the vehicle. The AWD works great and it’s a good system but it can and will screw you out of a thousand bucks worth of tires with no warning. Pros and cons.
In fairness, tires really should be replaced at minimum in pairs on any vehicle. Definitely hurts more when it’s a full set, though.
And it hurts extra hard on the STi. My latest set of tires a few weeks ago because I damaged a sidewall was ~$1500.
(Sorry for the comment on a 2 week old post)
For those in the US, Tire Rack can shave down a new tire to a specific depth for you. You just need to measure the other tire(s) to give them a measurement.
Had to do this for my Subi once and it worked like a charm. No mechanical problems after (although I did sell the car, like, a year later).
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Yeah but they are pretty nice driving in the snow, or at least my wife is content with hers. I’d much rather have 4x4 for snow and ice, but I also enjoy goofing around with it. No car I’ve every driven handles snow better than my 6-speed jeep.
I can attest, my mom has a 2017 Impreza hatchback with a manual transmission. In the first two years it was in the shop like 4-5x for various issues, the main one being wiring harness for the engine.
I’ve driven it a handful of times and it’s a fucking pile. She regrets buying it… the shifter vibrates horribly, the car constantly shudders like it’s going to stall, the interior is awful hard plastic, everything looks and feels cheap, and the car is PAINFULLY slow. The first time I tried to drive it I was literally flooring it and it felt like it was barely moving. Eco mode was off, it’s just a slow car.
I’m never buying a Subaru and I recommend against it if it ever comes up. I almost bought a new WRX but after seeing what my mom went thru I got a GTI and it’s been reliable. Cheaper at the time too.
I think your mom’s Impreza has been in the shop for more issues than all of my Subarus combined. I got a buddy driving a 20 year old Impreza and it still runs great. I get it, I had a rogue that was similar. Just constantly not working right. I’ll never buy another Nissan. Getting a lemon does that.
Yeah older Subarus are mint. I noticed Honda has been less reliable in general as well when I was shopping for cars. My first two cars were civics and both were great but I’ve heard mixed things (consumer reports) on the newer ones. I miss old Japanese cars… Simple and reliable.
Of course it’s slow, it has the least powerful engine they could legally mount inside the engine compartment. Their interiors are like 10 years behind all of their competitors, which is a huge deal considering how much progress there has been in the last 10-15 years.
See, i thought i was just shitty at driving stick. My crosstrek also stutters and shakes a ton, and once a week it just refuses to let me shift into reverse.
I just spent a weekend in a rented crosstrek. I hated the throttle curve. It’s super twitchy at low speeds and lacks power at highway speeds. It made navigating parking lots way more finnicky than necessary.
Did it have a CVT? I hate those damn things…
I think so since it was a 2021 model.
The auto stop-start functionality was also really rough. Overall, it just was not a pleasant driving experience.
I have an outback with CVT. It’s fine. That’s not a racing machine though, it’s main job is towing my boat
I own a Forester. It’s a car that drives when I press the pedal. I’ve literally never had an issue navigating a parking lot, and it keeps up just fine on highways.
As a beige Camry haver, my car is 22 years old and runs like a champ. Had to swap out the spark plugs, the cat, battery, tires, and brakes, but that’s expected when the car’s got a moonlength of mileage on it. I love this thing and will drive it until the frame is broken, I’m dead, or the car becomes illegal.
I just bought silver Corolla. Is that good enough?
Never take your car to the dealership for service unless it’s under warranty.
True although, I’ve been screwed by independent shops pretty damn bad also.
At least with smaller shops you have some negotiating power. The dealership is like “oh, you don’t think we should charge $300 an hour for oil changes? How about you go fuck yourself then?”.
Can confirm, I worked at a dealership.
Would someone mind explaining what a coexist sticker is to me please?
Lovely. Thank you. :)
Where I live, Subaru is generally a “boy racer” car.
Yep Impreza is the boy racer, Outback is a lesbian car.
I’m not making that up Sorry for source, there are plenty of them if you search
Lesbians and teachers have been the main market for Outbacks for a long time. Not that I’ll admit to being either
Subarus with hood scoops and Subarus without hood scoops have entirely different connotations.
