“There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party … and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat. Republicans are a bit stupider, more rigid, more doctrinaire in their laissez-faire capitalism than the Democrats, who are cuter, prettier, a bit more corrupt — until recently … and more willing than the Republicans to make small adjustments when the poor, the black, the anti-imperialists get out of hand. But, essentially, there is no difference between the two parties.”
watching the whole federal payment system get overturned by some incels with laptops after years of getting told that the parliamentarian was an insurmountable obstacle to wiping some numbers in a spreadsheet
You wouldn’t want to hurt the parliamentarians feelings though? They’re just a widdle guy.
That’s the clownish thing, the Parliamentarian is appointed by the Senate Majority leader and serves entirely at their discretion
Wanna guess who was Senate Majority leader when that all came up lol? It wasn’t a Republican
No they won’t, these are in fact further evidence that the millions of voters who sat out of the election were AT FAULT for refusing to vote for Kamala. They were the ones who RUINED the pristine functioning of the American democracy.
Expect maximum smugness from the libs when minorities are threatened by fascist gangs, when immigrants are getting deported (“Latinos voted for Trump! Let’s see how they like it now!”), when Gaza is going to fare much worse under Trump’s plan etc.
In fact, the more suffering there are, the more vindicated they will feel about themselves - a self-reinforcing loop that will make them double down on voting for the Democrats and bullying the people who refused to do so.
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Now is not the time to fight among ourselves. We are entering a period that will truly be US vs THEM. We will, I suppose, Always be divided as the forces the be will insure we stay that way. Isolated. Tribal. Silenced eventually maybe. But I don’t care if you didn’t vote for Harris. I only care that you didn’t vote for Trump or a Republican. I hope that you voted.
It was almost inevitable that we got here. I’m reminded of that stupid video that came out right after 2020 of a Gen Z kid saying they saved democracy being spliced with Harris calling them dumb. That’s one thing of countless others. GENERATIONS of effort from powerful rich people to take control from us. They studied the rise and fall of nations and used it to conquer us. They watched the dystopian scifi movies and dreamed that it was their future.
I can’t be angry at someone who agrees with me in most ideological ways but decided to jump from the titanic in a different direction than myself. The country is sick. Believe me when I say they will never let us organize.
I mourn for our country. I mourn for what is to come.
this country was always a shithole
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I’m so fucking sick of the leopard shit. It started out as a joke about Brexit voters fucking around and then finding out that their sex arse business would be affected. Now it’s applied to minorities who are actually being fucked over in a much more significant way and by both parties. It’s just smug privileged people punching down and laughing at people’s misfortune for daring to step out of line.
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Maybe some people use it that way, but I don’t
You very literally just fucking did you piece of shit crypto-nazi fuck.
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Hey look. It’s a nazi trollishly wearing the criticisms they receive with pride in a cynical mockery of the very concept of irony
Not deep in the post history, there’s defense of using the n-word for “freedom of speech” purposes lmao you can’t make this shit up.
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Nobody cares who you “feel sorry for” genocide lover, the dems embracing racism and nonsensical identity schadenfreude is guaranteed to lead to a fracturing of the democratic coalition, which is good for leftist radicalization and organizing in the long term
We warned you dipshits what backing a genocide would get you and turns out we were correct, keep lashing out at minorities who didn’t cheer loud enough for genocide, every racist post like that is ammunition for us and you dumbasses aren’t gonna figure how damaging this “leopard” nonsense is until midterms when you all panic at the polls and pretend to be crusaders against racism again
Stay mad blue MAGA :)
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Lesser evilism is still voting for, and by extension explicitly endorsing, evil.
Evil that deliberately helped lay some groundwork for Trump by creating the law shutting down the border when crossings exceed a certain amount, and by sending Israel whatever it wanted among many other things. You cannot just vote for part of what they do.
My sincerest apologies for not voting for team ‘We feel bad about killing babies but will keep doing it’.
