The most striking proposals were for the elimination of medical debt for millions of Americans; the “first-ever” ban on price gouging for groceries and food; a cap on prescription drug costs; a $25,000 subsidy for first-time home buyers; and a child tax credit that would provide $6,000 per child to families for the first year of a baby’s life.
I can already hear the crabs who didn’t get this in the past trying to yank down the other crabs who will qualify for it back into the bucket. Happens every time there’s a discussion about minimum wage.
Fuck them crabs. I bought my first house in April and don’t want children (vasectomy ftw), I support these policies 1000%. Improving the lives of the people around me is an improvement to my life.
Improving the lives of the people around me is an improvement to my life.
I wish more people understood this.
Improving the lives of the people around me is an improvement to my life.
A rising tide lifts all boats. When the poor, disenfranchised, the marginalized, and more do well, we all do well.
BuT i ShOuLdNt HaVe To PaY fOr OtHeR pEoPlEs ChOiCeS
I’m not particularly for giving out money for something I think is generally irresponsible (having children) but if the majority of people support it then I’m ok with it happening anyway.
Housing is good though I’m all for people owning their own and putting landlords out of business.
Having done some recent research on the possible effects of an aging population, I think we’re all better off with a stable population rather than either a large or small one. China is for sure going to suffer for their one child policy in a few decades. Pretty much every 1st world country is on track for a painful time as their population ages out. The key is to make changes slowly so we don’t put too much pressure on one generation.
I agree that humanity as a whole could probably do better with a smaller global population, but even a medium shrinking of population threatens an extreme level of unrest and suffering as too many old people have to be supported by too few working people.
Not my point. I’m not comfortable with people who cannot manage their own lives to have children and those are the type that would benefit the most from 6k unfortunately.
Support the children as need dictates not by some arbitrary amount given to everyone rather than those that actually need it. I feel the same way about college though basically wealth based tuition. Can’t afford it but meet every other qualification then it should be a token rate or free, if you can afford it then you pay more to help the less fortunate.
The real solution is effective education but that seems a pipe dream at the moment unless someone like NileRed gets a prime time show like Bill Nye to pump everyone up about science.
Every time I hear these arguments, I remember the analogy with cancer treatment and it makes it so clear what a terrible position it is to oppose this for others.
Imagine if a cancer cure came out today and then making the argument of “that’s not fair, my mom had cancer and she suffered and died last year, how come your mom can get a cure?”
I bought my first house like 2 years ago, i wish i had this proposed 25k assistance. I want it implemented for other people. I know 2 people who cannot afford to buy a house complain about the proposal
What people don’t realize, is that at some point you will need to sell your house. Wouldn’t it be nice to know you’ll have a higher chance to sell when people have a $25k assistance to help with the buying.
I’m not in the US, so I’m a little detached from this but does the US have an issue with house sales at the moment?
I’ve only heard of buying issues. Why wouldn’t this just increase prices by $25k? That’s precisely what we witnessed in the UK whenever the government offer assistance, there are always buyers so the market swallows up the extra capital and prices increase to offset.
IANA economist, but I’d kinda expect prices to just go up $25k in popular areas. However, the US is really big and has A LOT of places that are less in demand and have cheap housing. Like, many entire states. And even popular states can get cheap if you just go a little away from population centers. I wouldn’t be surprised if those places don’t see a $25k increase.
Most of those crabs (myself included) are benefiting from very low interest rates on their mortgages. Low enough rates to more than fully offset this one time incentive. So they should just chill and be happy they aren’t paying 8% interest or whatever it is these days.
Maybe I’m missing somethng here. I’m not just asking this because I’m upset about the possibility of other people getting money and not me: Wouldn’t we expect the home buyers’ subsidy to only increase demand and drive up the cost of houses? Then the money would end up in the hands of those who already own one or many houses. Isn’t this just giving money to people who are already well-off? Wouldn’t it be better to create a program focused on building more houses instead?
