includes a translation of Putin’s entire speech from yesterday Jun 14
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He mentions Europe “plunged into chaos by migration” and may have a few other chuddy asides, but everything he actually focuses on is good and important.
Our legitimate questions were answered with excuses, claiming that no one was planning to attack Russia and that NATO expansion was not directed against Russia. Promises made to the Soviet Union and then to Russia in the late '80s and early '90s about not including new members into the bloc were conveniently forgotten. If remembered at all, it was mockingly said that these assurances were verbal and thus non-binding.
We have consistently, in the 90s and later, pointed out the errors of the course chosen by Western elites, not just criticized and warned but proposed alternatives, constructive solutions, emphasized the importance of developing a mechanism for European and global security that would satisfy everyone – I want to emphasize, everyone.
. . .
Sometimes it seems that ruling European politicians and eurobureaucrats are more afraid of falling out of favor with Washington than losing the trust of their own people, their own citizens. Recent elections to the European Parliament also show this. European politicians swallow humiliation, rudeness, and scandals involving surveillance of European leaders, while the US simply uses them for its own interests . . .
What can you say
Maybe don’t proove them right by starting a war.
How’s the war going? Are you winning?
Are you ;)
All objectives of the SMO are being completed
uh im not fighting dude so like uh
I’m only halfway through but at one point he calls the western elites “liberal-globalist” which was a little strange to me
As for the United States itself, the ongoing attempts by the liberal-globalist elites ruling there today to spread their ideology worldwide by any means, to maintain their imperial status, their dominance, only further exhaust the country, lead it to degradation, and directly contradict the true interests of the American people.
Liberal-Globalist is interchangeable with International Capital or the International Bourgeoisie
I feel like we’ll have a field day of possible struggle sessions with the terms over here (to me, it feels dirty; a bit of page torn from “the Protocols of Zion”)
I’d prefer to say “Western Capital and its compradors”
There is nothing wrong with calling them liberal globalist
The word “globalist” is pretty much exclusively used by Nazis as a dogwhistle.
Putin is not a nazi nor is it anything weird about calling them Globalist.
The last 2 years has shown us that the pro globalist sides are defending actual Nazis
There’s definitely something weird about a guy whose base is very nationalistic (and not in the national liberation sense) positioning himself in opposition to “liberal globalism” when you and I know perfectly well that ‘liberal’ in that phrase can perfectly mean the f slur, and ‘globalism’ means NATO just as much as it means immigrants. Putin has sold this war domestically as a fight against western decadence, as though they’re fighting a morally indecent society.
I’m not saying Putin is wrong to defend against NATO expansionism though, just to be clear, but you don’t have to hand it to him.
It obviously isn’t, seen by the widespread usage of the term across the political spectrum
The attempted rebranding of globalist into jew is a very recent fringe phenomena. Globalism has been the explicitly stated ideology of Liberals for decades, they self-proclaim as such
I repeat, show me anti-globalist leftist lit pre-2016, I’ve never heard the term used leftistly. It was alex jones fodder for decades, not sure why we should use it instead of imperialism/liberalism.
We should start using swastikas too, since those were used before Nazis.
I’ve literally never heard the word globalist before fascists started using it, so it can’t have been that common.
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But I’d rather be specific and not simply of talk of mere ‘liberal-globalists’ ; I do not wanna look like a larouchite or settler-socialist (A la Patsoc Infrared)…
Dont let those patsoc losers steal our terms
How is liberal globalist or elites specific? Anyone can use it for their goal
But railing against Industrial, Landlording, and Finance Capitalists, along with compradors, settler-capitalists, semi-feudal lords, and the like… that’s something they can’t steal, -----!
They can steal anti-western… but they can never steal those terms specifically…
is moon of alabama the human trafficker guy or is that someone else
You mean this BeauoftheFifthColumn. MoA is just boomer conservative.
absolutely bonkers that that guy has a fan base after these details got publicized.
MoA isn’t a conservative, he’s a Marxist
Honestly I rarely read him and I only did so because of the usual word of mouth association the current “geopolitics” little circle(Mercouris/Nakedcapitalism etc), he is good /ok at that. Maybe he said something about Marxism in the past, but he is definitely right wing. This is just typing woke on their search bar.
Plenty of Marxists complain about wokeness. It is brain worms but doesn’t mean they are a “conservative”. They are a Marxist with a particular brainworm
that’s Beau of the Fifth Column
Russia getting absolutely tbagged in real time
give your Ghost of Kiev funko-pop a big hug
Getting “absolutely tbagged in real time” is when you slowly take more and more of your enemies land while they force retirees to charge into your artillery fire in “counteroffensives” that are completely unsuccessful in taking back that land, right?
What is it like being this delusional?
This guy fell right into my trap and is hurting his knuckles on my chin
Lmfao a honey badger is trashing a grizzly and all y’all can do is praise the bear’s strength because you haven’t seen a w in decades
500,000 Ukrainian losses to 40,000 Russian losses
10:1 artillery shell advantage for Russia
Russia has air superiority and freely bombs the other side with FABs. Ukraine has no response.
Russia pushing and advancing on all fronts
Eh, i feel like we cant throw numbers of casualties around considering there is just no way of knowing the real figures. Although i feel the west certainly isnt truthfull about it, russia isnt either.
Just know that for libs like the one you are responding to, there cant be enough blood spilled on the altar of nato and western imperialism. Pretty sure that fucker is willing to sacrifice an entire nation of people for his peaceful ideals
ok tankie lol drink your lies bro
Was the seizure of Avdiivka, Bakhmut, Mariupol all lies?