Hoodscoop gang 😎
My wife keeps threatening to get me a “My other Subaru is a Subaru” for my old Outback. I threaten to get her one for her Tribeca, but a Tribeca isn’t a Subaru.
My favorite console, Tlaystation
Yeah, that one’s a bit of a reach! Coexisp.
EA charges for the last four letters, they’re DLC.
That is only 3 letters
I’m embarrassed that it took me two days to get this.
Our 2012 Subaru with a Megaman decal and a Cthulu-fish just saved my spouse from being horribly killed by a driver who blared through a red, t-boned the shit out of the driver’s side and flipped him, absolutely crushing the car, but not him. We’re 100% getting another, (an older Outback if possible) and I will wallpaper that mofo in COEXIST if it keeps either of us as…not dead.
Below: just about all we could salvage from the impound after it was decoupled from the other driver’s car, flipped upright, towed and totaled. We have their front Honda emblem, though, cause it was stuck in our car!
I hope you proudly display their emblem as a kill trophy in your new car. As tradition demands.
New truck nut type accessories? Dangle from the tail as you drive to let all others know the power of your steed?
My Subaru outback got hit in the driver’s side back door by a truck (a fencing company’s two axle rigid), I was doing a u-turn and he divided it’d be fine to overtake me
The Subaru had four people in it, no one was injured. I expect the damage is just the door. We were pushed a little sideways
Wild, they must have forgotten to apply it at the factory. They might issue a recall for that
If it wasn’t on there when you bought it new, that’s a manufacturing defect. You can get it replaced under warranty.
Dunno but I do have my badge
They are having supply issues, I ordered mine almost two months ago and they still haven’t shown up.
Unless it’s a wrx, then it has the Dane Cook symbol plastered on the back glass
You’re either a coexist-sticker Subaru owner, or a monster-logo-on-everything-including-your-vape-pen Subaru owner. There are no other Subaru owners.
Dane Cook has his own symbol?
Hey! It doesn’t need to be your closest national park.
I hate this stupid stereotype… Your bumper stickers are completely random.
Mine grew a “CRAPITALISM!” sticker.
You have to earn it first by always driving 10 mph under the speed limit, unless you’re merging onto the freeway, then you will need to go 35mph under the speed limit. Don’t forget to always be in the fast lane. Idk what it is about Subaru owners, but they’re the slowest motherfuckers on the road, even worse than the Prius owners.
Where do you live? In CO on the highways I always get tailgated by Subaru’s while speeding. I used to own one so I know they’re basically red lining it but they’re still flying along
Probably someplace Subarus are ubiquitous and driving under the limit happens a lot, it just happens you see more Subarus doing it because, well, lots of Subarus.
Where I live there always seems to be a tool going 5-10 under. Wouldn’t matter that much except it’s a metro area and just a couple of these clowns can really mess up traffic.
I’m in the Seattle area.
I moved from cali to seattle and the difference in driving between the two is astonishing
I want to buy a bulldozer and push everyone off the road. Everyone drives like they’re completely stoned, with no place to go… which is probably actually the case.
It’s almost like it’s selection bias
where i live, it’s nissans. especially qashqai. i could swear those are physically unable to reach even 70% of the speedlimit. that’s the only vehicle you never see tailgating you. merging onto the highway behind them is scary because you are going 40 km/h where others are coming 100 km/h behind you.
Yeah the highway thing is wack. Apparently a lot of people are afraid to drive at highway speeds. They should just stay off the highway if that’s the case.
My 2017 outback has a 3km/h speedo error. Most cars have a 5km/h error. Where I live the slow lane runs at 95 in hundred zones and the fast lane at 100 to 105
We do still have idiots who stop at the end of an entry ramp after falling to merge at a third of traffic speed, but they’re in all sorts of cars
Huh… mine just has a death metal and bleghsed sticker. I still haven’t got a coexist in the mail either. Maybe I need to go to more forests.
A death metal pile-of-twigs “coexist” sticker would be kinda funny.