I never understood the screaming.
Like, “Woooooo!” and “Yeeeeaaah!”. These are normal. But just opening your mouth and relentlessly screaming at people non-stop—people trying to perform with sound, no less, and not a single shark or bear around.
Edit: Okay, it hasn’t been studied hard. But apparently it could be a natural bevaviour to get attention over other competing females.
Now I’m no love guru, but this is not how it is done. Unless there is indeed a shark or bear or something similar, it is unlikely to be appreciated And I’m fairly confident this is the case for all genders, just in case some of you guys out there are thinking about screaming at someone to break ice for a cheeky, “How ya doin’?”
Woman in front seems to be in actual distress - like that’s how I imagine I’d look if a portal to hell opened up in front of me and some unspeakable horror sloughed out.
It’s just Ringo
Bruh, what did the coolest Beatle do to you?
He wasn’t even the best drummer in The Beatles
Don’t have to be the best to be the coolest
It was a reference to their interview in Moscow
Paul did nothing at all, man. Any other questions?
Yea, why you taking about the second lamest Beatle?
She was listening to his Disco album.
I have close friends in their 70s who were young teens here in northern Ontario during that period. They talk about how young girls would scream and cry at their TV while watching the Beatles.
Looking back at it with old age they admitted that it wasn’t so much the sexual attraction but the first time that girls (and guys) could openly cheer and celebrate something they were happy about.
They do the same nowadays
The way they explained it me is … it was the first time most young people back then could do so, especially with the newly introduced TV system where young people everywhere could get excited about the same thing with everyone around them.
It was a time of firsts… everything or most pop culture trends we get bored with today were considered new and exciting back then. And the Beatles were the first modern international pop band that everyone were excited for.
Great article and worth a read. But in case you’re short on time, here’s an image from the article of this lady absolutely losing her mind.
It’s the opossumification of the masses by the Beatles. People went ‘hissssss’ and ‘AAAAAaaaAaa’ before burrowing themselves. Weird times.
My ex was really into live concerts, and I hated moshing, but when Dave Grohl got on stage she lost her fucking mind. It’s definitely look at me thing lol.
Probably the best concert I ever saw was Sinead O’Connor in the early nineties. Seriously, her studio music was great but she and her band were absolutely fucking tight live. But when I saw her, almost the entire audience was 13-year old girls dressed in black and they would erupt in screams every time Sinead did anything, like jump or make a weird gesture with her hand or whatever. The screaming was very annoying and it seems like even Sinead was annoyed by it.
It took me a second to recognize the woman behind her and I was like “Idk one of them seems to be paying attention.”
Lesbeatle mania
This picture shows something very interesting, how The Beatles hit a nerve that went deeper than just as heartthrobs. It was some sort of “Eureka!” moment for an entire generation.
It’s like they all suddenly went from black-and-white to Technicolor in their minds, and didn’t know how to express such a paradigm-shattering discovery but to SCREAM!!!
They didn’t miss much.
Considering how overwhelmed with emotions the lady in the front is, how do we know these two are not similarly worked up and just grabbing each other out of excitement, and it’s more that the belief moment this caught us misleading? Is there any evidence that they are actually lesbians?
I’ve got nothing against homosexuality, but I am also not sold that these two are gay.
I too lay my hand gently on a woman’s thigh, nestle into her body, and lean in towards her lips as she holds me with both arms and leans in towards my lips in turn when I’m excited about a band on stage.
For some reason I’m not very welcome at concerts.
I for one am frequently so close to my very good friends that my nose is pressed against theirs, my eyes only able to see theirs, the world not existing around us, while discussing in a platonic way how their day is going.
Just stuff you do with the homies
Lol I assume at the very least these are close friends.
Maybe even roommates.
For a guy named EatATaco they seem a little left behind by the roommate comment
Maybe. Or maybe just good friends. It appears we don’t really know.
I’d say the body language is pretty clear. The one putting her hand on the other’s thigh, that one putting her hand on the other’s arm, they’re making eye contact, they’re not screaming, their faces are very close like they’re going in for a kiss.
clearly they are close friends.
I see what you see, but I’ve also seems snapshots be very misleading.
Sometimes it feels some people have seen two women in the same room only in lesbian porn. Something like that can easily happen without any sexual/romantic aspect.
I mean, I get it in this case it’s very suggestive. I’ve just seen so many pictures that don’t even remotely tell the whole story that without something else to confirm it, I think it’s presumptuous to assume they are gay.