The way she could have just said nothing on the topic. In fact, she could have said nothing on many topics and kept a good amount of her leftist cred.
thinking about her both-sidesing and obvious lies about #SOSCuba
Oh God, what did she say about Cuba?
I would have to go look it up, but I distinctly remember her language about Cuba was way too state department friendly during their last color revolution attempt (the one that the state dept created a social media app in Cuba for). I have a clear memory of telling my friend how mad I was at AOC because support for Cuba is the baseline easiest test to pass if you know literally anything about the history of the island
Ya, exactly. That’s like a 101 test in being a good socialist, no matter which flavor you are. Well, that’s disappointing.
this is the first one that came up with a search, the statement sucks and is the “both sides” I remember, but also remember some other tweet of hers torquing me off
The replies are hurting my eyes to read. Just a bunch of reactionary Cubans (most likely Cuban-Americans) crying about communism, saying the embargo is good and that they love Cuba at the same time, as if that’s possible 🙄
This is incredible
How come we don’t have an AOC-distressed emoji
good question, instead we only have this distressing emoji
What am I seeing…? My eyes are confused please help
We have
Make one!
From the responses:
En tu país no hay democracia. El respeto a las elecciones requiere que no haya injerencia extranjera. No tienes autoridad moral para decir nada sobre Venezuela.
Eres la cara nueva del imperialismo de siempre. Te reclutaron del pueblo colonizado de Puerto Rico para limpiarle las manos a los colonizadores.
Machine translation: "There is no democracy in your country. Respect for elections requires that there be no foreign interference. You have no moral authority to say anything about Venezuela.
You are the new face of imperialism as always. You were recruited from the colonized people of Puerto Rico to clean the hands of the colonizers."
She’s just the living example of why left entryism isn’t the best strategy, right?
Just yesterday, my very Puerto Rican father said “I don’t know what they did, but they made her white”
To which I responded “They made her a member of congress, that’s what they did”
Then I spent the next 10 minutes explaining what a ghoul is
my dad
She’s just the living example of why left entryism isn’t the best strategy, right?
calling it entryism gives her too much credit tbh. more like opportunism on her part to capture anti-dem energy and use it as a springboard for her congressional career. her entire career is dem establishment before and after so idk that you can say she was ever trying to do an entryism
it does indict entryism for sure though as well, in that it’s more likely to give another route to power for opportunists to recuperate left energy than it is to result in shifting a bourgeois party left
Wasn’t AOC like…recruited by some group specifically to primary an “establishment” democrat?
yeah lol, Brand New Congress recruited her to primary Crowley
doesn’t change the fact that she interned for Ted Kennedy.
e: I guess calling BNC entryist probably gives them too much credit too
It just turns people into progressive democrats who have to carry water for state department talking points to be taken “seriously”.
There is basically no socialist organization to consistently challenge the narrative and framing because DSA has decided to be tailists.
Bustin out the Spanish to spew CIA propaganda
Yep it’s gusano time
Really leaning into AOCIA.
who could have guessed what a cowardly annoying pos this rep would turn out to be
Stalin about a century ago. :shrug-outta-hecks:
he objectively saw it coming
The Venezuelan who asked her to post this?
Respect for free and fair elections is a fundamental value that unites the Americas? Then why did you overthrow Arbenz, fucking sellout
Hi AOC, in November we’ll be voting for two presidential candidates, one of whom didn’t even go through the dog and pony show of a party primary, would you care to comment?
Observadores internacionales de la elección en Venezuela han dejado claro en que las autoridades electorales venezolanas deben publicar los datos electorales, completos y detallados, de cada puesto de votación, conforme a las propias leyes del país.
“C’mon, Venezuela, make yourselves easier to coup”
Ever heard her speak Spanish? It sucks lol
I can’t take Dems seriously when they fear monger about fascists while saying this about foreign fascists.
I read a threat and a “stop punching yourself”
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I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Take your own advice, Alexandria
From the article about Maduro challening Musk to a fight, posted on Hexbear:
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