Fuck Spez
He’s such a disgusting greedy little pig boy who frankly belongs in a deep hole where nobody will find him 🙏
Saddam meme with Sadam crossed out and replaced with Spez.jpg
Interesting given that he is actually preparing for an apocalypse scenario where he hides out in a bunker only to emerge a leader of men.
Does he know that his net worth will be reduced to either his useful skills, or whatever the next guy gains by killing him and taking his stuff?
Seriously, you better have something real useful for your bodyguards, because they’re probably the first ones that’ll turn on you.
There was some legit talk among the wealthy a while back about how to control their
slavesservants… and the idea of bomb collars was floated…I can’t find the article at the moment (I’ll edit when I do because I’m still looking but my app tends to crash if I wait), but this is all totally on the up and up and it’s really fucking depressing that there are so many articles now about doomsday bunkers for the ultra wealthy… like they could have just pumped that money into fixing things but they don’t want to… sociopaths.
Edit- found it faster than I thought!
Rules for rulers
Which is why I am happy to be a metallurgical engineer who can blacksmith…
I love this idea of billionaires making bunkers. Pretty sure I can afford the quikrete and wheelbarrows needed to make this a better world.
Hey I’ll help fund and work that too. 💪
Maybe thats what pyramids were for.
If gdog05 can seal the doors, then they would both be tombs.
Pharaos were the OG preppers.
I agree, but what the Irish are doing is dumb. If reddit it hit with that, then so should Google and the whole of the internet, since everything can get you videos. No one should be in charge of sensoring the internet.
If you want to operate in a country, you have to abide by their laws.
If you want to restrict your people more than the rest of the world, cut yourself off from the world wide web.
I’ve read your sentence multiple times and I’ve no idea what it means.
I mean, there’s one typo where it says “it” instead of “is”, but other than that it all looks to make sense enough. By all the votes it looks like most people understand it just fine.
Google and other companies are being covered by it, as they are headquartered in Ireland for their EU activity. So what’s dumb about that? And what are you on about sensoring? Did you even read the article?
I did, and aside from youtube, I don’t see any mention in the article of “google”. Plus while what is listed out as being banned is all well and good, except one of them could have a whole lot of room for interpretation. Who’s to say what determines incitement to hatred? All listed platforms are big established entities with bankrolls and all already don’t really allow anything listed by the Irish, so really it just seems like an attempt at a money grab for Ireland to issue fines and collect cash whenever they decide.
Absolutely fuck spez.
But he’s right here. Just because he’s a fuckstick doesn’t mean he’s always wrong on every issue 100% of the time.
Various forms of censorship under the flag of ‘online safety’ have been pushed by governments since the internet began to exist. And before that with print media and television. Censorship is not the answer. Never was. First it was for porn, then it was for video games, then it was for hate speech, it’s always something.
But in the words of Captain Jean-Luc Picard,
“With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.”
Censorship must be opposed.