made with wine photoshop
how dare you
Should have made it in Kimp
krita: am i a joke to you?
Krita >>> GIMP
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There are sadly no worthy FOSS alternatives, at least for real work. But for creating memes gimp would be plenty
I’m pretty sad that they named it KDE Connect instead of just Konnect
They have so many missed opportunities for things like that, like why isn’t spectacle called spektacle
My vote goes to Kpectacle
Because at the same time plasma succeded kwin and dolphin konqueror, the kool naming scheme became optional. The snipping tool used to be Ksnapshot, which was at least obvious naming in what it did.
Man what does “snipping tool” even mean
I don’t like this word either, selective screenshot or sth…
Screenshot. With features thats it imo
snip /snĭp/
intransitive verb
- To cut, clip, or separate (something) with short, quick strokes.
How the heck is that related to screenshot
It’s usually combined with a rectangle/window selection, thus clipping a part of your screen into an image/clipboard.
People are just used to calling it that because the default screenshot tool in windows has been called the snipping tool for a long time.
I’m still mad that they renamed Kalendar to Merkuro
Also, Kalendar you can guess what it is… Merkuro? No idea
To be fair, its full name is actually Merkuro Calendar, but it’s fucking stupid
Does Merkuro mean something in another language? Like Krita means Crayon in…Swedish? Norwegian? Scandahoovian? And for some reason they didn’t call it Krayon?
I couldn’t find anything
It would make more sense too since it can be used on almost everything, which I applaud (using it on macOS).
Germans: I don’t get it.
Finally some good fucking localization
True. The name does feel out of place tho
Only until you scroll down to the ‘K’ section of the “All Applications” tab and suddenly everything makes a lot of frustrating sense.
What do you mean “scroll down to K”?
The group “kde-applications” has over 100 entries that start with the letter ‘k’.
Funny. Your observation made me think that for the purpose of finding stuff it’s most efficient to have a perfectly linear distribution across all letters. Ie if there is 26 letters and I type out a single one I’m precluding 25/26 applications.
Of course the application menu uses fuzzy search meaning it looks at the whole string not just the beginning and also crawls through meta data and tags.
Still for searching it seems most efficient if a language uses all letters evenly 🤔.
Kinda kinky, keeping kowtow kicking.
It’s sorted alphabetically
Yes. Such ordered. Much K.
I know, the naming scheme is fairly obvious, but it’s the only regular program with a german name (that I know of)
I didn’t even know it’s German. Was that deliberate or a happy coincidence because it’s a hard ‘c’ in English and they seem to turn all words that start with a hard ‘c’ into apps that start with a ‘k’?
It’s probably more of the latter, but KDE’s roots were in Germany!
Man, I probably should have known that. Thanks.
KDE e.V. is still in Germany
You mean koincidence?
you win the thread
Do note that the default non-X terminal is called console:
Ja, bitte erklärt es mir. [=
Disclaimer: I use gnome-console as my terminal emulator; switched from gnome-terminal ~2 years ago.
Using the Keta Key to open the Kaplications Kenu and start Kirefox
Keta Key goes in the Khole
How was there never a legal battle between KDE and Mortal Kombat?
Which one should have taken the other to kourt?
Windows devs: “We need to ask the keyboard makers to add a special key for OS stuff. A Windows key. Yeah.”
KDE devs: “There’s something special about the K key, and none of us can put it to words.”
“Kewl Terminal Emulator”
This used to bother me way more than it does now.
The Knaming scheme was so Koff putting that I refused to use KDE for years based purely on how much it annoyed me.
But it’s been 15 years now and GNOME has turned into Fisher Price. KDE things always seemed to work better, like Phonon works 1000 times better than GStreamer and apps like Krita and Kdenlive are far more useful than GNOME equivalents.
Thinking about giving KDE a spin with the new Plasma 6 release
I was the same. I also avoided any Kpackage because of kdependencies it would install along with it.
I was shocked when my Linux Guru recommended KDE whenever it was that Plasma got really good. I reluctantly tried it and I was hooked. I was in love with the infinitely user configurable UI. I felt like I could easily bend the interface to do what I wanted. It’s been many years now and it’s hard for me to use anything but KDE. I even tried to give Plasma Mobile a go on my Pine Phone.
Clears the text in the current tab and resets the terminal
Klears the text in the kurrent tab and resets the terminal
I’m always doing this when I have to use gnome and it does nothing. So annoying
Easy solution: Don’t use GNOME
I have to if I want to use linux at work =[ I agree, I hate it
Damn, why don’t they let you install something else?
Linux support is brand new and they want a small subset of things that they can be sure are compliant =[
Can you atleast install Flatpaks and GNOME Extensions? AFAIK these don’t require root. Distrobox might also work.
Yeah I can install whatever I want, I do have root, we just have an agent that checks certain things before allowing VPN access.
So I do have konsole and Kate installed, but yakuake doesn’t work very well with gnome and I need my drop down terminal
Opens The Konsole
I want to watch
Why is that “r” stuck to that “m”?
Bad keming.
Ken kou kse khe kerminal kn kde
*khen :)
speaking of Konsole, can someone tell me how to theme this thing ? ( translucent effect, colors & especially fonts )
You need to edit your profile, and for transparency and colors you need to make a color scheme or edit an existing one
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You should give a look. There is a patched version of Fira Code and it’s pretty damn fancy, although there are plenty alternatives and instructions for creating your own if you fell like it.
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It only accepts monospaced fonts, which is simply the only font type you should ever even think of having in your terminal
But there is a checkmark that enables you to override and use any font
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In the drop down menu go to edit profile or create profile something like that
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I think for transparency in Plasma you use “Window Rules”, a tab in which you can specify a lot of stuff, like opacity, and you can confine your settings to certain programs, certain categories of programs, all programs, etc. There’s really a huge customisation potential with Plasma!