No wonder they snitched on the based Italian man!
Pensylvanians eating the shit I used to make when I was 7 and mom left me home alone because she had to work.
The original name for it was Latchkeykidsylvania
Lmao when I was like 8 I attempted to make my own pizza using bread dough and spaghetti sauce. I topped it with Kraft yellow slices because my kid-brain assumed “cheese is cheese.”
I regretted it on the first bite.
Everyone is all “why did he go to McDonalds” omitting the context that this was the only other thing available to eat
This is Israel’s plan to beat the Boycotts
There’s plenty of good regional pizzas! Detroit style is pretty good. Colorado style is about the only good cuisine from Colorado. Heck I’ll even say Chicago is good even thought it’s technically more of a casserole.
But fuck this melted American cheese shit.
Heck I’ll even say Chicago is good even thought it’s technically more of a casserole.
chicago pizza sucks I actually had a friend bring me a slice of some chicago style pizza the other week when we were at a pizza shop in NJ and I told them “just get me a slice of cheese thanks” because I, like the sick disgusting person I am, scrape off all the toppings (cheese included) anyways and just use grated parm.
My friend: ABC you won’t believe it but they actually had your ideal slice here, look its just sauce and old-world pepperoni its literally made for you, no cheese!!
Me: …This is a chicago slice and it has cheese underneath the sauce which actually makes it worse because I can’t scrape off the cheese…but thank you for caring/trying I guess…
Them: nooo I thought you’d like it I’m sorry forgive me!!!
you all now realise why John Fettywap had a stroke
PA is the state with all the Germans that call themselves Dutch right? This looks like what a German raised with an American education would make if forced to make pizza from a description heard over pre-WWI radio.
PA is the state with all the Germans that call themselves Dutch right?
Tbf, that’s because they said they were from “Deutschland” and all the English settlers thought that meant “Dutch”.
“yeah, Dutch Land. I heard you the first time”
Those people are not running restaurants. They’re like Amish style communities.
Where are all the posters from the “if you think British fries look wet and tasteless and gross you’re actually being picky and maybe classist, it’s salt of the earth working class food” thread.
Are you going to try and make me respect this horseshit now?
Death to this kind of thing
Hot take: a lot of British cuisine is fine if you take the perspective that it’s food for people who live on a cold, rainy island. Sheppard’s pie, totally solid comfort food for some potato farmer who spent all day out in a foggy field.
Amerikkkan food though… like even as poverty food Wtf?
I mean this is gross but peanut butter and jelly is a very good low effort snack or lunch food and I think is pretty rare outside of the US.
I continue to not understand how peanut butter has not become a world wide staple
it’s handy for a lot of sauces too. peanut butter in curry sauce or salad dressing is great
I’ve meet African immigrants who say it’s a thing in North West Africa.
Peanuts are a very common crop in West Africa, there’s a lot of peanut based cuisine from various cultures there. Peanut/groundnut soup tasty
PB&J is fine.
if they deep fried this “pizza” i might give it some consideration tbh
Is that American “cheese”
I saw a video clip of it, the guy just called it “yellow cheese”.
He’s right on the yellow part, i’ll give him that.
K can’t remember if they’re legally allowed to call it cheese but yes.
It’s cheese that’s been melted, had water and sodium citrate (IIRC) added, then poured into a sheet. It apparently started as a way of reclaiming and consolidating cheese scraps, but now it’s just a matter of getting cheese with a lower melting point and that doesn’t separate when melted. Things can’t be labeled “cheese” if they’ve been melted and had further ingredients added like that.
That said, the Kraft ones are awful because Kraft makes shitty tasting food products in general.
Yeah, those Kraft slices can’t be called cheese, at least not officially.
I don’t even think they should even be called “slices” because I’m pretty sure they’re injection molded into that shape and not sliced off a block like real cheese would be
I don’t even think they should even be called “slices” because I’m pretty sure they’re injection molded into that shape and not sliced off a block like real cheese would be
They’re poured, flattened, and cooled in a sheet and then sliced into squares, AFAIK.
this cannot be real. we need a complete and total shutdown of all Pennsylvanians to figure out what is going on.
furthermore, pennsylvania should be destroyed
Here’s how I make pizza it’s basically the same thing
I’ve been wanting to make this post the last couple days. That shit is an abomination and tastes awful. There is a reason why I won’t go near Altoona for pizza.
I used to live on West Virginia, and I have to say, central PA makes WV look practically cosmopolitan. The town I was in had a good pizza place, a decent small brewery, and a mid coffee shop. I camped in central PA once and the town had one store, a gas station/liquor/“pizza” place. Also the people seemed even Chudier.
Central PA is awful and I’m glad I don’t live there. I had a friend that did live there and I was regaled often with stories about various chuddery that did occur there.
I did go out that way from time to time to see said friend, but you won’t catch me near Altoona. That place sucks. Been there a couple times and it’s boring and bland.
The only good thing I can say about central pa is I badly needed boots once during a road trip and there was a shoe store open on Sunday.
My friend was shocked when he visited me in WV and we had, yah know, stuff to do.
Central PA seems like the only activity is drinking.
Somehow worse than the weird rectangle pizza I used to get served for lunch at school
Good lord this is considered food? Looks like a melt yellow plastic on a what it looks like a flatbread.
The founding fathers totally would have stood for this. One of the many reasons they’re in hell.
Also I’d still try this.
Average am*rican dish and apt analog of am*rican culture