This picture should have been so much more than what was needed to eject his ass from the white house. Obama used the wrong mustard and the right flips the table. Carter couldn’t have a peanut farm. This guy and his family were shilling for a Mexican bean company from the fucking oval office.
A fucking bean company
Actually, it’s a Jersey bean company. The CEO is a rich New Yorker who, like Trump, inherited wealth and rolls with the manhattan aristocrats.
Goya CEO Robert Unanue is a hardcore Trump supporter and overall awful person.
After Jan. 6th:
The board of the privately held Latino food company voted to censure Unanue, following his most recent controversial remarks that questioned the legitimacy of the November election, according to a person familiar with the board’s actions, who spoke to CNN on the condition that their name not be used.
Unanue will no longer be allowed to speak to the media without the board’s permission, the source said. The decision was first reported by the New York Post Monday evening.
The source said this is a “full stop” on Unanue speaking to the press, not only about politics, but also about the company itself.
A majority of Goya shareholders favor removing Unanue altogether but have been prevented from doing so by the dynamics of the family-controlled company, according to the source.
“The company has never been political or politicized,” said the source. “He’s gone from bad CEO to CEO that has imperiled the future of the company and endangered the lives of some of the shareholders,” the source said in reference to some Unanue family members having allegedly received threats because of the CEO’s comments
The people at Tesla could learn a lot from that bean company.
Oh shit. I need to stop buying Goya huh?
Ah well.
Such a sick-sounding last name for such a shitty guy
Weird, you say?
These hamberders are worthy of their own post in this community
The cheap bastard couldn’t even be bothered to keep them in a food warmer. Who wants to eat cold cheeseburgers and soggy fries?
Edit: And keep the salads in the fridge until ready to serve, FFS.
This one man did more to degrade any respect for the oval office than any other president in my lifetime.
Reagan was a fucking crook who was personally responsible for starting the domino chain leading to the shit-show that is today’s GOP.
Bush Jr is a war criminal who I sincerely believe should have been brought before the Hague for invading Iraq, being responsible for the execution of a head-of-state, instituting practices at Guantanamo, and for getting us into the longest war in US history.
But no-one of them debased the office of the POTUS like Trump. It’s fucking depressing.
I still don’t buy Goya. I haven’t forgotten.
Same. Which sucks because their products were often inexpensive and good but they can go fuck themselves now. I’ll gladly pay two or three times more to not support those dick heads.
And I’ve not bought a single Goya product since. I’ll actively look for an alternative or go without.
I had no idea about this and recently bought a can of black beans. Now I’m mad.
You’re good! Think of it this way, at least one more person won’t be buying their beans in the future!
I like the concept of posting weird flashbacks of MAGA. There are so many they have become normalised.
Cue Attenborough
In today’s episode of Witness To Weirdness, we examine file #8675309, also known as “The Bean-cident.”
This is why I don’t buy that brand of canned beans.
It’s funny how I still think about this when I see this brand. I used to buy bags of their dry beans, but I now avoid them entirely.
fuck Goya and
say it with me
fffffffuucccckkkkkk tttrrruuummmppp
Emoluments clause? What’s that?
Apparently just empty words, since laws don’t apply to the President as long as you have five SCOTUS judges in your pocket.
That’s like perjury or bribery. It’s a crime only Democrats can commit. When Republicans do it prosecutors are very concerned about the implications of charging them. When there’s a whiff of a Dem doing either the FBI announces an investigation a month before the election.
And illegal, but that one didn’t even make a blip.
This was so fucking bizarre I remember thinking that the picture was fake at first. When I learned that it wasn’t, I wished it was fake.
Well, it’s the first time I saw it.
I was completely convinced it was fake, except for everybody here just knowing when it happened… So I’m rationally convinced it’s real… But I can’t bring myself to fully believe it.
I don’t blame you one bit
I know a bunch of people who won’t buy Goya because of this. The local international grocery store switched almost two entire aisles to different brands as well
Yep, the moment this happened we dropped the brand in our family.
They’re the beaniest!
I love how it’s not a well laid out tableau. He just threw some stuff on the resolute desk.
The lack of relative symmetry pissed me off almost as much as the shilling.
It really looks like they just grabbed some stuff out of the pantry and tossed it on the desk. Even the way he’s hunched over while doing the double thumbs up is weird.