US President Joe Biden has said he is not confident there will be a peaceful transition of power if Donald Trump loses the presidential election in November.
"[Trump] means what he says, we don’t take him seriously. He means it, all this stuff about ‘if we lose it will be a bloodbath’.”
Mr Trump’s comment that it would “be a bloodbath for the country” if he loses the election, made as he was talking about the auto industry in March, triggered a wave of criticism.
The Trump campaign, however, said the comment was specifically about the auto industry and had been deliberately taken out of context. It sent a fundraising email which said Trump’s political opponents and others had been “viciously” misquoting him.
But there’s been so many.
“Dictator on day one”
“You won’t have to vote anymore”
Those are just the two off the top of my head as I’m heading back into work on my lunch break.
Everything bad Trump ever says is either “a joke” or “out of context.”
Weird how often he says things that everyone things he means and then he doesn’t mean them. I sure wouldn’t vote for a guy like that. He’s weird.
What’s even in context for him? He jumps around so much there is no context.
This is his one strength. He can dog whistle as much as he wants because he always carefully chooses his words to add some sort of plausible deniability or innocent interpretation. So his base hears what he can’t fully say out loud yet and the media has to carefully tiptoe around interpreting it or lose credibility to his base
There’s nothing carefully chosen about it. He just vomits so many words it overwhelms the brain.
lol classic biden
come on joe, it’s been established that you can “say it like it is”:
trump is going to incite riots and violent insurrection, he’s going to demand the military stage a coup, he’s going to call for civil war. trump is 100% going to attempt 1/6 ver 2.0 and there isn’t a human being over 5 on the planet who doesn’t know that to be the case
The one thing I am fairly certain about though is that, assuming riots like that are happening in D.C., Biden will not hesitate to send out forces to stop it. Trump could have but didn’t want to.
There might be a few more Ashley Babbits this time.
ah gotta love the old “just try breaking into my house and i’ll introduce you to my shotguns!!!” crowd lamenting over the cold blooded “murder” of someone breaking into not-her-property
and yea. if these maga chucklefucks think DC is going to be the same soft cushy environment it was in 2021, then they’re even dumber than i thought. which is pretty fucking dumb. in addition to the dozens of snipers (that are visible), i’d be surprised if there’s a square inch of space in the whole motherfucker that isn’t covered by at least 4 cameras.
ah gotta love the old “just try breaking into my house and i’ll introduce you to my shotguns!!!” crowd lamenting over the cold blooded “murder” of someone breaking into not-her-property
Well said! It’s almost as if they lack in ye olde critical thinking and self reflection departments.
My dad tried to talk about how “they just killed her” a while back…
I was like: they gave her a lawful order. She was literally breaking into one of the most secure facilities in the world. She saw the trained men with the loaded firearms pointed at her and proceeded to move through a broken down door…
And then don’t forget that oath… From all threats foreign and domestic… she was a domestic threat. And the agent removed that threat.
Shut him right up.
These idiots want to fafo? I hope dark Brandon is waiting for them.
And she had military training and knew exactly what orders that guy had, so she knew it was going to happen, she was just betting that they wouldn’t dare or that their group of insurrectionists would overpower them. But she failed on every count and paid with her life.
It’s not just a lawful order though. Let me handcuff you is also a lawful order. They warned her, and everyone else at that door, that it was off limits and they would shoot.
The military is going to laugh at him. And then line up to protect the capitol from him. Some idiots might try to do something but the military as a whole is not going to obey Trump unless he gets elected.
I think the chaos will be happening at State capitols this time. National Guard (generally, with some exceptions) report to each state’s Governor. Many Republican Governors will be all to happy to start shit up and look the other way just as Trump did on 1/6.
Fun fact, if you don’t deploy your national guard then the President can do it for you, or even deploy national forces. This is what Trump was threatening to do with CHAZ in Seattle.
My dad is in his 70’s and doesn’t believe the gravy seals will try anything again. He thinks they learned their lesson the first time. I wish i was that confident/delusional.
This is the entire quote:
“No, we’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the country, that’ll be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars, they’re building massive factories.”
The context is talking about Chinese cars, but the bit where he says “it’s going to be a bloodbath for the country, that’ll be the least of it.” really looks to me like he’s saying there will be a bloodbath in general if he doesn’t get elected, the one in the car industry being small compared to it.
I don’t know why I’m spending time and energy examining the idiotic ramblings of the orange gibbon.
I understand he is talking about cars… but that’s not how anyone has taken it…
As a left centrist in a deep deep red state. I’ve got yet another firearm on order currently.
My politics boil down to
I want my state sponsored medically insured gay married neighbors and their adopted freely educated children to be able to protect their legally grown pot plants with fully automatic ak47s.
Hilariously those beliefs are sins in the face of my neighbor’s… Which blows my mind.
Conservativism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: there is a group that the law should protect but not bind, and a group that the law should bind but not protect.