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If your “lesser evil” involves genocide, you’re a fascist, and if it’s somehow baffling or “iRoNiC” to you that minorities wouldn’t vote for the normalization of fuckin genocide, then you’re also a racist
So stay mad, stay confused, and above all keep self-sabotaging the Democratic Party, it’s really helping us out with this whole radicalization thing we got going on :)
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Like any normal person, I’m happy that the ceasefire that has held for 20 days, and I’ll be happy as long as it holds
You blue MAGA scum on the otherhand were positively giddy with excitement when Trump came out with his delusional ethnic cleansing plan, the same giddy excitement you demonstrated in this very thread, at this point just become a Trump supporter, cause YOU SEEM to be really happy with everything he’s doing, that is as long as you get to lash out at “disloyal” minorities
Also I’m assuming you’re really peeved his ethnic cleansing plan backfired diplomatically on his ass, sorry no dead Palestinians for your fascist ass to gloat over today :)
We’re gonna see another post whining about hexbear real soon lmao
What’s that? Immigrants at risk of being deported can’t actually vote? La la la, I can’t hear you!
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But people who voted against the person who murdered their entire family are explicitly the ones receiving your blame.
You OBSERVABLY don’t have a problem with any of this. THE ONLY THING YOU’RE UPSET ABOUT IS LOSING.
THE ONLY THING YOU’RE UPSET ABOUT IS THE FACT THAT YOU’RE NOT THE ONE DOING THE MURDERING ANYMORE. THAT’S how you can turn around and wield that death and despair as a cudgel against the people.
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You are now officially worse than the republicans. I’m old enough to remember smug liberals distinguishing themselves from conservatives based on their supposed fidelity to an objective reality. Now look at you. You support a genocide with no limits. You lose because of it. A day zero ceasefire is put in place the second you let go of the wheel. And without missing a beat you say that Trump is “doing the same thing.”
You are now to the right of the republicans. You are now more conspiracy brained and delusional than the worst right wing media.
Do self criticism or shut the fuck up forever.
This is really not the own you think it is.
Well that was anti-climactic
Hell YEAH. Care to sign our petition to DEPORT third party COMMIES?
But if the democrats broke a norm, then Republicans could do the same thing! Sure, they’re doing it now even though we upheld it, but don’t you see? Now, the voters will see that they broke the rules
nooooo, not the rules
Remember when Stone Cold Steve Austin became the biggest thing in wrestling by just sitting back and taking it when he got screwed out of the championship time and time again?
It’s so easy to get behind a complete and total chump!
If there’s one thing that’s absolutely reviled in American culture, it’s a loose cannon who doesn’t play by the rules.
That’s every lead in any American cop movie.
It’s over Drumpf, we have the moral high ground!
Just think of the damage they could do if the filibuster was removed! They could put in a supreme court justice with just a majority!!!.. like they did before
Ok I’ve tuned out of a lot of American politics recently. Anyone want to clue me into what the dems excuses were and what Trump has accomplished?
Whenever Dems have had the opportunity to enact substantive laws, they stumble across ‘the parliamentarian’ or some other hurdle that prevents [progressive thing] from happening.
Trump has let Elon’s sycophantic minions loose in DC as the DOGE: Department of Govt Efficiency. They have full admin on multiple systems in the Treasury Dept, they are ‘fixing problems’ with the aviation safety systems, they were supposed to be visiting Labor Dept today, etc. Basically, the old ratchet effect of US politics.
they are ‘fixing problems’ with the aviation safety systems
In my opinion this is because of that account that existed on Twitter entirely to track and publish the location of Musk’s private jet.
Ok I’ve tuned out of a lot of American politics recently.
How do I acquire this ability
GOOD post
I wish I kept a screenshot of the time a
user told me that it’s actually good that the entire goddamn nation bends to the whims of a bunch of backwoods numbskulls.
Yeah but they won’t. It’s always performative outrage and them a Dem comes into office.
