Apple, Microsoft, Sony…it’s cool to hate them but can we please direct some fucking ire to this absolute pinnacle of piece of shittery that’s always on the frontier of the shittiest business practices in all things IT?
How has this compamy escaped a class action lawsuit by the entire population of the world?
Due to union rules i am actually not allowed to hate Adobe more than I currently do sorry.
This company is literally just taking the piss and you’re allowing it to happen?
‘Please subscribe to our Premium experience to access this ugly ass font’
What the fuck
I’m just making a “union rules” joke. I use gimp, inkscape, and a bunch of other stuff. I despise adobe.
Is there an open source alternative to acrobat? That’s all I fucking need.
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don’t even try to edit PDF - they weren’t meant for that
Screaming this from the rooftops
The PDF is fundamentally a weird skeumorphic anachronism which should not exist
PDFs are great for certain legal documents and files that never need to be changed. It’s the digital equivalent of laminated or glossy paper.
This, I hate PDF forms so so much.
Yes, absolutely. I use Okular when I need to fuck with pdfs. It’s quite decent in my experience. Great pdf reader and allows you to annotate, sign, fill forms, everything I’ve ever had to do with a pdf, really.
Libreoffice has pretty good PDF capabilities
Your white hot ball of rage has been burning other employees recently Frank, we need you to settle down.
When I was in college and we got student license edition I always preferred to use
on principal alone…and it somehow performed better than the licensed edition.
Ealways, it’s always like this. I almost expect customer support to better for pirated copies
I will literally never use Adobe software. My wife pirated some but I do not bother using it.
this tbh, I will put up with a lot of jank to escape subscription fees, especially predatory “monthly” (yearly) fees
To be real I don’t think the GNU Image Manipulator even has that bad a UI. Like yes it’s convoluted but A) that’s literally Adobe’s fault B) you need a wiki for both anyway
True, I just haven’t spent the time to properly learn it since I dont do much graphic stuff.
Me either tbh, I mostly sit with whatever guide when I need it, kinda sillylike.
thats a good plan honestly
I think it’s because they aren’t quite as ubiquitous. Most the people heavily involved with Adobe products do so for creative work, and that’s a relatively small niche comparatively.
They literally own pdfs, which have some how become necessary in every business and government administration.
Sure, that’s about the extent of the everyday use case, a shitty file format. Im not talking about search, email, calendar, operating systems, and all kinds of other things you will regularly touch on the internet.
In not saying Adobe isn’t prominent, just comparatively a lot smaller.
It’s crazy to me that Adobe has managed to to make any money. Their software products at their core are pretty solid, however all of their products are covered in barbed wire and throned vines. The idea that basic features require a subscription is beyond bonkers to me. I don’t know how they managed to survive the 90s at all.
I hate Adobe, all my homies hate Adobe, and it’s deeply frustrating there has not been a meaningful alterative yet.
businesses buy the licenses for their employees
They survived the 90’s because they weren’t subscription-based back then. They could charge a lot more, but they had to actually invest in development so that clients would be willing to pay for an upgrade. Once development started stagnating, and they had an enormous market share, they could switch over to the subscription model and start charging people to access the software (and their files) in perpetuity.
They could charge a lot more, but they had to actually invest in development so that clients would be willing to pay for an upgrade.
That one thing I hate about technology as it is. It’s not modern tech is inherently bad, it’s that technology is engineered around becoming more profitable rather than better. They aren’t making better products anymore, they just finding new ways to charge you for them. UGH.
the affinity suite is a good alternative if you’re not on linux, not that adobe supports linux last i checked. There’s also Really depends on the use case, plenty of better painting options out there now. For photo editing, a dedicated raw editor can cover a lot of territory. For compositing heavy stuff, I use gimp or even blender. inkscape is awesome for vector work.
i could go on. i think a lot of people forget how difficult it was to learn adobe software when they started, and it’s tough to switch and lose that muscle memory, but even if the alternatives aren’t as good, most have been improving over the years and adobe has just gotten worse and worse. Redirecting money from adobe to alternatives will accelerate that.
It’s also much easier to write scripts for adobe alternatives, so it’s possible to get productivity boosts in that domain, depending on how you work.
Adobe managed to suppress the entire field of creative software by buying out every potential future competitor and killing off their product, for decades, until everybody forgot that’s a kind of software you can make.
I’ve been hating Adobe since I was a child, before it was cool.
…Nah, who am I kidding, Adobe has pretty much always been hateworthy. They really pioneered some of the most awful modern day payment and DRM models.
I would probably buy PS, but I will not subscribe to it. Gimp does what I need on the rare occasions I need to do something.
Acrobat is just dumb. I don’t see any benefit to it over free/cheaper alternatives.
Say what you will about Apple, I gave them a couple hundred bucks almost fourteen years ago and I can just use their video editing suite as much as I want and they give me every updates on the reg.
You can also pirate their pro software by walking into an Apple store and copying the app from /Applications onto a thumb drive. No DRM or copy protection whatsoever.
that’s what I call a pro-tip
As someone trying to become more creative. By God do I hate Adobe. They’re greedy pigs and proud of it.
I also hate it for what it represents, they’re industry standard so if you want to follow your dreams and become a creative. Guess what? You have one of many paywalls in your way to stop you. There is nothing porky wants more than for all arts to be luxury hobbies for only the rich.
At least Photoshop CS6 is easy as shit to pirate
i don’t know anyone who likes adobe
I had to switch to a different PDF reader because for the life of me I couldn’t get the dumb little AI assistant to quit covering the corner.
Firefox has honestly been a better PDF reader than the inventors of the PDF for about a decade now.
Adobe PDF reader is the peak of bloatware and really shouldn’t be installed anywhere anymore. Last I saw, it was like 400MB of software to read-only open a file type? Could be gigs if they have AI shit in it now too.
Despite the huge market share PS is so much worse & less convenient than my usual digital art program, Clip Studio. What do you mean you can’t non-destructively mirror a canvas in PS?!?
Ps is better for photos. Drawing on Ps is bad compared to free alternatives, like Krita, I love Krita
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