And the thing is, while there are some people who just go along with this for the benefit of their own grift, the vast majority of these people actually believe that an order like this is absolutely necessary, and if we don’t have it civilization itself will collapse. In their view there must be a strict hierarchy and everyone must ‘know their place’ in it, or we are all doomed.
Because of this, they spend their time primarily in two pursuits:
- Trying to force everyone to live this way, because it is the One Right Way To Live
- Proving to themselves and others that they deserve to be in the In Group and at a certain level in that hierarchy, usually by trying to assign people to the Out Group and then put them in a lower position.
You’re just someone they’re trying to stuff in the Out Group, is all.
It’s also why they don’t like the idea of minorities in power; one, in their eyes minorities belong in the lower tiers of the Out Group and therefore their presence will destroy the fabric of society, and two, they think that if minorities are let into the In Group, then they will be forced into the Out Group.
The context is great! Its exactly like his other interjections - usually uncorrelated and exactly what’s really go in his mind
His bigot blurts are about the only truth he speaks
That’s the problem isn’t it? He’s not mentally there enough to realize a presidential candidate can’t talk about a bloodbath without it being taken that way. I learned that you have to think about how your message is received in grade school. And that was just to avoid detention.
Hey, leave the orange gibbons alone – they’re considerably smarter than the orange wannabe Hitler.
I think Biden, being freed up and all, should spend some time fortifying the election results. I know the election is inherently flawed but there should be systems in place to stop another Jan 6th. Do some maintenance. Get commitments from the states themselves. Jus saying.
Ditch the electoral college, certify the election with a popular vote, adopt ranked choice.
But then the 1% would become the 10% and I’m sorry but that just won’t do, it’s a very nuanced system that boils down to Rich good Poor bad. /s
He can’t just change the Constitution.
That’s absolutely true. However with the SCOTUS rulings as of late regarding the Executive branch, it could be fun to try.
If we ever get a trifecta again we need to kill the filibuster and then pass a law to expand Congress so the EC is effectively locked to the national result. As a bonus it seriously hurts lobbyists and gives us better representation.
Roll back Citizens United while we’re at it.
what happens when we lose the trifecta?
Historically we’ve never gone backwards in the number of representatives. It would be very hard for a party with a majority in The House of Representatives to make that case.
I think it would be a worthwhile exercise to draft up some amendments to fix the SCOTUS and lopsided representation problems.
It won’t pass. 0% chance. But , it would serve as a blueprint of what could be if voters gave them a super majority. And a foundation for a time in the distant future if both parties could actually govern in good faith again.
And it would signal to voters that the Dems are looking to improve our government, not just cling to the status quo like many voters (here, at least) seem to think.
Ranked choice is just another way for people to game the system. I wish people understood this.
If we can only afford one candidate, they can afford 30. Ranked choice is like the very last possible thing that should be implemented in a supposed democracy. You don’t believe me, the Conservative party of Canada has ranked primaries. You have 4 crazy people and 1 moderate. Who gets more votes? The crazy people. You’re literally sealing your fate if you implement ranked voting in a mass-lobbying environment like the USA.
Nope, it works great here in Australia.
FPTP is the worst system, and couple that with a system like the electoral collage and you have a system designed to make as few voices heard as possible.
Is lobbying legal in Australia? Considering the sway the oil and gas lobby has in AU, i don’t know if your point stands. I just can’t see it helping a shitstorm like USA, when I can see it impacting Canada negatively
The goal posts, you move them sir.
That was always my point, idk what youre saying
That you’re moving the goal posts?
Ranked choice is just another way for people to game the system. I wish people understood this.
Vote for the candidate you want, and then put the moderate as your second choice, shuffle them all together and oh look the moderate got the nom, but has to campaign in such a way as to please the democratic plurality of a multi party system.
How many “crazy people” have been put forth as the Canadian Conservative Party candidate? As the general elections went in 2021, one of the most contentious in recent history, it looked like there was a plurality there. The outcome, and current scandals not withstanding within the Canadian governemnt, there aren’t assassination attempts creating articles from reputable sources giving serious credence to civil war.
Seems like a two party system might create some tribalism there, let’s look back at the Canadian Parliament, with a lot of different parties in the parliament compromising and doing politics. Looks like a lot of pluralism there.
Now let’s take a look at what the US Congress has been up to recently
Weird, outside of a universal vote to go on vacation, I don’t really see a plurality there. Mostly along a two party line.
I wonder how we got there? I bet someone smarter than I has thought of this.'s_law
Oh they did.
Moving back to the threat of political violence, which is a much larger conversation than ranked choice voting. Could a two party system contribute to that? Could other countries with a binary politcal system face the same issues?
Huh could the very nature of a two party system, encourage political tribalism and disincentivize political collobaration?
What does the future of the US want?
Huh, thank goodness we don’t have to deal with those pesky crazies in the Canadian Conservative Party ranked primaries.
Ranked choice is just another way for people to game the system. I wish people understood this.