They’ll forget about this lol
Something something dog no basketball
They aren’t laissez-faire, they just want slightly different types of control. Deregulating a group and adding some subsidies is just a different way to reward your buddies, but neither is representative of a free market.
I’m not sure how you guys view regulation as a whole, but an inordinate amount of it exists to help corps rather than us.
lawfare, regulatory capture, monopolies, proprietary lock-in, planned obsolescence are all attempts to cope with the tendency of the rate of profit to decline
this is another reason a large portion of the US economy is now the trading of financial assets and services associated with trading, doing actual production is much more difficult to keep profitable
There’s a reason it’s somehow profitable to have trees of businesses larger than some cities when nobody in any of that structure makes a fucking thing.
I’d be interested in seeing what things would look like if we didn’t let people offload liability to society.
I think workers owning their means of production is about as short as you can make that line of connection
capitalism is based in the abstraction and obfuscation of that line of connection
That is the shortest chain and ultimate goal. Peeps can group up, but still have to be able to handle the risk they take on. Once people become chess pieces or statistics in an org there’s no way for a human to consider them as individuals, regardless of that person’s psychology - the structures we have turn good people into monsters as surely as religious zealotry.
That is because ‘laissez-faire markets’ under capitalism have never been a thing. And that is besides the fact that historically speaking, ‘laissez-faire markets’ without capitalism or governments to control them are less of a market and more of a system of reciprocity, that doesn’t value the maximization of profit. Markets are mostly imposed, not evolved.
It is incredible to me that this particular nugget of propaganda “That capitalists like competition and laissez-faire markets.” from french liberals has continued into the modern day with such a strength that even supposed leftists pay lip service to it as if holds any kind of reality. What makes the capitalist formation superior to the feudal model is that the concentrations of productive capital and labor are larger, and more directly focused on the development of that productive capital and labor, as opposed to cultural capital or power over individual workers, in particular the decoupling of people from the land and into fully labor-value and market-intensive methods of living. It’s never been because of ‘competition’ or ‘laissez-faire markets’.
And in that instance, this is, of course, more of the same capitalist schtick as always. This is just Reagan again, who is just Coolidge again, etc. It would be more surprising (and actually unprecedented) if Elon was actually implementing efficiency without reducing output, and implementing laissez-faire economic policies.
You leave my boi Bastiat alone. His views on rights are what allowed me to be led me out of a strict propertarian mindset. There’s always a ‘but’ in reactionary rights analysis that fucks them out of not just funneling money up to capitalist or political classes.
I originally come from a right-libertarian (ancap) background with personal ethics much closer to the left. Still feels awkward admitting I’m just a weird left anarchist of some sort.
Any honest analysis of our system based on individual rights should agree with most of your conclusions, even without the left analysis. You can’t have laissez-faire markets in an economy tuned towards capital accumulation. You also can’t do much by shooting a single CEO in a system tuned to turning people into sociopaths while calling it career advancement.
Elon might do some good with the USAID shit, but only unintentionally. It’s hard to tell what’s humanitarian aid and what $50m USD for condoms is just CIA money laundering imperial shit.
I’m rambling now.
If you have been watching what Elon is doing with the USAID, it is not getting rid of it, it is placing it and what it does more directly under the executive branch’s control and purview. As some would say, ‘taking off the mask’. This is of course, because he is too stupid to understand how politically useful having NGO slight-of-hand is for the U.S.
It does make sense if you believe the era of U.S. soft-power domination is completely over (or is in-efficient/woke/ineffective, take your pick of the buzzwords). What we are seeing is a complete buy-in on traditional fascist ‘efficiency’ propaganda, without the savvy that the neo-liberal post-fascists displayed in earlier times. As far as I can tell the belief is that the facade costs money and has no benefits so it must be discarded. No good will come of it, but it was no good to begin with.