Is it a lie that the Ukrainian counteroffensive only took 2 minor villages which have since both been lost? That was an entire year+ worth of western prep and build up.
500k vs 40k?
Yeah you’re delirious lmfao unless you’re also stupid and count civilian deaths and Russian terrorism as kills but whatever helps your propaganda go down smooth
what the fuck are you smoking
dude copeing so hard he became a bear ig???
I’m sure the young and old Ukrainians who are getting dragged off the street into trenches only to be obliterated by artillery are grateful for your service repeating nato propaganda so even more of them can be dragged into said trench.
Go back to your fantasy about hoards of orcs being slaughtered by the noble innocent hobbits while the rest of us discuss reality
Oh wait, that’s how you see reality because that’s how fucking deranged you are
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ableism lol
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go fuck yourself. citing that fascist slogan
No don’t think I will
Okay! Well just remember every time you go saying that phrase, you’re pretty much saying fascist shit. Especially considering how OUN and Bandera were Nazi collaborators and liked to say that phrase. While at it, go read every atrocity Bandera and his ilk committed to! Just to point something else out to.
It was at the Warsaw trial that the OUN first started using the slogan “Slava Ukraini” publicly in combination with the Roman (Nazi) salute. Vira Svientsitska was the first to shout the slogan with salute in court as she was being dragged from the courtroom for refusing to testify in Polish. Bandera and Mykola Lebed would shout the slogan at their sentencing.
Maybe do some reading, like from that link! Or go double down on willful ignorance.
Sigh As always on hexbear you nitpick what you like and ommit all sourrounding context.
There is 180 years of context sourrounding this phrase.
Let me give you the tldr: Yes fascists used the phrase for a couple of years around the 40s and one should not forgett that (this is where we agree). However Ukrainians have refused to give the phrase to the nazis and after a cooldown period started to use it mostly as a “Battlecry” for resitance.
But most important is the contemoprary context. Currently (and you know this) “Slava Ukraini” is used as a sign of resistance against the russian aggressors and as a sign of support towards Ukrain.
Maybe you should stop supporting actual facists by calling everyone who is not licking putins boots a facist.
There is 180 years of context sourrounding this phrase.
Funny how losers like you will hem’n’haw and “um-acktually” about bullshit technicalities to weasel your way out of having to explain why you openly support fascist Ukraine then piss your pants and scream when anyone on hexbear explains the context that occured in the color counter-revolution that happened a decade ago.
Really got me screaming there big boy
Moma must be proud
I always wondered how and why the germans went along with Hitler and nazi Germany, then I see people like you and it makes sense.
If Ukraine is trying to distance itself from Nazis why does Zelensky clap for Yaroslav Hunka and glaze the First Galician SS members, who were not only nazis but guilty of some of the most horrifying abuses in Ukraine? Why does every second picture of a Ukrainian soldier shows them wearing a black sun, the OUN patch, a totenkopf, a wolfsangel, or other fascist iconography? Why did Azov nazis get brought further and further into the fight, instead of being shunned and arrested for beint a literal neo nazi militia who were commiting war crimes against Russian speaking Ukrainians?
You went way off topic here
This thread ia about the phrase “Slava Ukraini” and if it’s ok to use or if it ahould not be used because facists around the 50s tried to make it their own.
Although I am going to aay this. Russia a “world power” invaded ukrain in an illegal attack. I don’t think Ukrain can afford to shunn any Soldier they have.
I do truely hope Ukrain will analyze the war propperly (and prossecute warcrimes appropriatly) After Russia got their ass handed to them
You’re trying to say that your fascist slogan isn’t fascist because Ukraine got rid of the fascists. How is me bringing up all the instances of fascism being mainstream in Ukraine off topic?
You’re also saying that they can just freely put guns in the hands of genocidal Nazis because they’re fighting to keep land that the Ukrainian government was shelling before the war started? You understand that Nazis are guilty of killing far more civilians in Ukraine than Russia has, right? You’re throwing out the baby with the bathwater to a ridiculous degree. If Ukraine has to resort to recruiting Nazis then they should just surrender, otherwise even if they could somehow win, they’re just going to put all the ethnic Russians in death camps.
Also, just so you know, even the Ukrainian government is perfectly aware they’re not going to win this lol. Here, have a look, maybe you can buy yourself a bit of land or some government offices:
Slava my butthole
Slava it good and deep, get up in there with the tongue
Maybe you should stop supporting “fascists” and start supporting fascists
Deeply unserious poster who is so ignorant of geopolitics and history that they oppose “facism”
Nope not ignorant about geopolitics
Just not a bootlicker
Just not a bootlicker
You say with the boot of
in your mouth
When was the cooldown period? How long? When did people stop flying the flag of the OUN-B or idolizing Bandera? Never? Pretending it’s one slogan is a diversion, clearly, it is an example of the wider trend of extremist Ukrainian nationalism
Sure if you say so
Sure if you say so
so if we’re right that means you’ll shut the fuck up, right?
you are going to shut the fuck up, right?
Glad we agree that you’re using fascist rhetoric that has not been sanitized of its nazi past
You’re just an open nazi, cheering on your banderite proxies and telling us that it’s just some deep historical call-back when it’s just nazi shit.
I swear you fucking Germans wouldn’t know culture if it bit you in the ass.
Dude. Ukraine was shelling and still is shelling civilians in the independent republics. Do some reading. The media is 100% lies.
Google overextending Russia rand
Slava Baloney…
Slava my dick and my balls
Slava them real good
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The liberal has done a misogynism!