Most radical centrists: Democrats and Republicans need to work together.
Crooks radical centrisim: Democrats and Republicans need to die.
no, he missed
Marxism Crookism
lol, if biden had happened to be near this guy would clipping his ear be enough to kill him?
if the shot didn’t shock him to death the secret service tackle would have shattered him like a vase
Now that would have been the funniest outcome
I’m imagining it like this moment in Not Another Teen Movie (timestamp 1:57) (CW: comedy gore)
I’ve unironically been saying to my friends for like the past week that the funniest outcome is that he’s just a centrist
Men will literally try to assassinate a president rather than go to therapy.
therapy is not the end all be all that people seem to imply it is
There are indeed a lot of shitty therapists out there. Very under regulated profession.
Haha it’s me
Jokerfication transcends electoral politics
Could be used to villify people who hate both Biden and Trump and brand them as dangerous to democracy
Probably just “Will be used” tbh
i feel like its mostly libertarians
It doesn’t actually matter what the facts of the situation are the event will be used to stomp down on people the establishment doesn’t like.
One thing everyone can agree on: You MUST use 3 names when addressing an assassin.
It’s the weirdest thing! I’ve been saying this for years.
I feel like this might be something to prevent infamy from being spread to someone with a similar name, but also because having three names can also make “naming” them feel more serious. Like when you are a kid and you are in trouble with your mom and they use your full name to establish how you are in a lot of trouble instead of just a little trouble.
I feel like this might be something to prevent infamy from being spread to someone with a similar name
It’s almost always this, serial killers usually get the same treatment. I think it was especially more important in years past when a full name was more often used to identify a person
Abe’s assassin only has two names so I propose we address him as “Sir Tetsuya Yamagami”.
Tommy “Terrible Shot” Crooks
Jerry: But lone gunmen assassins, they always have three names. John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, Mark David Chapman…
Alice : John Hinckley. He shot Reagan. He only has two names.
Jerry : Yeah, but he only just shot Reagan. Reagan didn’t die. If Reagan had died, I’m pretty sure we probably would all know what John Hinckley’s middle name was.
Wow, first incident of suicide by Secret Service.
So did he just commit suicide by SS?
Honestly it kinda seems like that might be the case. disillusioned and depressed centrist who correctly sees that both candidates suck and is like “let’s see if I can take one of em out before I go”
Or maybe he had delusions of being a famous high profile assassin in his death regardless of who he actually killed
Idk, all speculation so far. Most possibilities seem pretty equally valid to me at this point
Someone said that he didn’t make the rifle team at his school, so my 90s-movie-addled brain just assumed he wanted to prove the haters wrong in the most extreme way possible
he proved them right.
also schools have rifle teams??
Shades of Arthur Bremer giving up on assassinating Nixon and deciding to go for George Wallace instead.
On May 4, 1972, after a ten-day break from writing, Bremer realized it would be almost impossible to assassinate Nixon and decided that it was Wallace’s “fate” to be his victim, even though his diary entries never showed the same level of interest or enthusiasm as they did with regard to assassinating Nixon. Bremer made this clear in his diary writing, “He [Wallace] certainly won’t be buried with the snobs in Washington. … I won’t even rate a TV interruption in Russia or/Europe when the news breaks—they never heard of Wallace.”
Kind of amazing to think how recent the Democratic Party’s heel-turn away from the Dixiecrats was, and how one of the assholes in their orbit made it to the Vice Presidency and then the Presidency anyway.
I’d love to find Biden’s response to the Wallace shooting, but since he wasn’t yet a Senator (he’d be elected that year) he may not have had to make a statement. For more on Biden and Wallace, here’s a Rolling Stone summary from 2019.
Several paragraphs
On Thursday, another decades-old quote of Biden’s surfaced courtesy of the Trump campaign’s opposition research team. A September 20, 1987, story in the Philadelphia Inquirer reported Biden had bragged about receiving an award from George Wallace, the former Alabama governor and one of America’s most notorious segregationists.
The same story went to quote a presidential primary campaign speech Biden had given in Alabama in which he said “we (Delawareans) were on the South’s side in the Civil War.”
Biden went on to distance himself from Wallace. On Twitter, Biden spokesman Bill Russo shared a 1976 news story quoting Biden saying he would not support Wallace’s presidential bid and would back the Republican candidate if Wallace somehow won the Democratic nomination.
A Biden spokesman tells Rolling Stone in a statement: “As a young Senator, Joe Biden declared that if George Wallace — an unhinged, racist maniac — became the presidential nominee of his party, he would support Gerald Ford. If more GOP leaders had a scintilla of that same courage in 2016, they wouldn’t be debasing themselves this very minute by defending another unhinged, racist maniac.”
Biden’s campaign declined to comment on the candidate saying Delaware sided with the pro-slavery Confederacy during the Civil War.
They don’t mention the year but I think the award in question was from 1973.
well at least the depressed kids are shooting aristocrats now instead of schools. people with some actual blame for the shit, i consider it a step up. congrats, us.
Average moderate voter in America
extremely undecided
Poor guy
I’m imagining him on his computer clicking one of those porn ads except it’s ‘war criminal presidents near you are BEGGING to be shot (2 miles away!!)’