What do you mean “anyone else”? I was in the shower with you. I feel so ignored!
Can you guys keep it down? I’m trying to sleep on the loo
Geezus Richard, I told you to use the down stairs bog when we were showering! FFS
I knew a chick who would also put on blind fold sleep mask and earplugs… they seemed to like it but I’ve never tried
I split the difference. Shower with a candle in the room. Transparent shower curtain.
Only when it’s voluntary. I once had the power go out while I was in the shower. My thirty-something ass instantly aged into an octogenarian convinced he was breaking a hip on the way to open the bathroom door.
Not complete darkness. I got a nice warm led night light just bright enough that I can see what I’m doing. But yeah going spa mode after a long cold day is very nice
It’s good for forehead tension headaches also. I like to sit and stare straight into the stream of water in the dark, tends to help overload nerve input to ignore pain bit better.
Opposite. I built a second temporary shower under the window (lined the wall with clear plastic for visiting rellies that can’t step into the tub) - it’s nice to shower in the sunshine.
i’m autistic and have quite the sensibilities, including to light. taking a shower is something that has always been extremely calming to me, it shuts a lot of my brain down, including, sometimes, my anxiety disorder part. taking a shower in the dark is the closest thing to a state of pure inner bliss i can reach easily.
I do it when I have a really bad hangover
I would love to try but intrusive thought won’t let…
Oh yeah.
By bathroom light is motion activated. The sensor doesn’t see into the shower, so if I don’t wave at it every few minutes the light goes out.
A lot of the time I don’t bother. Super relaxing.
I do it everyday actually! Nice to see someone else doing it too
I do it if I’m taking a shower just before bed.