They need to give both as many and as much drugs as they want. If drugs will somehow make them coherent, make it a requirement. I honestly don’t see a downside. They can even advertise for the drugs and everyone still wins
You sound like the sort of person who would really enjoy the All Drug Olympics. :-)
So just the regular Olympics then?
No, the drug Olympics gives them downers too.
So many exploding hearts.
“Only FDA-approved substances will be allowed” (but we’re not going to do any testing so go wild!)
All drug olympics you say? …wonder if they’ll have figure toking.
The Toke-Athalon - a three stage sport involving [some thing], a 1 gram rolling and smoking race, and a round of trivia.
Back in the day we had a regular civil disobedience event that had a game like this, but it was cannabis activism trivia, roll and smoke race, and more cannabis activism trivia. Surely there’s a better third event somewhere.
I. Fucking. Love this.
Thank you so much for sharing!!
I’ve fantasised about this for at least two decades, now it’s really happening!
Exactly this.
“Sorry Mr. President, the policies you enacted during the triple hurricane saved thousands of lives, but the drug test you took beforehand were positive for mood stabilizers so we’ve invalidated your policies and everyone who was saved by them has been taken out back and shot.”
This isn’t the fucking Olympics. But then debates are a terrible way to judge a president to begin with.
Debates where candidates debated the actual question/issue raised were useful. Whatever we have nowadays as they talk about unrelated things and try to find their 7s soundbite are useless.
Biden is coherent.
And Corn pop was a bad dude, we know this.
Such a good song
I hate linking a probably right wing channel by the name, but it is a compilation of dozens of occasions just in the last two years. Biden is definitely not at the mental capacity to run a nuclear armed country. Neither is Trump.
And that should alarm everyone as they both are clearly put there as puppets to be controlled.
Spoken like a true capitalist!
Come See Capitalism’s Latest Stage Yet!
Why would they panic? They’ll just play their usual pigeon chess: knocking the pieces over, crapping on the board, and flying off to announce that they have won.
They saw him during the State of the Union and it didn’t match the clips and memes from their echo chamber that they live in.
They tried to blame drugs (pigeon chess) and no normal person has bought it. They don’t have a plan B for when people actually hear him talk.
Ate out with the wife tonight, and got an unexpected political back-to-back: the restaurant had CNN playing on one end of my field of view, and Fox on the other.
CNN reported on all kinds of shit. Every time I looked up, different topic. They went back to the upcoming debate and the Gaza genocide a couple times, but otherwise just an even spread of unfolding events.
Fox spent most of the time talking about how left wing media will spin the debate to make Trump look like an extremist; and then a few small snips about how illegal immigrants are terrorizing our society and getting our youth hooked on fentanyl. They even managed to bitch about Hillary lol, although I missed the context… assuming they’re still rambling about emails.
People who watch Fox must be terrified and angry like all the time lol.
People who watch Fox must be terrified and angry like all the time lol.
That’s the point.
Cortisol addiction is a real thing
I completely missed the “with” in your first sentence and, wow, I had some thoughts and feelings which I am glad I didn’t share without re-reading what you wrote first.
I did the same and this comment made me look again. Was bout ready to say does this guy have a news kink? Lmfao
Yeah, I was wondering which restaurants this guy was able to eat his wife out at. Every time I’ve tried I get the old, “Sir, this is White Castle, even we have standards.”
Yeah, at White Castle you have to at least use one of those tiny napkins to wipe up after.
I was wondering which restaurants this guy was able to eat his wife out at.
Waffle House, ofc.
More projection, Trump is known to abuse Adderall.
Adderall, if you don’t have ADHD, will act as a stimulant but does nothing to make you smarter or more coherent. It also does nothing for dementia that the Trump team wants everyone to believe Joe has, somehow without symptoms. Trump on the other hand has MANY symptoms of dementia, and appears to be declining quickly.
Pretending that a drug even exists that somehow Biden could take that would make him alert and dementia free for a debate (or State of the Union) just helps muddy the water around Trump’s decline.
It would be a good thing to test Trump on drugs. His team has all the incentive to make him not sound the babbling idiot that he is.
Why bother? What drugs are we hoping to find and be like “gotcha!”, that’s why he had such a convincing word salad about magnets, windmills, sharks, and batteries when asked about his plan for a future term.
They both have dementia.
The constant stream of occasions of Biden becoming incoherent, forgetting social norms and protocol and sometimes just standing there blitzed out of his mind are clear signs of dementia. They are both demented old men and watching people argue about how their demented old men is less demented is hilarious on the one said and deeply sad and worrying on the other side.
Also Adderall, which is amphetamine aka speed also acts as a stimulant for people with ADHD. It is just at a smaller dosage that makes the stimulation help focus. Like you said stimulants cannot help against dementia. Regular stimulant use is more likely to worsen it, as it is neurotoxic.
My life is a constant stream of becoming incoherent, forgetting social norms and standing there dumbfounded and very few people say I’m demented. I also don’t engage the public for work, nor do I have a camera trained on me all day with an army of detractors at the ready.
Are you a career politician? Do you have 40 years of experience on how exactly not to do this? Does your work require a particular emphasis on knowing how to behave with a camera on you half of the day?
There has been like 4 videos about Biden that are all provably fake in the past week alone. They’re lying about him. He’s old, but he doesn’t have dementia.
Regardless of how shit Trump is, abusing adderall is dope
The number of sad white men who wear their grandma’s bra’s in the darkness of their room is higher than anyone wants to admit. It’s always projection. Every accusation from conservatives provides insight into their actual desires.
You making a woman, on your <mimics typing in the air in front of face> computer?
Well, I guess at least one other person has seen Weird Science.
I upvoted out of pity, I haven’t seen the movie.
Spoken like an expert on the matter “Granbo”