I mean, that’s not even trumps face…
Seriously, is the reader added context also ai generated? Look at his hair and hands? Wtf just look at the face that has no resemblance to trump shaking my smh.
And he’s smiling, obviously fake.
Yeah, all the women have the same face, and ol’ Donnie has someone else’s.
I was about to comment that they all seem to have pretty much the same face.
It kinda has a Kim Jung Un vibe to it, doesn’t?
It looks like Martin Short doing a trump character. Also yo ca still see the hair of the woman that “trump” was pasted on top of.
Has Hugo Chavez vibes
Obviously there’s a lot of weird things in this AI pic, but I haven’t seen anyone mention that all of the ladies have the exact same face
even the data used to train this model is racist
Come on, you’ve never seen someone hanging out with five identical copies of Michelle Obama?
“That’s just how black women look!” someone… Probably
There’s a very popular plugin for the most popular stable diffusion UI that automatically touches up all the faces in the image. All it takes to make sure the faces are different is to literally check one box. Then an automated post-processing script regenerates all the faces. Done. Whoever did this couldn’t even bothered to have their machine spend 1 extra minute on the job.
Has anyone mentioned the toes?
there already think all of them look alike. come to think of it, it’s hard to discern a republican from an AI. they’re shit at art, they’re racist, they constantly spout nonsense, and they’re bad for the environment.
The more you look, the weirder it gets
Seems legit
Oh that’s just Linda Forearm with her incredibly long forearm. Nothing to see here.
Thank you for this I literally giggled out loud
AI still struggles to do hands. Like, its better, but people inevitably get that vestigial sixth finger.
Why, computer? Why?!
Also, who’s hand is that supposed to be?
Maybe the woman standing directly behind Trump has 5’ long arms.
It’s giving me some last supper vibes. Guessing we’ll hear a bunch of complaints once those people stop watching the Olympics, unless they’ve been replaced with crickets.
It just needs a bit more JPEG and the problems will disappear.
Because AI is just a fancy statistical model which predicts things pixel by pixel. Hands create more statistical variables than other body parts because of all the things fingers can do or angles they can be viewed from. The model isn’t sophisticated enough to count hands or fingers properly.
Three out of five fingers have other fingers on both sides…
Trump’s pants LOL
The ruffled pants could be the most truthful of this image, his handlers sometimes put his pants backwards, probably because of the diaper.
LoL so weird
Tbf, his pants have done weirder stuff in real life. It’s the six-fingered lady that gets me
And very long single jacket flap.
The fake ai pic is distracting everyone from the casual racism of implying that all left leaning black women are “hoodrats”.
No doubt theres some old white guy behind that accountedit nevermind she appears to be real, just a candace-owens-wannabe uncle tomMe hanging out with all my totally real black women friends (three identical copies of Michelle Obama and two of Candace Owens)
The faces are 100% all Beyonce.
Also, whose hand is that around the woman in the white dress on the left?
It’s Trump’s left hand
not Trump’s left, the left side of the picture.
No he has 2m long hand that’s going all way there
His one arm is longer than the circumference of the earth. It’s wrapping the entire planet to put his hand there.
Some of my favorite parts are the girl with the white dress in the left with an oddly low butt, the six fingered girl right next to her, and the fact that (Chinese?) Donny-boy either has a weave or there is another black woman hiding directly behind him…
I like how it got trumps baggy pants and the smooth bulge from his adult daiper.
Doesn’t trump also claim to be over 6ft tall?
The AI couldn’t decide whether to use trumps face or the rock’s face.
Also, holy shit, check out the length of his jacket.
Tie length on point, tho.
I was going to say that, other AI weirdness aside, it got the atrocious fit on the suit, Trump’s bizarre fucking posture, and the tie length exactly right.
Lotta buttons on that there jacket
Look at the length of the arm on the woman in black on the left.
This pic just gets weirder and weirder the more you look at it.
The woman to Trump’s right could give him 2 thumbs up… On the same hand!
There’s also another right hand on the far left girls dress
Do they mean that his hands are too big?
Not just that…
all the womens faces look the same, almost the same smile, the same eyes, the same forehead/hairline, the same earrings, except once where a woman wears two earrings on one ear. All of them have long curly hair, even trump has long curly hair.
Unusual fingers
Note the cut fingers:
Note the extra thumb:
Note the merging fingers:
Note the merging / cut up fingers:
Which person does this hand come from? They would have to stand behind everybody:
Unusual hair and fingers
Very spooky fingers, a face that is not Trumps and unusual hairstyle, note the long curly hair:
Note how messy the hair gets further down, also the ends randomly defy gravity:
This shit is fucking cursed. I didn’t even notice trump’s curly hair, jfc.
After seeing this, if Trump loses, I thoroughly hope he grows an LbJ style mullet. (preferably from within prison)
White dress on the far left has a hand around her waist, on her right hip, that doesn’t belong to anyone (unless it’s the woman Trump is standing directly in front of). It appears to be a white person’s hand, though.
On Trump’s left shoulder is another… hand? Hairhand? That defies anatomical explanation.
Four of the women are wearing identical earring-like objects.
Three of the women are identical triplets.
I don’t think it’s normal for there to be four US flags in the background of these kinds of shots.
Look at the hand of the lady to his right (our left).
There’s also the hands on the waist at the ladies in white.
Xi Trumping isn’t real, he can’t hurt you
Xi Trumping:
If this pic was real, these women would be Amazonian huge since trump is supposedly 6’3".
If Trump knew this existed he would be furious that they allowed the women to be taller than him lol
I can’t get past the text being, just, blatantly racist.
But their PFP is a black woman! And they’re verified! Surely it must mean that their stance is genuine!
Not mutually exclusive.
Trump looks like he’s got a mullet.
Trump actually has a weird short mullet IRL. His hair (or whatever it is) is a phenomenon.