Both can be done. Besides, first time homebuyers are the ones most in need of the kickstart needed to ownership. Consider also that the people with $2m homes likely aren’t going to see a direct increase in demand because of this. It would instead be current owners of so-called starter homes who could then use their existing equity to purchase a forever home.
Are there starter homes just sitting about, unpurchased because people can’t afford them?
My friend, in california, every house costs a million dollars. All this is going to do is bump up the value of a house by 2.5% at the expense of taxpayers. Unless we’re going to massively increase tax on the rich and cut tax for the poor, I don’t see this as a win.
Serious answer from a long term economic standpoint.
You want more people to participate in home ownership, it’s good for all home owners. Homes are the majority of a family’s equity/net worth. It continues to grow and appreciate and allows them to invest into themselves.
In 5-10 years, when they’re ready to upgrade, they create a lot of economic activity for everyone by selling their current house, plus additional funds, to upgrade to a new one.
If you ever want to sell your house to someone under the age of 35 who’s not a tech bro, this is how it’s done.
It’s the same logic that the economic stimulus package used to generate economic growth and activity.
The more hands money exchanges, the more valuable it is as a currency to everyone. Counter intuitively, the economy is not a zero sum game. It’s unbounded. The more people we help to achieve financial stability and the ability to participate in the housing market, the better it is for everyone currently participating in the housing market.
I’m still not understanding the part where everyone having an extra 25k for a house purchase doesn’t just increase the price of all houses by 25k. This is what happens when you increase the demand for something without increasing the supply.
Not everyone. Just first time buyers.
I’d basically a 25k incentive to join the housing game.
It may have a very mild effect on increasing housing prices, but historical that’s not something that has an impact.
Having dirt cheap rates, does do what you’re saying.
No crabbing here. My kid is entering school and I got my house a couple years ago, but anyone going through that needs the help. It’s a shit process in either case.
I’m about to have twins this December. She better get cracking. I’ma be pissed if we miss the start date for this program.
Jan 20 would be the absolute earliest start for that program.
I raised my kids to college without it. If I didn’t get it …… I hope you do!
100% agree. Definitely should be here for everyone. I’m definitely going to miss the cutoff date for sure, but that’s fine.
Sorry, voting is in November, but as we remember from Trump’s previous coup attempt, the electee doesn’t become the new President until January.
May both of your babies be healthy and happy.
It’d be awesome if she could do it as VP right now…but yeah, nothing coming about till early 2025. Bummer. Not sure how I forgot that…
Pregnancy brain is a thing. A lot of vital nutrients are going elsewhere. And you have a lot of planning and worrying to do.
Damn I just missed it but I’d still support it for all the newer parents out there. Its a struggle and that would really help.
It also includes restoration of the child tax credit, just like we had during the pandemic when monthly checks were sent out to all parents and the child poverty rate was cut in half overnight. This is just an even bigger payment for the year they are a newborn.
I’m in the same boat but for the home purchase. I close next week and had to pinch every penny for the better part of 3 years in order to make my cash to close. The proposed 25k would mean I only have to come up with 3k.
Same here for that one too lol but I’m trying to lay ladders down not pull them up.
Absolutely! My FIL always talks about how much we must hate the student loan forgiveness stuff seeing as we’ve paid off loans for the better part of 20 years - and I just don’t get it.
Yeah, pinching pennies and saving like crazy for a house was not fun, but why would I make someone else go through that if they didn’t have to?
Make things better for those who follow us.
Capping Groceries is COMMUNISM even though 100% of Current Astronomical Profits are going DIRECTLY to the CEOS and I can’t afford Groceries!
“We should instead impose a $6,000 annual tax penalty on childless cat ladies!” -J. D. Vance, probably /s
The important part being that the proceeds of that tax will be given as subsidies on yacht purchases for… reasons.
“We’ll have no tax on billion dollar corporations and pay for it by taking away the votes of childless ‘people’ and selling them to the rich!” - Tired Trump and Couch-Fucker Vance
I’ll pour one out for all the idiots on here who have been crying about how she doesn’t have any policies.
