What kind of monster attacks public libraries
The one that wants to ban books.
And free to use public spaces, One of the last enclaves from capitalism. Comfortable third places for people to just exist
Libraries have free books. That takes profit from Amazon.
Libraries have free Internet. That takes profit from ISPs.
Libraries have free research tools and expert guidance from librarians. That takes profit from all sorts of companies that profit off your ignorance.
And worst of all, that stuff is all publicly funded, so when you look at a library you see government helping people. And there’s nothing conservatives hate more than government that helps people.
Libraries educate people. That takes away their voting base.
Interestingly, I hear people around me complain all the time about public funding for public goods…
We have more than most areas, and almost nobody knows the things are tax funded. And it’s all really nice stuff, like the environmental center is publicly funded through tax and even people who hate public goods rave about it (so naturally I point out that it’s all tax funded or it wouldn’t be nearly so nice and they look like they smelled poop)…
Our major utility isn’t even really a private entity, because it’s a renewable (hydro), and they aren’t allowed to own the river/dictate water movement here. The city does that for them.
It’s like a bastion of public goods in the heart of conservative space, and nobody realizes that it’s all tax paid… because it’s nice.
Oh, they don’t want those services to go away, they just want them to become part of corporations so the efficiency of the free market and the power of consumer choice will lower costs and encourage competition!
Just like healthcare, or airline deregulation did. Or pharmaceutical companies buying 100 year old mediations and jacking the price 2700% for “R&D”. So cheap, so efficient, with so little overhead. People just love the free market for essential services!
Government taking my tax money to hurt corporations when it should be using the tax money to spread
democracyconstitutional republics throughout theworldMiddle East!
The kind that has a vested interest in an ignorant populace.
Conservatives. They’re some combination of stupid, ignorant, and evil.
People who hated Mr. Rogers for swimming with a black man and Communist Sesame Street.
They started it when they refused to show me the genitals of that cute library monster! /j
As a former public librarian and current person who walks their dog, I’m of two minds.
I’ve seen less drug use and public sex at local public libraries than at interstate rest areas and on hiking trails.
If you’re going to overdose, I’d rather you do it in public where you can get help. If you’re going to engage in public sex please don’t do it around people that aren’t into that. There are private clubs for that.
If it’s a private club, it’s no longer public!
Well, it’s more public than your own home and everyone there consented to being around potential strangers having sex. Consent is sexy!
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Or set off the fire alarm by vaping in the bathroom. I hated when teen boys did that. It was always belligerent teen boys.
Yea, but are you a …… sexy librarian with the glasses?
Yes, but my local dungeon closed during the pandemic so I don’t know where to point folks anymore. I’d check on FetLife if I were you. There’s also the Queer Liberation Library if you’re in America and looking for “objectionable” reading material online.
And I’ve never been hip with the drug scene, as I imagine the young’uns say.
I was just asking about the glasses, but that’s cool
I leave now happy sunday
Yeah private clubs like the ones Republicans go to
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The Rhode Island Department of Health was giving away free Narcan at Providence Pride this weekend, so I picked some up. I’ll keep it on hand in just in case someone needs it. Go fuck yourself :)
Everyone else: Narcan’s readily available in states and there’s very little risk to administering it. It’s a spray up the nose.
(eta: context. My brother overdosed and you pretty much wished that others experience the same pain.)
As a precaution, you should expect that the person who you give narcan to will become violent for you taking away their high. You should still save their life, but be careful and be prepared.
That’s quite fair. People don’t tend to react well to becoming suddenly not-high. I don’t even react well to becoming suddenly not-asleep.
dont complain to me, I didnt sell drugs to your junkie brother. Maybe you should have taken better care of him
Why the comma? That use of a comma is weird, right? Is it just me? They used one adjective. This wasn’t a drug-infested, cum-covered sex den. This was merely a drug-infested sex den.
Whoever writes their captions apparently doesn’t spend enough time at their local drug-infested sex den.
Or spend way too much time at it.
This is what happens when you hire editors based on who has the reddest hat.
I think they’re presenting it as two separate problems. Drug infested is not describing the sex den. It is drug infested. It is a sex den.
