He’s single and all out of cares
trump would never let his GF date Trudeau, are you kidding?
surely a highly-educated ivy league man such as one donald j trump knows about a bride dowry. or maybe it’s simply because he’s a greedy, self-centered, self-serving asshole and stain of humanity who knows a revenue stream when he sees it.
he would bless the union for the small payment of canada.
Of all the stupid shit going on right now.
How is this not the stupidest idea. Brilliant.
Look, I’m not a fan of Trudeau either but I don’t think he deserves that…
The man likes insufferable women though I think. He was married to Sophie.
I know nothing about his family. If only American politician’s families would stay out of politics half as well…
So like sell his daughter into marriage to strengthen the alliance with Canada?
What is this, the middle ages?
No but it’s gon’ be
Ah, yes, women as possessions owned by their husbands and fathers, and used as objects to inflict revenge on other men with, how enlightened and progressive, and not just as shitty and harmful as when they do it. 🙄(heavy /s)
(and because defensive people like to make up straw people to protect their ego and cognitive dissonance - fuck the entire trump family, this isn’t a defence of any of them, it’s an indictment of how deeply misogyny is rooted in the entirety of society, including leftist circles that consider themselves “progressive” yet are happy to resort to this kind of counterproductive and harmful bullshit)
I’m not sure how this is misogynistic. If you swap the genders of everybody involved, it would still be fun.
Let’s imagine a crazy hypothetical: It’s Alternate Reality 1993. Margaret Thatcher retains control of the UK government, having won the leadership election in 1990, but has become increasingly unhinged from her long rule and is now publicly proposing reabsorbing Upper and Lower Canada back into the UK and is relentlessly mocking then-Canadian-PM Kim Campbell about it.
Canada-UK relations are hopelessly soured.
And also there are incessant rumours about the Iron Lady having sexual fantasies about her son Mark.
And, in the winter of Alternate Reality 1993, ousted former-PM Kim Campbell (known political foe of Margaret Thatcher), has a public and torrid affair with Sir Mark Thatcher, making neo-imperialist Margaret Thatcher furious.
That would be hilarious.
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Margaret Thatcher Is my dream woman.
I would warm her Iron Vag.
I’m not a leftist though. Men and women are different and they have always had very different roles in society. Saying otherwise is not progressive and it’s not misogynistic either. Fathers and husbands are defensive of their daughters/wives due to human instinct, not because they “own them”. Men are providers and protect women.
Ivanka is the one who wants Trudeau and it would also piss off Donald. Everyone would win.
Fathers and husbands are defensive of their daughters/wives due to human instinct, not because they “own them”. Men are providers and protect women.
Source? Because I have evidence to the contrary.
Thus, for example, biological models (Hutt, 1972; Wilson, 2000) argue that genetic, hormonal, and physiological factors influence gender differences; meanwhile psychoanalytic theory, the theory of social learning and the theory of cognitive development suggest that early learning fully defines the differences in adult gendered behavior. Sociological models such as social role theory (Eagly & Sczesny, 2019; Eagly & Wood, 1991; Thang, 2002) and expectation states theory (Berger, Rosenholtz, & Zelditch, 1980) suggest that specific aspects of social structure, such as the distribution of women and men into different social roles, contribute to persistent behavioral differences between women and men.
Most of what you said is based on non-human animal studies, where researchers looked at the instincts of wild animals and derived human characteristics from them.
I mean, it’d be sloppy seconds after her own father…
That would make Trump super jealous and angry though!
Do it.
Is this a real photo? She’s looking at him like a predator.
Yeah it’s real but the angle is weird. They are both actually looking a man chugging beer and make syrup at the same time.
Yeah she wanted to fuck him so bad but he was married at the time
Jesus, you hate Trudeau that much?
Come on man, he made mistakes but nobody deserves that!
Trump’s wife.
He could just peg Trump on live television. If we’re going, WERE GOING
It’d be like that black mirror episode.
It already is like a black mirror episode
No that was a pi-… Ooooooohh, right!
There it is!
Black Mirror S01E01
I saw the man march in a Pride parade in Montreal in 2017. So he’s probably been given enough of a briefing on the mechanics to pull it off.
Sorry you had to see that, hope you had fun otherwise
Only if Trudeau uses a strap-on with a mould of Arnold Palmer’s schlong.
I just want Trump to get fucked, I don’t want him to cum.
Lmfao that “uuuaaaaggghhh” at the end made it just that much more unsettling
Trudeau is out of her league by a long shot.
Sorry I’m too dumb, I don’t get it
Trudeau is about to be irrelevant.
His dad had two shots at PM.
Trudeau’s party is about to be irrelevant.
Trudeau is a survivor haha this isn’t the last we’ll be seeing of him
Have you not been watching polling? Last round showed LPC dropping down to 39 seats. It wouldn’t even be the opposition party with BQ taking that spot.
I didn’t get asked. Libs are only the second-worst party we have so they get my vote.
If I didn’t live in green party territory I would still vote for him. I wasn’t polled…
Exactly. Which means he’s free. Free to cause whatever mayhem he likes without worrying about losing an election.
Personally I’d never want to see him screw up a happy family with young kids though.
That’s why he should boink Melania, not Ivanka. Also she’s actually Trudeau’s age.
Seems a better idea. There is a non-zero chance Ivanka has been abused by her dad or someone associated with Don’s old friend Epstein. Melania just has an “arrangement” with Don.
Oh god, I’m taking this too seriously. I remember making the same jokes and posting these same pictures right after the US election with Don blathering about tariffs.
How own wife left him, I’m not sure he is capable of a healthy relationship
How own wife left him
Well it’d be weird if someone else’s wife left him, no?
We’ll be free of this bafoon soon that’s all that matters.
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