While millions will still vote for the Republican candidate, perhaps hating immigrants more than they love reproductive rights, the only certainty at this point is that many millions more will vote for Vice President Kamala Harris. In the latest ABC News/Ipsos national poll, the Democrat enjoyed a 14% advantage with women over Trump; among women with a college degree, that number rose to 23%; among women voters under 40, it rocketed to 34%.
That, in turn, is causing some MAGA commentators to break from their usual posture of feigned confidence to outright panic.
“Early vote has been disproportionately female,” Charlie Kirk, head of Turning Point USA and helping to lead the Trump campaign’s get-out-the-vote effort, posted on social media. “If men stay at home, Kamala is president. It’s that simple.”
Ladies, divorce your Republican husband while you still can.
Based and actually good advice
From a hotel in another city or a distant but good friend’s place. Avoid the black eyes please.
Unless you’re the one giving them.
Ah, but republican men are pushing for laws to make it difficult or even illegal to divorce them without permission.
That’s the joke
It’s not a joke, it’s deadly serious.
Yup. I’ve recently heard them start up with the bitching about “no fault divorce”. Used to be I’d hear old grumps bitching about that when I was so very little…and now it’s making a comeback, it seems, among people who are younger than me. WTAF.
What’s next? Bitching about women being able to drive and have a banking account? Holding the deed to land?
Timothy 2:11-15 New International Version
11 A woman[a] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[b] she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women[c] will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.
This is the framework theyre aiming for. Blessed be the fruit.
That’s likely why they said “while you still can”, but yeah.
See, now if a billionaire would just finance divorce lawyers for this, then I might have a second thing on my list of things that billionaires are good for.
I was about to ask you what the first thing was.
Then my stomach rumbled.
They’re preparing to strip women from voting, like in the good ol’ times.
We’re not going to let that happen. I refuse to go backwards.
I refuse to go backward too, but they overuled Roe, which my aunties told me would NEVER happen. So just not going back isn’t enough. We have to move forward.
Well if early indicators are correct, not only will Kamala win, it’s possible to retake congress.
To state the obvious… Go Vote, bring your friends, every vote counts. Especially when it comes to down ballot.
Well if early indicators are correct, not only will Kamala win, it’s possible to retake congress.
Don’t do that. Don’t give me that kind of hope.
The Democrats will manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, never fear.
God I’m so worried about this.
Like Trump will go through the predicable steps of election fraud as perpetrated in 2020, and Dems will say “oh fiddlesticks he tricked us, oh well”.
Don’t worry, even if dems grab a trifecta they still won’t undo enough damage for us to actually progress.
They’d need consistent wins for the next 50 years to undo the last 70 years of republican policies.
Depends on the margins. There’s a huge difference between a 50 seat senate win and a 56 seat senate win.