It’s just fascists shooting themselves in the foot because they don’t actually understand where modern fascism gets it’s power and stability from, the obfuscation of power. They seem to have this deep need to not just be recognized as powerful by the silent elite, but to be seen as powerful by people on social media platforms (who they likely see as ‘the masses’). The follow-up question is if they will try to run with the old fascist ‘clash of civilizations’ narrative after shooting themselves in the foot, or if they will just content themselves with just fucking things up for workers and bullying their reluctant allies. It is unclear at this point.
Trying to take it over is at least fucking with the establishment. I’d rather them waste political power going tit for tat than fucking us.
No offense, but you are still stuck in a liberal mindset, and it is affecting your analysis.
Elon can’t ‘waste political power’. That concept is based on the idea of ‘political capital’, which is based on the idea that political power is based on a mandate from the masses. Our political economy just doesn’t work that way, Elon doesn’t really have a mandate outside of what Trump gives him, which means he has effectively unlimited political ability because he doesn’t ever have to answer for what he does. Not only that, but everything, and I mean everything, he does to the federal government will have downstream effects on us, and much of it, especially stuff fucking with public education (something the Valley has been trying to reduce or get rid of since the 90’s) will fuck us. He can waste time, but unless he actively fucks over Trump, he can’t waste political power.
Oh, no offense taken. I’m not one of you - I just like you and your community so I try to contribute how I can without violating rules and shit.
I don’t disagree with your analysis and time is probably more accurate.
Sorry for the late reply, I had hotel jail for the weekend.
What the republicans are doing is going to (and is already starting to) blow up. It’s not that democrats didn’t realize they could do that, it’s that they knew better.
excuse me, sir, did you run this comment by the Senate Parliamentarian? I believe you may have violated protocols and norms by expressing this statement unilaterally. you cannot simply “do” something because you are inspired to, unless it is starting and supporting proxy wars against geopolitical rivals or just doing plain old genocide. that’s always OK.
Don’t worry, they’re making sure to include enough to count under the “plain old genocide” clause
For the record, I’m disgusted by how most democrats have been enabling Israel’s human rights abuses.
As far as I can tell, both parties have been not only enabling Israel, but literally throwing tens of billions of dollars at them to keep going.
P.S. That’s not the only thing I was referring to with my above comment though.
Yeah, it’s wrong when either party does it.
No one is saying that all bureaucracy is good, but giving a bunch of mid-twenties recent graduates access to classified material without going through the proper security protocols first is a massive security risk. You’re like a kid playing with matches in a gasoline refinery saying “Look, I’ve been playing with matches for several hours and nothing bad has happened. Adults are stupid.”
This is just my personal opinion, but this seems like a misrepresentation of what we see in reality. A bunch of groypers plugging into the US treasury is bad for many people, I agree. What I think is a misrepresentation is the idea that while they do these wild things and sometimes get stopped, many times they 1. Don’t get stopped at all. 2. Whatever action that would stop them gets tied up in court for years so they do this fucked up shit for a while and do the damage 3. They get stopped quick but the damage is done and boundaries get pushed.
What people are saying when they say the democrats are controlled opposition, is that they don’t even attempt to take these drastic actions for the relatively “good” things they say want to do but never do. Could the Biden admin have used its powers to materially fight against the abortion bans? Or do something actionable about student loans? And I don’t even want to get into foreign policy. What we see in reality is that they are not willing to bend anything to do what they want to, while they watch the other party do fucked up shit for years. And the truth seems to be, actually they don’t ever intend to do anything good for people, they barely try.
I’ve never seen anyone so aggressively miss a point before
Please spell it out for me, then.
If the Republicans can do all this for bad things and no one can stop them then the Democrats always had the ability to do this for the good things they purport to be in favor of, and actively chose not to (because they actually do not want good things to happen)
“Make me smarter”
Ah yes, the blowback of civility and norms is imminent and the parliamentarian will shut down all this nonsense
Lol read that as paramilitarian and got very excited for a second.