I remember the guy started working on military defense but i didn’t know he founded his own military defense company named after the lord of the rings with the help of peter thiel. Also i wasn’t aware his company is now producing an arsenal of surveillance weapons and leading the sector.
Has gone? More like had gone. Way back when he was still running Oculus. People just liked the project that he was working on. He still wasn’t a good person back then.
Naw you don’t say…
His heel-turn occurred three years before that when he sold Oculus to Facebook in 2014.
I had the original devkit. The FB sale killed Oculus for me for life.
He’s been fash for a long time
I remember when got caught secretly funding a gang of racist trolls to harass people online during the first Trump campaign.
Yea unfortunately the entire Gameboy community was re-introduced to this guy because of the modretro chromatic. You know things are fucked when you have an ethical dilemma about buying a Gameboy.
You know how a lot of DIY gadgets have slogans like “trans rights are human rights” on the circuit boards? I wonder if the Modretro has some fascist slogan similarly inscribed. Perhaps “Deus Vult” or some particularly authoritarian Bible verse number, or maybe just a couple of plausibly deniable 14s and 88s.
I was unaware of this douche until just now. I’ve been interested in the Modretro Chromatic for a little while, disappointing to see this guy is tied to it. Glad I haven’t gotten one, thanks for letting people know.
Luckey’s sister, Ginger Luckey, is married to former U.S. representative Matt Gaetz.
Entire family are a bunch of winners
Ginger Luckey is the name of a horse, not a human.
Could make a great stripper stage name too 😅
Wow, she stayed married to him even after all the kiddie diddling came to light?
She probably helped hide the worst of it.
Hey Ginger gets all the drugs she wants now.
Count-down to OP being incarcerated…
Stuff like this should be studied in some kind of a medical facility. How do people flip their entire worldview overnight, and become colossal bigots, with the most aggressive and violent thought processes?
He’s always been a shit heel. He was funding pepe meme anti Hillary billboards in 2014.
The secret sauce is that most of them always were bigoted assholes. They just pretended not to be because that wasn’t socially acceptable. But showing their wretched true selves is cool under the new administration, so they are.
Did he ever possess a different world view? Or did we assume someone in tech in early 2000s must be actually smart and not a bad person, only to find out they’re a piece of shit a la, Zuck, Dorsey, Musk, etc.
Remember there was a time we didn’t know everything about these people and the notion that they were creating these platforms and industries for the betterment of man kind didn’t seem so crazy.
Now we know every last one of them is a money obsessed freak with entire cemeteries in their closets, touting “Effective Altruism” or “Rationalism” or whatever new fad fake philanthropists are claiming this quarter.
What’d Dorsey do?
You do realize there’s way more people in tech than those types of people?
Or did we assume someone in tech in early 2000s must be actually smart and not a bad person
My god, people here are STILL struggling with the idea that their perspective isn’t absolute, and that they actually need to investigate the world to truly know things about it, instead of just relying upon the social media hive mind to tell them truth from fiction.
He did make those claims himself, in the past. Which of course means fucking nothing, because actions speak louder
lots and lots of money
Wasn‘t he let go from Facebook partially for his political views like being a fierce Trump supporter, though? That was years before Suckerberg turned full fascist oligarch himself mind you.
They have everything they want on demand and they lose touch with what it was like to be a normal person. They might have these thoughts inside their head all along but just could never express them when they were among normal people.
The guy’s got two surnames. That’s a recipe for disaster.
As a child he was homeschooled
I think that’s the bigger red flag.
Didn’t he sell it to Facebook? A sellout doesn’t bode well for him.
For two billion.
Not quite, but the goatee may be spreading…
Fuck I loved Community.
Yeah, I had started hearing he was saying some messed up things around the time he sold Oculus to MetaBook. For a moment it actually made me feel better about the sale smh
What funny is apparently he was pressured by Zuck into resigning from Meta because it looked bad that he was supporting Trump…
Current owners too!
His drones over the borders are like the drones in Wildlands