Edit: Here’s a good explanation: "A comma performs another kind of abbreviation in a headline, connecting two ideas without a linking word or phrase (often and)
The problem with that interpretation is that you can’t have “libraries turning into drug-infested, libraries turning into sex dens.” because “drug-infested” is not a noun phrase a library can turn into like “sex dens” is. I also tried misinterpreting this comma as a comma between two adjectives, which doesn’t work because “sex” is not an adjective. Maybe “Libraries turning drug-infested, into sex dens” fits your interpretation better. Does it?
I suppose, yes. The library is turning drug infested and into a sex den. The comma is replacing all the words “and into a.” Which is essentially what you wrote. I guess i was trying to point out they were two separate situations and that drug infested is not describing the sex den. I was also trying to establish that commas can replace words and phrases. Although the example I gave above only replaced one word, it would make sense they would replace other words, as well, to shorten the headline.
I guess there are actual headline specific grammatical rules that are followed. While not a comprehensive list, some of these rules include leaving out auxiliary and some joining verbs, articles, conjunctions, etc, and replacing some words with various punctuation. Apparently, the list goes on.
wow TIL
As a side-note to your helpful link, I really dislike it when headlines use a comma in place of an “and”. Like, use “&” if you really must.
Print is not exactly the main way people read the news now anyway, I think they can spare the pixels!
You’re right because the hyphantion of “drug-infested” causes it to act as an adjective to describe “sex dens”. But there’s only one adjective so the comma is not necessary
or drug-infested, sex-ridden den
sex is not an adjective
At what point do Fox viewers wake up? Is there any point?
Waking up is woke. They already hate woke, because they won’t wake and see the woke rope-a-dope joke these fucks put them on is a slippery slope
Alright Eminem, let’s get you to bed
You must have forgot about dre
Everyone forgetting Public Enemy.
That was so fun to read.
20 years ago, they were out in full force because of Bush & 9/11.
Without a Fairness Doctrine that requires news channels to actually, you know, deliver facts… We’re kinda fucked.
But fortunately, you can just trust that if the person you’re talking to watches Fox News, assume they’re a fucking moron.
My grandma watched Fox News and wasn’t a moron. To be fair, she was also wicked deep into her dementia.
When they start getting beat in the street by the same people they thought were on their side for not being the right kind of person
My credibility for Fox has gone even deeper down the shitter after I was at the gym yesterday. They had Fox news playing and they were claiming that people are finding cartoon rat looking men to be attractive. What kind of fucking news story is that?
Elizabeth Stanton , Larry Fink · Fox News: be ashamed of yourselves
How rude
And the article just KEEPS GOING
Yeah I was watching it while on the treadmills and they had like 4 or 5 news people sitting at the table discussing it. I was appalled by the low effort mind washing shit they pushed out.
When I was a kid, I used to pick up newspapers and magazines that were pretty tabloidy, like “Bigfoot stopped moon landing because it will tip the flat earth”. Shit that was so stupid but it was fun for me.
I’m so furious that my enjoyment of really obviously stupid news is now moonlit on channels like Fox News.
Schools putting out litter boxes for school kids? And you believe it? What the fuck.
Where would one find such disgusting dens of iniquity? So one can avoid them, of course.
We are waiting on the response from the sexy librarian
It’s cause of all those STEM additions. 3D printers = Sin
If you spent more time at drug infested sex dens, you’d be less against libraries
Uhh, the library?
“There’s so many of them, which one?”
The question was almost rhetorical, because Fox couldn’t tell you if they wanted to.
the comma definitely increases the humour for me
I’m no grammar nerd but I think the comma makes “sex” an adjective, which should make me able to say that the drug-infested dens are “sex”. this says a comma only splits coordinate adjectives,
which can be swapped andwhere the latter does not form a common union with the noun, which means that even if “sex” were an adjective, the comma implies it can be swapped to make “sex, drug-infested dens” (single noun phrase), which it can’t because sex is not an adjective.Edit: this proof by contradiction doesn’t quite work because adjectives have a preferred order by category of what they mean, and being coordinate doesn’t mean they are in the same category.