XKCD already found out who he is
Tommy was reported to be incredibly rich. $200k isn’t enough to be considered incredibly rich, especially not in Hollywood.
I found out who he was too. He also recently used the alias “Russ Nightlife” before being arrested by his maid.
Lemmino on Youtube made a high quality video about the incident. Highly recommend that.
It’s here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbUjuwhQPKs
Nice. Thanks for the link.
Netflix also have a documentary on it but there are some different details in that video.
I thought I saw in a documentary that it was proven to be Loki after losing a bet with Thor.
There was another documentary that says he fought Bigfoot while a bunch of shirtless guys went jogging.
I heard the theory that the plane workers made it up to steal the money. I think it was on a Lemmino video
One of the stewardesses was so traumatized she spent a decade as a nun…doesn’t sound like she was rolling in money either…
Watched that video now, it’s not mentioned there.
Yeah I don’t really remember where I got that from. As the other comment pointed out it’s probably not true anyway.
I think that theory was one of the top comments on lemmino’s video when I watched it a while back
They never found the money, either
Part of the money was found: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D._B._Cooper#Recovered_ransom_money
But most of them were never used, they documented the serials of the bills.
Reading that wiki summary it would seem likely that “Cooper” never made it out of the woods.
Speculation on my part regarding his lack of preparedness for the jump (no boots, poorly clothed, no steerable canopy) and the weather conditions (wet, cold, night) at the time could have resulted in possibly moderate to serious injury on landing in a remote area. Dragging himself to a water source, along with some/all money where he possibly died. Animals disperse the corpse, spring rains expanded the water source and carried money to where it was found.
I thought we had decided it was Nixon after a bender, being his usual tricky self?
I thought Big Foot kill Cooper? Unless Big Foot killed Nixon?
Nixon was bigfoot! Wow I didnt put it together until now.
My theory: the parachute they gave him was packed to not open. He’s impacted several feet into the ground somewhere.
He asked for four, two main and two backup. Of those one backup was non-functioning and the other was supposedly possibly by him to carry the money.
He asked for two sets specifically to imply a hostage might be jumping with him, to negate the option of parachute tampering.
Then the corpse would have been located. A human body falling from a height doesn’t drill into the ground. Also, the parachute would have been detected.
Well he asked for 3 parachutes if I remember correctly. This gave him the opportunity to take a hostage with him and no way to guarantee who got which parachute. So it is unlikely that it was tampered with.
Now did he use it correctly who knows it still could have not opened.
He did pick the hardest to use out of the three, the one made for combat.
He would later go on to fight Bigfoot.
Time traveler
Others also commented this. I don’t watch superhero movies, but I’m interested, what is the reference, why do you think this?
It’s from the show, which is quite good.
Why did they ignore the 180-degree rule? Also, didn’t DB Cooper jump at night? Isn’t Loki also like a thousand years old, how would he be young in the 1970s?
He has used magic disguises multiple times in the movies.
deleted by creator
Definitely Adam West.
DB Cooper is Charles Westmoreland.
This documentary series on Netflix is well worth the watch. Yes, it covers the details of the incident, but it also does meta-coverage on the people who are on the continuing hunt for answers. You get the DB Cooper story, and you get the DB Cooper legend, and you get those placed into a societal context.