She used to have better policies. She used to be pro Medicare for All.
Anyway, Kamala 2024. Woo. Hoo.
Literally shut up. Who are these people who insist on impossible 100% perfection in their candidates? The choice is between ice cream and a piece of shit. You are complaining that there’s no sprinkles.
No thanks. I want Medicare For All and I like candidates who actually believe in the things they claim to believe in, not people who shift with the political winds. Anyway, will vote for her anyway, reluctantly.
I guess my reply yesterday must have swayed you that Medicare for All is what is needed and not just some watered down public option.
Nice try. I liked Mayor Pete’s plan, "Medicare For All Who Want It”
So not Medicare for All…
Also not a candidate who actually believes anything she says.
Good thing she’s running against Trump, otherwise she wouldn’t have a chance.
No need to shit in the pool, man. Let people swim.
No need to not tell the truth either. Let people decide with all of the information, don’t hide the flip-flopping.
All the information in this case being that one candidate is offering a $6,000 tax credit and the other one wants to tax your work benefits over $12,000.
There are other things mentioned if you bother to read the article.
deleted by creator
Already bought my first house and have a 4 month old. I’m also cool with this even if we miss the 1-year cutoff.
How many newborns can we redeem at one time for the credit? Asking for a friend.
One per day. For some reason the service is based in Germany, so it renews at 6pm EST.
Can I choose death runes instead of the cash? Trying to level my magic rn
Ladies, line up. We’re going to red lobster
The best place to go when you’re looking to dish out some lil swimmers.
In Taiwan the government gives you something like 300usd a month until your child is 6. Even more if you have more than 1 kid.
This is how we take care of our citizens.
Canada has the child tax credit. I don’t have any kids so I’m not sure how much it is, but as a childless Canadian I approve.
Get with the program, USA. Building the middle class is your thing.
Uhh, you realize the US gives $2000 per child every year in a tax credit right?
Tax credit? Taiwan literally directly deposit it into your account each month, tax free. No waiting for the end of the year.
Also, the GDP in America doubles Taiwan and Taiwan gives double what the USA does.
I never said the US was better, but it does give money for kids.
That’s true. It’s something I guess.
Vance should be in favor of this, right? Although I’m guessing he would only support it if it went to the right type of person…
I’ll be curious to see what the medical debt relief package looks like in detail. I can imagine (and probably expect) this being structured in a way that’s bittersweet, though it’s far too early to start speculating. It’s not going to be the overhaul that’s needed address the travesty that is the medical insurance industry in this country. It’d be great if I get to see that in my lifetime.
Reminds me of the movie “in time”
6k for the >100k it costs to raise them to self sustainability 🤣🥲
Helps With medical bills.
Universal healthcare like in all other Western countries.
It’s sad I didn’t even know universal Healthcare covered that.
If you make promises during campaigning as the Democrat nominee, but fail to implement it in your entire term, expect the worst kind of outcome after. You might not care, but people do remember. And NO if DRUMPF doesnt keep his promises, there are a legion of real convicted felons who will ensure someones promises are kept, Drumpf is the symptom, the RNC/DNC is the disease. If Corpo dems do not get the eff out of politics, the next election will ensure there will be no more need for either party.
Times Up 'Murica. Git gud or FAFO.
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Biden failed to get his $15 minimum wage promise but had no issues giving free cash to the rail industry to do nothing, free cash to GM to do nothing, free cash to TSMC & Intel to do nothing, and also free cash to Israel to continue a genocide.
So excuse me when I say that this is a election year scam porkbarrel promise which will magically get stuck in congress or get conveniently halted by a random ass judge.
The only one here I can see happening is the tax credit because it has been done before and because it doesn’t actually involve giving out money.
Rather than malicious or a scam, this is closer to the class rep promising free vending machines. They don’t have the power to give this and they’re unlikely to convince the people that do have the power to actually do so.
That’s not really better exactly, it’s still deceitful, but only because they can’t actually deliver, not that they can, but choose not to.