Libs asserting that Biden is “crushing it” is deeply, deeply bizarre. When the people can’t afford bread you’re in “lost the mandate of heaven” territory, not crushing it.
Oh he’s crushing it alright. It being the poor.
Crushing Medicare specifically
Anyone who thinks Biden is crushing it doesn’t see Palestinians as human and should be beaten with a hammer.
He’s certainly crushing Palestinians
i can understand wanting to vote for some lesser evil from a liberal perspective, but ‘crushing it’ definetly throws me for a loop.
what i saw in a couple of clips of that embarrassing debate was two seniors visibly and obviously incapable of crushing.
In a normal country, a person who tried to blow up a building would be in prison, and this metaphor wouldn’t even exist.
If a person like him appeared at my job like that, they would get them a bed after their initial intake. They’d probably tell us to give him ice cream with every meal.
“look we know you’ve worked here for 4 years and have been absolutely crushing it, but we’re gonna need you to come in for an interview”
what kind of loser so readily dismisses the guy who tried to blow up the workplace. so long as the bomb guy was taking steps to avoid harming any of the workers, i say hear him out.
also, if a dude who can’t move or communicate with any coherency can “crush it”, it might be time to re-evaluate the organization.
sorry for torturing this metaphor, but they started it.
These people somehow haven’t noticed they already did 4 years of Trump and nothing really happened.
Tens of thousands of unnecessary covid deaths, massive tax cuts for the rich and tax hikes for the average person, packed the supreme court with activist judges gutting rights and regulations, gross mishandling of classified documents that totally coincidentally coincided with an alarming rate of intelligence assets getting killed, refused to allow the peaceful transition of power, etc., etc., etc., but sure, nothing at all happened under Trump, and Project 2025 definitely won’t actually happen if he’s reelected, right?
gross mishandling of classified documents that totally coincidentally coincided with an alarming rate of intelligence assets getting killed
lol owned
If it’d been done for ideological reasons, I could respect it even if I didn’t agree with it. Not sure if I would agree or not, depending on the reasons. But let’s be real, Trump didn’t do it for ideological or moral reasons. He sold out his country for personal profit, as he does in every other venture.
Nah, it’s funny even if Trump leaked documents for personal profit or due to general incompetence. Maybe funnier, since it’s Uncle Sam tripped up by an individual idiot perfectly embodying the nation’s core capitalist qualities of rapacity and hubris
Also, it doesn’t really matter if Trump didn’t do it for ideological or moral reasons. Nobody in the colonised world cares too much about how
imperial hegemony is disrupted, so long as it is.
“smirk you think nothing happened under Trump. Well, here’s a list of bad things that happened under him. …yes, Biden then proceeded to do much, much worse on some of these issues and many others and I don’t regard him as the same threat to democracy, but…”
refused to allow the peaceful transition of power
I mean he literally did do that. On the 21st of January 2021, Trump was indeed no longer president and everybody who mattered agreed, including himself. Kind of the ultimate failure of the “fascist dictator” story if they get voted out of office not a second later than other presidents have.
if Project 2025 happens then that is a failure of the American system for allowing it. in which case, why do we care about the preservation of this system? we should, like, make a better one, probably. it’s also funny to read the plan for Project 2025 and see how Biden is quite happily enforcing, or at least not opposing, several of its policies. Biden’s anti-immigration policy is essentially no different from Trump’s, he’s arming police at a massive rate to create a fascist police state, he’s expanding fossil fuel infrastructure and opposing renewables just because they come from a different country, he refuses to restore country-wide abortion rights, all this anti-trans legislation is happening under his presidency, etc. it’s a real head-scratcher that he has the power to send Israel billions of dollars of weaponry without Congress needing to sign off on it, but as soon as a good policy hits his desk, suddenly it’s simply impossible, it’s against the Peepee Poopoo Bill of 1985 to do it, I’m sorry, we need the parliamentarian’s permission, etc.
you have to understand that a Palestinian dying of starvation has no ability to tell if the bombs being dropped on their mosque originated from a Democrat or a Republican. and if you’re the typical American Democrat with zero empathy for anything outside your border as I suspect you may be, it’s also impossible for a homeless trans person to tell if the rifle-carrying officer forcibly relocating them and their limited possessions was sent by Biden’s Awesome Epic Law And Order Program For Reducing Crime or Trump’s Evil Fascist Law And Order Mandate For Crushing Criminals.
A Palestinian Child Called It